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Are there any MD car stereos with a line in?

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Sorry if this has been asked a hundred times before but I'm looking for a MD car stereo with a line in so I can have the best of both worlds (mp3 player and MD). I thought there would be plenty out there but the ones I've found require you to use a cable to fool the stereo in to thinking a CD changer is connected. Does anyone know of any models that feature a line in on the front or rear without using the CD changer workaround?


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I was in a rented car last week made by Chrysler, relatively new, from the clock probably about 1 year old. It had, all included in the one in-dash unit, a 6-CD changer and a 3.5mm jack for "line in".

The biggest problem with the "changer workaround" is you need some clever electronics to fool the bus into switching on the changer audio input. It has to send commands to the unit which then responds. There's no single wire or jumper to enable that input. Looks like the newer head units with the jack solve this problem.

I actually really like the MD changer in my own car - it takes almost no space, and was easy to install. So you could buy any Sony CD in-dash unit, and add to it a Minidisc changer. The one you probably want is the MDX-66XLP since it is the only model that reads LP2 and LP4.

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Thanks everyone for your input. I probably should have clarified that my first priority is a line in for my MP3 player so it would seem getting a new CD stereo with an aux in is by far the easiest option. It's just that I have no need for a CD player in the car (they'll only get scratched) and I have a load of old minidiscs that would get a new lease of life if I had a deck in the car. I have a Mazda MX5 so there's no room for a changed and to be honest half the appeal is having something on full view that says "Yes, I love minidiscs"!

Ah well, looks like it wasn't to be :(

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If I get any of the recent sony car steroes, will I able to add the MD changer? If yes, where does it go and how easy is the wiring for it.

And if how about controlling 5/6 md's once you get it installed. Means what kind of play, rw, ff control you will have.

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I think that all that is required is Unilink (Sony's special bus). Check the specs.

The control is fine. Mine works completely fine from Chrysler head unit, so I am sure Sony will be better (I don't have title display but I suspect the Sony will). Mine allows me to go forward or back a disk, as well as forward or back a track, as well as FF and REW.

If I get any of the recent sony car steroes, will I able to add the MD changer? If yes, where does it go and how easy is the wiring for it.

Sorry missed answering the other part. The wiring is nothing because it all comes from the unilink cable. The changer is small, and the wire that comes with it is long (15ft or so), so it can go virtually anywhere. The ONLY trick was threading it under the carpet - which I used a coat hanger for.

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