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11/21: Wild MZ-R700/R500 Hack

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Guys, don't know how to say this, but Im shocked!!!

There, starting from the clumsy MD NewB, then submitted my hack, at an almost light-speed rate, i was a a star. A 5 minute one i might say tongue.gif. After some time passed, i got my MD trashed in an accident, and left this forum. Then, by a mistake i go back here. And what do I find??

Here we are! April 2003 AD, ppl are still working on this hack!!

I am short-wordly AMAZED! I didn't even dream of having so extesive works on this. Even though the old squad has gone, i see some fresh meat here, that still is discovering new stuff about thier MD's. And i guess that was my aim from the beggining. To make ppl start exploring&exploiting thier MD's to the limit's! CPU overclocking, GPU modding, eveything like that was common when I started out. I was hoping to do the same for the MD world. Now i see my work has not gone in vain.

All I can say now is there are tears going through my eyes. Tears of proud. I cannot express how thankfull I am to all the ppl who made this possible. Thank you all. May MD's be with you.


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Guest Anonymous

I just bought an r500 from a friend. While browsing on the web got a look on this post. Very interesting, gotta try the hack. BUT, I would like to have the possibillity of mic recording with the r500. Is this possible (I mean is the hardware onboard) ?

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Guest Anonymous

Thanx Devilbunny, don't know what you mean with a battery-box though (english ain't my native language), but if it's a device that does not only contain batteries but also modulates my passive mic-input into a standard 150 millivolts signal then I understand what you mean. Point is that I have a really nice passive mic (from an old AIWA cassetterecorder-walkman) and the previous concert recording I did was with an MD using that mic was VERY convincing, so I would like to use that mic for recordings on the r500. Anyway if it doesn't workout I'll make sure I get such an batterybox.

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Guest Anonymous

story continues...

I forgot to say is that I want to use that mic without any extra apparatus attached on my MD beside the MD and the mic itself (smaller=less=better, at least when it does not impare the sound, which doesn't with this mic)

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Guest Anonymous

Thanx again Devilbunny, (and thanks for the compliment on my english).

So I need a batterybox. Ok, maybe I'll buy a whole new active mic instead. Sony has a few of them in their productline (a bit expensive though) that are very small. They even have versions that translate the signal into optical digital output. I want to know if the r500 produces a nice recording of such an input, think I'm going to try one of these at my reseller.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just found these instructions yesterday, had to register today and say how well it's going. I modded my R500 yesterday, and it's working pretty good. I like the ability to store playlists for each disk, and I love the auto track mark feature. I've been wanting that feature for a long time, and now I have it. It's great smile.gif No way to change EQ settings as of yet, that's too bad.

Maybe when I work up the courage, I'l give my N505 a little go with some extra features too.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just to say that the R700 Hack works on the G755 as well- only feature that is lsot is the bass boost- but you get all the other 900 series features.

First value for a 755 is as for a 700, second value is 30 instead of 20. Other than that, seems to work OK.

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Guest Anonymous

Just found that it may be useful. In case your MD disc has its TOC messed up, or the disc can't be "All erased", try this: Go to service menu 518 (erase), set the value to 00 then press "pause", allow the machine to run up to after address 032. The TOC of the disc is now cleaned and become a fresh blank disc.

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Ok, used the original hack and works pretty well. The numbers that were stored were the same, and my unit had/has the same firmware. I will receive my RM-MC11EL shortly ('bout 1-2 days)... So far so good :wink: !

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I'd say it works coz the radio function lies on the remote, not the unit itself. When u hack the unit, u don't hack the remote... I'm 99.9% sure that u can still use the radio, but don't make my words urs...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

hiya. i performed the hack on my r700 and it worked perfectly, thanks! thing is, cos i've got the crappy remote that comes with the r700, i couldn't use the speed or sound features properly. over the past couple of days i borrowed a friend's remote from his n707, and messed about with the speed and sound settings. i have the sound settings how i like them now (1:b1t2 2:b3t2). today, the same friend sold me his old rm-mzr55 remote, which is great cos it's backlit. thing is, with it i can get at the speed option, but not the sound settings (in case i ever want to change them) does anyone know of any way i can get at the sound settings with the rm-mzr55?

thanks in advance

tom flynn



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Guest Anonymous

Hi Guys,

I did the mz-r700 to mz-r900 hack and now I can't seem to charge my battery (the unit turns off and makes a clicking sound whenever I press charge).

I already tried resetting the unit with no luck.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


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  • 1 month later...
Guest Anonymous

I am just letting R501 owners know that I have just succeessfully upgraded my MZ R501 using the instructions for the R500, one different value though, my unit had '30' where the instructions said it would say '20' but no problems (yet!!) cheers


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Guest Anonymous

I upgrade my mz-r501.I think,that the SOUND1 isn't the same that BASS1.I think,that BASS1 (in oryginal mz-r501) have more bass. SOUND1 have default settings Bass:1 Trebble:0.Maybe somewhere in Service Menu is option to change it?Regards from Poland wink.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

You may be able to get back to the service menu by enabling HOLD on the MD, then holding STOP on the unit (instead of the GROUP button) and entering the NEXT/NEXT/PREV/PREV/NEXT/PREV/NEXT/PREV/PAUSE/PAUSE sequence using the remote.

When in service menu, restore the original values for F-code registers 61 and 62 (I hope you wrote them down). If you don't know them, try changing register 63 from 1 to 0 (or the other way around). This should reset 61 and 62 to their default.

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