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Axia MD | MD PS (Player's Spirits) - 1st Version (1997)

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Axia MD | MD PS (Player's Spirits) - 1st Version (1997)


This series released in 1997 is one of my favourite Axia discs. I love the slightly more subtle paler shade of blue on the disc itself and on the tinted cases. As usual the attention to detail is very high - apart from the one typo on the index card - see if you can spot it. The discs were available in both 60 minute and 74 minute versions. 


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The tinted case looks really nice. I don't think I've got any discs with (coloured, rather than just grey) tinted cases. Seems like such an obvious thing to do with all the coloured discs that were released though.


Are coloured cases like that fairly common on Japanese releases @Richard?

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4 hours ago, BearBoy said:

The tinted case looks really nice. I don't think I've got any discs with (coloured, rather than just grey) tinted cases. Seems like such an obvious thing to do with all the coloured discs that were released though.


Are coloured cases like that fairly common on Japanese releases @Richard?


They were a feature of many Axia discs but other than that I think only Maxell had some tinted cases and they were all tinted dark grey as opposed to color matched with the discs. That kind of detail is one of the things I really like about Axia discs

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