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Hold "display" button for a few seconds.

Presumably you also get into the menu when you hold the menu button on the unit down, also. Just you don't see the screen display, right?

Oops, the menu option for Contrast does not show up when entering the menu from the remote.

If you can figure out how to get into Option (use the remote to enter it and then cancel), the "Contrast" (I suspect this is your problem) is 3 clicks "north" (upwards) of the little wheel on the front of the RH10 (mine is a 910 but so what?). Then FF to increase contrast from blank screen.

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OK, I've looked at the RH10 service manual and I am not much wiser than before.

The only thing that occurs to me is that perhaps putting it into service mode may have a fail-safe action which turns the display on.

Maybe some RH10 owner out there has run into this. I know my RH1 went black on one occasion and eventually revived for no obvious reason.

Another thing to try is to connect up to USB and see if that wakes it up at all.

Good luck!


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No difference from what? You've only told the screen is blank. But I have no idea if that means the whole unit is non-functioning. I originally misread it, perhaps - does ANYTHING happen when you insert a disk? (the usual noises of disk turning) Can you play a disk?

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  • 8 months later...


I have not resolved the problem.
My RH10 is being repaired.
I copy you a method for setting the language in RH10 written by: Ishiyoshi

Someone has requested a brief guide as to how one set language on the RH10. The Japanese user manual actually Illustrates the menu structure but if you can not be bothered with the Japanese manual, follow the steps below.

Upon entering the menu (by holding the menu button for a few seconds):

1) Select: ³ Æ ¼ ïÀßÄê / Option
2) Select: É ½ ¼ ¨ ¸ À ¸ ì / Language
3) Select: ÆüËÜ ¸ ì or Inglese

* Please note: For Those Who can not view the Japanese text, please use Japanese EUC encoding.

Have a nice day

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Test mode on RH10/910 (I have 910 but presume they are the same) is one of the more reliable for getting into.

I cannot test it for reasons I won't go into, but here is the information I remember. Someone should confirm this, and if it's wrong I will immediately delete this.

1. Remove MD disk from unit, close door

2. Turn on hold

3. Holding down "menu/search", press >> >> << << >> << >> << || || (the last two are the pause button).

(just in case the above didn't come out I will write another way FF FF RW RW FF RW FF RW Pause Pause)

(I think it's ok to turn off hold at this point; I usually forget otherwise and wonder why the machine is locked when I am finished). Remember to remove the power source (charger or gumstick battery) as the way to exit service mode.

AS ALWAYS, you're on your own once you enter TEST mode. It's not my fault if you read this and something goes wrong. There are a zillion ways to make your machine useless once you get into TEST mode.

Good luck!

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Many thanks for that. Is that info in the service manual or do you need to know an insider for that?

Anyway I was able to enter the service mode in both Japanese & US versions and I think it's safe to say there is something physically wrong with the OLED display of the Japanese unit. Thankfully I didn't ruin either unit!


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