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10 minutes ago, BearBoy said:

Have you had a play with it yet, Kevin?

Sort of. The supplied USB cable was broken, that was easily sorted. Need to install M-Crew on some suitable machine, plus the USB drivers. I did try with our main Win10-64 machine and whilst M-Crew would install and run, it couldn't communicate with the device so I guess the required drivers are missing. I think I'll need to install it all on an old XP laptop to have any hope of it working. Also I note from this page that use with the 770 requires a firmware upgrade. I'm not sure if the PCLK I have is already upgraded or if the required firmware update can be found anywhere. Plugged into the 770 nothing happened, although with a replacement USB lead at least the TOSLINK LED on the PCLK lit up.

Dunno. Needs some more faffing about with. Any tips and sources for software appreciated!

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/12/2021 at 1:55 PM, kgallen said:

Sort of. The supplied USB cable was broken, that was easily sorted. Need to install M-Crew on some suitable machine, plus the USB drivers. I did try with our main Win10-64 machine and whilst M-Crew would install and run, it couldn't communicate with the device so I guess the required drivers are missing. I think I'll need to install it all on an old XP laptop to have any hope of it working. Also I note from this page that use with the 770 requires a firmware upgrade. I'm not sure if the PCLK I have is already upgraded or if the required firmware update can be found anywhere. Plugged into the 770 nothing happened, although with a replacement USB lead at least the TOSLINK LED on the PCLK lit up.

Dunno. Needs some more faffing about with. Any tips and sources for software appreciated!

You'll definitely need a 32-bit version of Windows. Windows 7 does fine - the problem I had was the old laptop had a 1.1 USB socket and so the whole thing really couldn't keep up with the data, by the time you factor in the old, slow laptop hardware.

I think a "custom" win7-32 on a tower of some sort might be reliable. My 770 worked fine with MCrew last time I checked.

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