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Hello everyone I just bought a mz-e44 minidisc player on ebay mint. it sounds wonderful

Can anyone help me stop this minidisc addiction its so fun buying new units I own about 18 units and 2 decks

You should find the enthusiasm dwindles when you cannot physically open the door to your hobby room / studio to order another on-line!

Seriously though, if I may ask, can you hear a slight click on the audio, as if the audio is being muted rapidly, when the stop button is pressed? I ask as I have an E44 in for repair, and both this and my only good stock unit share this same problem.

They also go off, as if the battery was disconnected, when shook quite vigorously. This is a good test of the G-Protection anti-shock circuitry working, but I have never known another unit go dead like this. And that is after ensuring the battery is positively fitted with good, well sprung terminals in a clean condition - so that is ruled out.


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Hello everyone I just bought a mz-e44 minidisc player on ebay mint. it sounds wonderful

Can anyone help me stop this minidisc addiction its so fun buying new units I own about 18 units and 2 decks

Where are you buying them? How are you paying for them (credit card, bank account, debit card, cash?)

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Some eBay I am deployed so I have a lot of extra cash I am collecting minidisc as well I am about 300 I think.. Will put up pics later and yes my unit shuts off but only if I use one of those off brand batteries not the Sony kind as for the clicking mine never clicks but I can always hear the motor running like its constantly loading the music and I have noticed it hates Memorex disc.

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Nope no one cares about any of my minidisc they just laugh and call any of my units that I use at work an atrack player I just laugh and say "please enjoy your iPods you I-sheep" and go about my day so I have nothing to worry about and your so right how no one understands our obsession. My wife thinks I am a little crazy for using minidisc still, like I tell everyone who asks... "Quality over quanity"

But just to be clear I will never leave the format until all of my units have stopped working and I can't find anymore to buy.

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