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why minidisc

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Hi i am new,here but was wondering why are so many folk into minidisc,where is the attraction,is it better than anything else ? i have just ordered two players one for the home and one for work a personal walkman,i seem to have got the bug and its grabed hold of me and i am facinated,just wondered why everyone else, best wishes Brian

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I don't think a lot of people are into MiniDiscs anymore.. it's just a bunch of die-hard lovers.

I like my MD for recording concerts or programmes from the radio.. but if I'd choose a player I'd use my cellphone. Putting songs on a single MD takes a long time.. and I can't hear a difference between a Hi-MD song and an mp3@320 vbr.

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Guest Talisin

I don't think a lot of people are into MiniDiscs anymore.. it's just a bunch of die-hard lovers.

I like my MD for recording concerts or programmes from the radio.. but if I'd choose a player I'd use my cellphone. Putting songs on a single MD takes a long time.. and I can't hear a difference between a Hi-MD song and an mp3@320 vbr.

Well, for me there are several answers:

First, is I love the sound md brings me. I know everybody says there are flash and harddrive based players that sounds very well using flac, ogg and the more, but I have tried a lot of ones and noone sounds the same for me. Maybe my ears are the problem :P

Second: I love using a formar that is the hardest. You can launch a MD from the car, and go back, take it and put again working perfectly.

Third: I like the feeling of playing albums, not just songs. Yes, you can do that with other players, but the "mistic" of choose the MD you want to hear, holding it watching the sticks, the art of the album...Maybe not practical, but very satisfizing :D.

Four, I like the versatility of the format: you can record, edit and play from the same unit, all in the go. And you can use standard AA batteries that last loooooong!!! :D

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For me (in 1997) it was the wonderfully clear recordings, easy and pinpoint accurate editing without resorting to using a computer, classy machines and the fact that the disks are sturdy and the playing surface is not touched when the disk is handled.

Nowadays these same values hold true for me and I have just purchaced a new home deck so I am still passionate about the format.

I will add that I have no MP3 player, no computer downloaded music, no camera/music phone or any way of even playing MP3 and I am a 'line in/out' kind of guy with a dash of optical for good measure ;-)

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Thankyou for your replys,very interesting to hear your reasons for using minidisc,well i have just picked my mz e310 mdlp type r walkman up and had a go and i am totaly amazed,i have done a lot of multitracking in my time ,but this minidisc player is at the lower

end of the market and it is awesome ,really pleased with the sound i also used a set of sony MDREX300SLB AE EAR PHONES AND THERES MORE BASE THAN YOU CAN WAVE A STICK AT .so pleased, next i had a go at my other minidisc deck mds sd1 which also came today,now i presume that both players are at the cheap end of the market,or maybe not ? because they are both outstanding,cant wait to get some more music on to my recordable discs ,i presume its ok to convert mp3 to atrac which is what i have been doing,until my pre recordable ones come, i have downloaded sonicstage the latest one ,it is not finding any of the two players,i am not sure why, so thanks again,very best wishes Brian , i have to say from what i have heard on my two minidiscs today ,totaly amazed the qaulity is outstanding ,best fun i have had in ages,i hope i never have to use a mp3 ever again lol

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Well why do I choose minidisc? Like many the reason is probably that the choice was made when there were far fewer options & it just so happens that minidisc still works (more or less). If I was starting now it wouldnt be minidisc. I must say I have got attached to some of the hardware - Sony & Sharp made some very well made devices which it is a pleasure to use. I have been reconsidering lately the best way to record radio epecially the new digital stations. In the past the only really good, effortless method was a deck that had a record slider.

These days there is the iPlayer download software, Radio Downloader, recently mentioned in another thread, but the trouble maybe coverage.

Freeview is another option but how to get the files off the box? Humax boxes no longer have a working usb port & the Topfield seems to be unfit for use in its stock state. I have recently come across the cheap Grundig GDB20USB3 freeview box that has 3 usb ports for attaching pen drives or self powered hard discs, that save files in a mpg_ts format as a matter of course. These play fine I read on PCs.



Seems like these are available from Tesco's here in the UK for

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Freeview is another option but how to get the files off the box? ... I am in a bit fo a fix. A transitional case.


Get a freeview box with optical and/or rca-out/Scart cable. Play into PC's soundcard.

OK, it's realtime - but then otherwise you'd use internet radio?

Hope it helps.

Mind, you probably knew all this anyway?



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Hi just a few pics of my minidisc players ,iknow they may be at the lower end of the market but they have a briiliant sound the sony mds-sd1 Deck sitting on top of my computer is connected to the sony creative Decoder ddts-100 which give an amazing sound,and the speakers Tannoy reveal studio monnitors ,i have never heard any thing this good, not sure how i never heard of minidisc befor lol the other minidisc player is a sony m2-e310 walkman,there is no record function on this model but again the sound is awesome,all this from i presume must be at the lower end of the market ,most of my friends have not heard what the sound is like on the minidisc players and tend to refer to them as crap lol well ill have a barrow full please, Brian

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Get a freeview box with optical and/or rca-out/Scart cable. Play into PC's soundcard.

OK, it's realtime - but then otherwise you'd use internet radio?

Hope it helps.

Mind, you probably knew all this anyway?



yep. I had been doing something like that into my MD decks, BUT to do timed recordings means then setting 2 timers - one on the freeview box, one for the deck - too much trouble. Its a shame that Freeview doesnt produce mp3 music files, then the Grundig box would have been ideal. Oh about that Grunding box I have read it wont work with hard drives that spin down when not in use :(

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yep. I had been doing something like that into my MD decks, BUT to do timed recordings means then setting 2 timers - one on the freeview box, one for the deck - too much trouble. Its a shame that Freeview doesnt produce mp3 music files, then the Grundig box would have been ideal. Oh about that Grunding box I have read it wont work with hard drives that spin down when not in use :(

Sorry, made a presumption - the freeview box I have includes hard-disk. My timed recordings are STORED on the box for playback at my leisure. No need to time the deck.

You can get my freeview box for less than

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