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Upload from factory-mastered MD

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I got the first read-only (factory-made) MD in my hand today.

I was quite surprised to find that I could upload with the RH1 with no problem at all.

Is this why Sony decided they had to do something to stop piracy off of digital media?

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I think you've got it backwards, dude. Sony began by crippling people's ability to move around their legally acquired music and then later gave in briefly with the release of the more permissive MZ-RH1. I don't have any delusions that MD would be king if they had been smarter--but it would still be in manufacture (like audio cassette and VHS recorders) and we'd not have to scramble like coyotes on what's left.

But anyway--yeah. I found that pretty cool, too. It is the only way I could justify bidding on more official releases. They import into PCM nicely and I can go anywhere from that.

Edited by narp
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I didn't mean they made the restrictions because of the RH1 :rolleyes:

I meant that they figured out anything digital could be stolen, copied without trace, whatever.

Before all this they had DAT, and the record industry's fear made all the manufacturers implement Serial Copy Management System (SCMS), so they knew this well before MD. Sony had a tough time promoting MiniDisc to record companies; on the one hand they had to convince customers that this was a new recording format and on the other hand they had to sort of downplay that and push the pre-recorded side of things to get broader support in the industry. Tough slog, it must have been.

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Before all this they had DAT, and the record industry's fear made all the manufacturers implement Serial Copy Management System (SCMS), so they knew this well before MD. Sony had a tough time promoting MiniDisc to record companies; on the one hand they had to convince customers that this was a new recording format and on the other hand they had to sort of downplay that and push the pre-recorded side of things to get broader support in the industry. Tough slog, it must have been.

This is true. To be honest, I never saw much use for prerecorded MD's. It always made more sense to me at the time to buy the CD version and then record it to MD. That way, you had both versions...

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I was originally never interested in CD->MD, but MD->CD as a way of recovering old recordings. So the whole idea of MD readonly ranked right up there with ATRAC CD's as useless. However I can see the usefulness of each, now.

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