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The new NW-S705F from Sony store

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Don't know if this was already mentioned, but sony store has some insane prices for the new NW-s7 and NW-s6 series. I bought my 2GB NW-s705F for $129 Canadian, which is around $100 American. This deal is insane, and people should buy one right now. I bought my in Canada's Sony store.

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Indeed, I thought it was just one near my area, which is when I grabbed a bunch and start selling them on eBay haha...

Turns out it is indeed all over though, most are sold out by now though...

(of 706F models anyway... The place I went to had a bunch of 706F's open box, and gave me a further discount down to $135 CDN for them... Yeah, that's the 4 gig model... ^_^...)

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OK these Sony price drops are getting ridiculous.... the NWS706 4GB is only £99 from SonyStyle UK website n that's crazy cheap. If it's gonna lose value that quickly then i'm not buying a sony again

i mean i've never seen an ipod 45% below its recommended retail price... go figure

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