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MD eject help required

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Hi MD users,

Apologies if this information has been supplied elsewhere in the forum, I neeed so advice.


I have two Mini Disc player/recorders: MDS JE480 and MDS JE770, both have a similar fascia design.  Both these MD decks have ejection problems.

The MDS JE480 is incapable of ejecting a MD at all even when inserting a cocktail stick through the front slot and assisting the disc to pop out.

The MDS JE770 fails on eject intermittently and when it fails can be encouraged to disgorge the disc by easing it out through the front slot during ‘eject’ mode. Of the two decks the JE770 mechanism sounds like it has the most wear. Inside both the mechanical disc carriers / readers seem identical.

During mechanical operation with the loading of a disc, once fully inserted the MD carrier lowers down onto the bed of the reader through the action of a metal bar which is pivoted near the front of the machine.  For the MD to eject this pivoted bar has to raise the carrier up in line with the slot in the front panel. It is failing to do this that stops the MD from being ejected. You can tell this is so by turning the bar about the pivot, lifting it at the back following the activation of ‘eject mode’, whence the disc ejects easily.



It isn’t a lack of push from the disc carrier that forces the bar, and hence carrier, into alignment. It’s lack of lift at the bar and so on the carrier.

I can’t see from a direct examination of the playing mechanism how this bar pivots upwards to lift the carrier into alignment so more information would be welcomed. I didn’t want to take the mechanical carrier off the deck without getting some advice about what I was doing first.

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sounds like another case of the tiny rubber  eject belt needs  replacing. seems to be happening a lot now. I suppose given how old they are now  not surprsing. so Amater  you need to  look thru the posts on this matter - there are  quite a few. You can get the belt from Ebay for a  few £, if you intend to keep the decks  some time  get a spare. replacing the  belt is a bit fiddly  but not too  hard: some  are able to do it from the frontt I took the  mechanism out and opened it  up but you do have to be careful not to  snap the fragile  head









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Hi freddyjollo

Thanks for your reply.

I had seen a video on YouTube previously about the replacement of this belt, but when I opened up the case of the deck to examine the fault I couldn't see how a belt could be responsible for tiping the carrier up so I decided to ask the question for some reassurance. Now you've given me that I'll get some belts and go back to that video.

I'll take it carefully so as not to damage anything. After all I can still lift the carrier by hand if I need to get the disc out now.


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2 hours ago, Amater said:

tiping the carrier up

well  not quite sure  what that is. The disc goes in and out thats all?  you are  refering to the  head going up/down? well I would have thought the mechanism to  lift the head also ejects the disc. Any way it seems the  little belt is the  culprit for  most of the ejection issues here it is really tiny and wonder is it lasts so long,  I dont think any one else has  had another type of mechanism failure here.  Sad that a deck can last for decades  and end up as junk just becuase a tiny bit of  rubber  band cant be found. I bought some  similar size rubber bands  in bulk meant for  craftwork, making bracelets , "hair accessories", to see if they would  do, havent tried them yet but got 100's of them for a few £ as sooner or later the  proper  belts wont be available?


when I  replaced mine I had to remove temporarily  a little spring on the side that keeps the top and bottom together  ( JB940 deck ) as I decided to  give myself more space so opened up the mechanism - some  people manage to  poke it into place thru the  mouth. But be careful as some one already broke the fragile head in replacing the belt by poking around

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Yes that's it BearBoy.

The machine has the umph to push the disc out (and pull it in of course) it just can't lift the disc carrier up that little bit to line up with the slot in the front panel so that it can get out. When a disc is inserted the carrier drops down onto the reader table to be played.

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