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What Would You Hi-MD be?

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If there was a revitalization of the MD, what would yours be? I put this under the Hi-MD because my imaginary device is Hi-MD. So here's mine:

Sony Ericsson 10k

-A 4" touchscreen mobile phone that's Sony's answer to the iPhone

-Allows the downloading of apps and already has music/video and video game ability

-Comes with basic apps for web and productivity

-Built in 8 gig SSD

-Bluetooth, GPS and all those other features that the iPhone has

-Plays a new form of MD called B-MD based on Blu-Ray and holds 5 GB each (re-writable)

-Also supports legacy, MD, MDLP, NetMD, MD DATA, MD View and Hi-MD

-The interface for the legacy MD playing/recording app resembles a portable MD player

-You send/receive media with Mac, Windows or x86 Linux

Alternatively there is the PSP II that allows for these MD formats as well as UMD. It has all the functions of the Ericsson but no phone calls or GPS.

These devices would be 4.5" long 3" wide and .4" thick.

P.S. I understand the implausibility of this. It's not a real idea. Just something for fun. But I wonder, if there was an MD with a high enough capacity, it could possibly win out over SSDs. If you had an iPod that had a dedicated 40 Gigs and if it were possible to have a high density MD with 10 gigs that allows for a higher volume of media. Like a booster. If you get an iPod and your music library expands quickly and your iPod can't fit it all then you either pick and choose or buy a new iPod with more space. And before the iPhone you couldn't really acquire music for your iPod while out and about. I remember being at school and recording music onto my MD recorder without any trouble and little set up time. Just plug in the optical cables to the school library's stereo and record music.

Edited by zahne
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I'm defintiely repeating myself, but here goes:

A 'business' unit like the MZ-B10, but for Hi-MD and with more musician-friendly features found on other digital recorders (tuner, metronome, key change)

Sony decks - eg. MDS-JB980 for Hi-MD

Higher capacity disks, eg. 2GB+

Don't need video, net, games etc but if others want it then fine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like all the ideas! Maybe a Firewire 400/800 in/out for the deck for faster transfers. What would be really awesome is a higher capacity Hi-MD disc and a professional recording unit. Like the HHB one. 2 XLRs, 1 USB 2.0, 1 RCA stereo in, 1 RCA stereo out, 1 optical in, 1 optical out, phantom power, a qwerty keyboard built in, with featues to upload even standard MD metadata to Sony Acid and Apple pro software. That'd give protools and maudio a run for their money!

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My Kid and I were walking the other day and this discussion came up " Dad , I wish they would make ONE more MD "


Whoa , my 14 year old , ........ MD ----.>>>> Not iPOd , Not PSP , crap how do I respond ????!?!?!?!

So I told him that we were having this very discussion on the Forum , he said " Really " ? so we got to throwing ideas around

Ya Wanna Hear what came outta my kids mind ???

He got honorably put on the genius status for awhile for this one .

" Dad ,. ......... you know we are in the age of technology . So I think the last MD should be really functional , I mean like R2D2 functional , That you should be able to put the disc in and that R2 would Wirelessly transmit 5.1 audio to your system , while Playing the Band Holographically ,.......... oh yeah , and I think R2 should be able to pour Beer as well , that way you wouldn't have to stop jamming "

I am thinking to myself ............ wow , that is some serious thinking skill ! My Kid

14 Years old . Yep I did good B)

Edited by Guitarfxr
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