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NW-A3000, Please put me out of my misery!

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Hi all,

basically after hours and hours of looking on the internet and trial and error, I'm fed up with my a3000. Can someone here be kind enough to tell me straight whether i'm able to take my songs from my mp3 player and put them back on my pc with all the song information (atrist info etc.) still intact? Bareing in mind that the vast majority of my music has (stupidly) been saved in the ATRAC format.

Please someone put me out of my misery :sad:

Thanks! :lol:

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Doesn't GYM, or grab your music work? I know people have gotten it to work and were able to get their songs back off their player. unfortunately I never got the program to work correctly for me and my A3000.

I did use GYM and another piece of software which worked through Winamp (I forgot the name) which did let me take my music from my A3000 to my PC. However the music, once on my pc would not playback in any media player I had on my pc (dispite each files details stating it was in an mp3 format). There were a handful of songs which did playback and they were all the songs with I had downloaded through things like BareShare so I don't understand why it didn't work for all of them.

I connected my A3000 to my PC and tried to take music from it by going through My Computer etc. but all the songs were just titled as numerically making it impossible to know which was which.

Surely by now someone must have found an easy way of doing this?

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You can try this -> http://support.sony-europe.com/DNA/Downloa...&m=NWZ-A818


I have not tried it ,whether it will be able to convert Atrac files, which have been transfered to walkman or not .

Edit:Mp3Conversion toll doesn't work on files which have been transfered to walkman:(

Now your last chance is to use Marc's HiMdRenderer


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