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MZ-RH910 can't read discs made by RH1

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8 minutes ago, freddyjollo said:

I threw out some normal md that my Sony MZ-B10 was having trouble with,  laser  was clicking away having trouble with them, the were old.

Was the laser having trouble during playback or when reading the TOC?

If first, I would suspect it is more on the laser's account, then on the discs'.

If latter, it was probably a bad TOC. I got one discs recently been forgotten in a recorder I bought for parts, and it would not play in some of my decks, popping out with disc error. After a couple of attempts I tried pushing "All erase" while the laser was struggling with the disc. It did erase the disc, and I got a fresh TOC. This disc keeps playing problem free since then.

I only have a few hundrend discs, and do not play them on a daily basis, thus my limited experience with bad discs (only the one above) is probably not representative, but my view is that md as a media is very durable. Apart from mechanical damages or dirt, it should be normally error free. Bad production media can exist though, I admit.

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The RH1 got a significant upgrade from the second generation MD players (RH10/910 and M10/100). I would not be surprised if the incompatibility is simply the result of that lack of capability in the earlier models. I would hazard a guess that the 128kbps (a lousy format TBH) is variable bit rate and that Sony hadn't learned how to do that yet in 2004.

Can the 910 play regular ATRAC without problems?

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ah thats worth knowing. I wonder if this is the same reason I wasnt able to upload some mp3s to my NH600 himd - they would have been from the BBC using radio downloader when it still worked?


hmm just had a look all are 44.1 but they have some very strange bit rates -- eg


138,129,137,132 kbs!!!  I looked at the info in Sonic Stage I assume is accurate? but vlc say the codec is 160??

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