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HiMD iPod Boombox

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Anyone tried one of these?


From the ebay description:

Unique Hi-MD Minidisc Recorder-Downloader and iPod Docking Stereo Boombox
Finally Two Competitors in One : Hi-MD and Ipod plus Alarm and FM Stereo , All digital with Remote Control for IPod , Rewind/Forward ,Pause, Stop, Repeat , M.Bass , Memory Set , Sound Volume Set , Equalizer , Alarm , Sleep ,FM , Input switch , M+/M-, Ran St., 1-9 buttons, AL1 , AL2 , Power On/Of, IPod Lift/Tilt eject .
This Modified Combo is Not available in any store worldwide
Hi-MD can be powered by USB or 1xAA Size battery
and Boombox is powered by Worldwide Automatic Switch AC 100-240 Volt or Battery 8 x “C” Size .
So you can use it anywhere Worldwide at your Home/Office/Kitchen/Bedroom simply plug in to your AC outlet
or by using battery you can take it to the beach , picnic , park or garden, and is small enough to be used as a deluxe travel alarm clock .
Listen your Hi-MD recordings or Ipod recordings , and if you have Wi-Fi you can listen Streaming Online Radio , talk over Skype , Watch YouTube , Movies , Concerts etc .
When you connect Hi-MD through Boombox USB out to USB in to your computer, you can download music , Store/View DATA, VIDEO, TEXTS to Hi-MD .
You can record in to Hi-MD via Analog your MP3 in real time
or do it in the Mix with Microphone ( Audio + Voice ) two 3.5mm plugs are located on the rear side of Boombox along with MD USB plug in .
NOTE: Sony does not support Win7 & Vista, BUT - I will send you SonicStage for Windows 7 and Vista !
Boombox has very nice crystal clear sound with m.Bass , powered by 3-Way speakers .
Built in amplifier will plays your Hi-MD , Ipod , FM Radio and AUX in MP3 music and total power gives you -
(equivalent to 2 x 22.4 W) 16 Watt of Stereo Clear Sound
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Well I just corresponded with the seller (at least the seller's wife). This ended with "do you want to buy or chat" which seemed to me like a pressure tactic. I don't respond well to pressure selling.

1. The HiMD unit is not detachable, and it's not possible to modify an existing NH600 to go in the base. According to my correspondent.

2. They have more than one unit (of course).

3. As soon as I asked details, I sensed canned excuses. I don't think anyone is going to properly specify this product. Support is another issue.

In the light of Jim's ongoing concerns about HiMD from the POV of maintenance, I *might* have considered this if 'twere backed by a reasonable warranty and the corporate might of Sony.

The whole thing sounds like a pig-in-a-poke, TBH.

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It looks like a quite well done modification of old iPod boombox stock (google for CSMP165 to see the original unit). The 'triangular' advertising blurb on the front looks nicely done, although why Tux the Penguin is on there I do not know. But the section overlapping it looks like a genuine peel-off promotional sticker with the top and bottom cut off to remove the original manufacturer's model number/name. I get the impression it was originally a complete or partial circle that was stuck over the left speaker grille.

The MD battery box is obviously stuck on in the space originally used as a carry handle, and the I/O plate on the side seems incongruously out of place, not quite in keeping with the overall design. I must say it is a lot of money for something made out of two 'surplus' items.

I have seen this seller before, and I must say they have a very strange mix of stock. Their descriptive text is often garbled nonsense such as you see from Chinese sellers, and photographs are often obviously Asian. And the stuff they sell? Outboard motors, wedding dresses, Reeboks, MD units? And then you see something totally incongruous, and more in keeping with secondhand selling on eBay, such as this item: 261207877256.

Just my twopennyworth


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Here's a link to the Coby


Assuming you're correct, that's quite interesting. Coby are known here for their region-free DVD players for very low cost, and as you can see this is a $49 item. No wonder he doesn't want to sell a modified dock without the HiMD unit !!!!!!!!!!

It might indeed work nicely but what sort of service would you want (never mind get) in such a transaction? Cost of shipping the unit very far will be exorbitant - and then instead of a major company you have one guy, as your support option(s).

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