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Recording with Real Player

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I'm out of luck, what are you a Sony loyalist? I'm sure I can get around it.

No, you're pretty much SOL.

It's 2010, there's a million ways to acquire music nowadays, it's not that serious.

Unless you plan on real time transferring it back to the computer, you're going to have to acquire the tracks again.

Note - I do remember back in the day being able to use Realplayer to transfer files to a NetMD device, but you still had to have Sonicstage installed on the system.

from: http://www.techsupportforum.com/hardware-support/driver-support/33070-mz-n707-type-r-net-md-driver.html

I wouldn't recommend using the Jukebox though, it's very slow and temperamental. RealPlayer has a Sony NetMD plugin that is much quicker and more reliable for transferring files to the minidisc (Open RealPlayer, go to Tools > Add Device, select Sony from the Browse menu, select Sony NetMD)

Note: the RealPlayer plugin needs all the Sony software installed before it will work properly, even if you choose not to use SonicStage/OpenMG.

But again, anyway you look at it, the only way to transfer the files is to do real time, via PC, stand alone audio CD recorder, Sony PCM-M10, Sony ICD-SX750, etc.

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