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Everything posted by otiasj

  1. otiasj


    I just uploaded the file so it might not be on every source forge server yet The link you gave worked for me...
  2. otiasj


    Hello everyone Sorry for the delay, I have made a new release on source forge: Version 1.0.1: - added version number & about screen - Fixed + - not showing properly bug - now show the space left on the device - now show the percent of the current file - album list and artist list are now sorted on the device - VBR files "should" work - can keep adding files to the list while transfering I am in the middle of adding the playlist support... Please if you are experiencing files that you can not play from the device send them by mail at saito_j AT yahoo DOT fr Thank you
  3. otiasj


    Ok, thank you for the review I will test that, but there is a strong chance that the plugin won't be compatible with sonic stage... Indeed There is some info I don't know how to encode (probably pc side related) Small delay in release (GF possibility tonight ) will release tomorrow evening
  4. otiasj


    Hello Everyone! Auke & nickzeff : thank you for the files I will take a look before releasing this week's plugin :-) planning on releasing tonight
  5. otiasj


    Hi nickzeff, You mean the old version was working and the version you downloaded from opensource doesn't work anymore ? I have rechecked with the database you sent me before and I don't have any problem:-( Please send me your new database files (dat only) please :-) saito_j at yahoo dot fr thx
  6. otiasj


    Hello Everyone, Auke: the key that I need are either encodekey.dat from gym or the DvId.Dat from MP3FM It would be easier for me if you used sonic stage thx Stuge: Hi, you just need to copy the ml_sony.dll file to your c:/program file/winamp/Plugins/ directory See the read me bellow, Oh and you need winamp full free version (with the media library plugin) I almost finished the indicators to show how much space is used/left I will probably post a new release tonight so that you can play with it in the week end See ya Here is the read me : Ml_sony : Description : A winamp plugin to use with your sony network walkman The plugin can be used to : transfer mp3 from your pc to your player transfer back oma files from your player to mp3 play tracks from the device in winamp (ATRAC plugin might be needed) multiple players can be plugged at the same time What is currently not working : - files using Variable Bit Rate (vbr) - probably a lot of others things... WARNING! !This is an alpha version! This plugin will overwrite the content of your database and probably mess it up (^-^) So I advice you to backup your data so that you can test without bitching :-) If you have oma files you want to save from your device you can do it without risking to lose any data, AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT PRESS THE APPLY BUTTON! If you press the apply button your database will be overwritten, I will not be held responsible for any damage this plugin may cause to your player. yadayadayada... INSTALLATION/BACKUP: Here is what you need to do : -plugin your device -backup your files by renaming your directory "OMGAUDIO" to something else like "OMGAUDIO2" -Create a new directory "OMGAUDIO" -Create a file named "04CNTINF.DAT" in this directory -If you have a NWA1000 or any player that is not protected (NAW3000): create a file named "nocode.txt" (still in the OMGAUDIO directory) or, -If you have a protected player make sure you have at least ONE of the following : *MP3FM correctly installed with a MP3FM/DvId.dat file : see the official sony page about MP3 File Manager *or the decodeKey.dat from the keywizard in the directory "GYM" see "Grab Your Music" at for more info : http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym/index.htm -Copy ml_sony.dll in your winamp/plugins directory -run winamp DOWNLOAD YOUR MUSIC: If you want to take your music from the player to your pc, -go to your player in winamp media library -select the music you want, right click->download the files will be saved in c:\ ADDING MUSIC: -Go to your music library, select what you want, right click->sendto, choose your sony device. -go to your device you should see the files you added with a "+" in front of them. -finally click apply, and the songs will be added to your walkman! REMOVING MUSIC: -by selecting a file and pressing the delete key you can remove songs from your device. (you need to apply) see configuration for the meaning of the symbols Enjoy!
  7. Plus I don't quite see how it would work... This would require rewritable cds or dvds or umds, or online registration. Otherwise how could the console tell if the game has been used on another console? Online registration is the more plausible but that would mean that you would have to have an internet connection everytime you want to play...
  8. otiasj


    Hello everyone! Auke: Yes the more player sample I have the more I can make the plugin compatible, please do the manipulation I asked before and send me the files Only send them directly at saito_j at yahoo dot fr (Multiple mails with several zip files is ok) xispe: Yes I have some problems playing the VBR files, I don't quite understand how the bitrate is encoded yet, if you have some info... as a result the displayed time is incorrect. About your idea of all album, all artist or all genre indeed it would be great, But I am not sure if it will work, Indeed so far in the db format I have seen 1 track = 1 album + 1 artist + 1 genre I just have to check if having twice the same track filenumber is a problem or not Let's hope it is not a problem ^^ Concerning gym : please could you try to find out why it's not working? I tried to have the same fields as in sonic stage but if there is something missing I would be glad to understand what it is... Plus it would be better if people still had the choice between using ml_sony and GYM with the same db :-) Btw I looked at your code and I think the way you handle the track numbers is incorrect. the albums are not always ordered correctly in the 04CNTINF.DAT file, for example: you tranfert album A B of 4 tracks each: you get: A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 now lets say you erase A2: you get: A1 <blank slot> A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 now if you transfert album C: you get: A1 C1 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C2 C3 C4 so in this case I think GYM would not get the correct track number... maybe reading the <blank slot> can also be a problem with gym? (I didn't check) Anyway don't give up GYM it's always better to have the choice! Update on things fixed : + - should be displayed correctly now added a temporary list so you can still select tracks to add even when you are already tranferring songs file transfert progress added (the source is commited but the new release should be at the end of the week) next tasks : 0 fixing nh5 bugs 1 space left on the device and warnings 2 reading playlists 3 sending playlists Seeya
  9. otiasj


    Hi, Since I don't have your player, here is what I need to solve this problem: Start from a new OMGAUDIO by renaming the one you are using (just for backup) 1) Start sonicstage and transfert 4 songs with 2 songs from the same artist/album (make sure the file you transfert have correct IDV3 2 tags) Without disconnecting your player make a copy of the entire OMGAUDIO directory (everything = dat & oma files) 2) Create a zip with those file + the originals mp3 files + the key you are using. Send the zip to me as a private message on this forum. (let's say for the record that you are sending free of rights mp3's and I will delete those files once I figure out what's wrong) With that I "should" be able to see what is different... let's hope there is not too much differences See ya thx again for the testing
  10. I have created a new thread outside of GYM forum: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1528 please from now on, do not use this page.
  11. otiasj


    This is now the official thread for ml_sony Please use this thread for requests/bugs/bitching... the project source code and last releases can be found at source forge : http://sourceforge.net/projects/mlsony Please when reporting a bug specify the player you are using, and the type of encoding/decoding key (dvid, decodetable, none) Thank you for your support
  12. Hello, Thanks for the support and the comments, I added a new version last night on the source forge download section It should fix the problems about the artist list not showing properly Or did you already use this version? :-( Please give it a try and tell me how it works for you, Playlist should be easy, I will add it when I have some time Remaining space Is high on my priority list, (For the progress of transfert of the song I was planning on having a progress bar, but it doesn't work for some reason so I will just add a display percentage) Genre list in winamp is a bit more tricky and I am not sure I will work on this because the main goal is to develope a library that will be used by the portable plugin, Gui interactions requests should be asked to the person in charge of the portable plugin ^-^ but still, if I have some time I will add it, cause it is indeed more easy to use :-)
  13. Hello everyone! This is official we are now on alpha! The plugin can be used to : transfer songs pc -> device transfer songs device -> pc play tracks from the device in winamp (ATRAC plugin might be needed) multiple device can be plugged at the same time What is not working : - files using Variable Bit Rate (vbr) - progress bar is bugged - probably a lot of others things... This is an alpha version so this will probably overwrite the content of your database and mess it up So I advice to backup your data so that you can test without bitching Here is what you need to do : -plugin your device -rename your directory "OMGAUDIO" to something else like "OMGAUDIO2" -Create a new directory "OMGAUDIO" -Create a file named "04CNTINF.DAT" in this directory -If you have a NWA1000 or any player that is not protected (NWA3000? If someone could confirm this please) create a file named "nocode.txt" (still in the OMGAUDIO directory) -If you have a protected player make sure you have one of the following : *MP3FM correctly installed with a MP3FM/DvId.dat file *the decodeKey.dat from the keywizard in the directory GYM (!It makes more sense to keep it in the GYM directory so I changed it back!) -Copy ml_sony.dll in your plugin directory -run winamp -Go to your music library, select what you want, right click->sendto, choose your sony device. -go to your device you should see the files you added with a "+" in front of them. -finally click apply, and the songs will be added to your walkman! -by selecting a file and pressing the delete key you can remove songs from your device. (you need to apply) see configuration for the meaning of the symbols Enjoy! I think I fixed the problem but I am not 100% sure because I had no problem downloading it... Please try again with the new version and tell me if it works
  14. Hello everyone, Update on the plugin : Yesterday I played my first track on my NAW1000! Apparently there is only 1 byte to set to say to the player if the data was encoded or not. I also solved some problems about the bit rate and the encoding type on the NWE505. So next release should be usable!
  15. Yeah I tried MP3FM for my NAW1000 but it was not supported yet. But since NAW1000 are not protected It's ok we don't need the DvId.dat file or the decodekey.dat Update on the plugin : plugin paired with NWE505 is almost useable! I transfered 23 files of various bitrate from winamp and I could play 17 of them from the player. the one I could not play are probably using variable bit rate. And I have a bug with the display of the track time. However none worked with my NAW1000 :-( I am still missing something for this one... New version should be available this week end
  16. Yes very usefull, thank you So I implemented the DvId.dat reader So now you have 3 choices to grab your files: 1) you use MP3FM/DvId.dat 2) you use GYM/decodeKeys.dat 3) you have a NAW1000 series walkman and you don't need anything The question now is : do all players support MP3 file manager? if so we don't need to generate the keys anymore! Small update on the plugin: Yesterday I succesfully played a few tracks I transfered from winamp! Turns out it was not the number of frame that was wrong but the encoding of the bit rate. it worked on only my NWE505 not on the NAW1000 but I am confident it will work soon
  17. The fact is right now only sony's player are not supported on winamp...Plugins for ipod, iriver, creative and all 'sure play' device are available. Another fact is that connect player is really bad. Sony actually advices customers not to use connect player but to use sonicstage instead until it is fixed. (that was almost 4 months ago) SonicStage is good if you only want to transfer files to your device. But it is just billions of years from winamp or foobar. There is so many free plugins for winamp and foobar that you can do anything you want with them... Last fact is : I am NOT a sony fan, but I received 2 sony players for chrismas This is why I decided to code a plugin for winamp, to use my players without sony's software. If I had had the choice I would not have choosen sony in the first place. So I am definetly not advising sony's player to anyone... I am a developper and I see how much trouble I got with those product. I just can't imagine my father with is small athlon 600 use sonic stage or connect player (can you believe that CP is slow on a p4 3.00ghz with 2g of ram?) The plugin is to be used with network walkman compatible with mp3. It will allow copy, play (with tags), and download mp3 files from the device. Finally, Thank you to everyone of you who sent "thank you" mails to me it is very rewarding, Let's hope we will all be able to use our players very soon
  18. "Can not compare winamp with CP"? you are right, One is useable the other is not, (meaning CP is not useable ^-^) Tell me one functionality that winamp does not have? ipod, iriver, creatives and other players are supported only sony's are not because of their drm bs. Itune runs just the same as CP? sorry but that's simply not true, I had an ipod (that got stolen) and I was bitching about itune,^-^ But man after trying CP I shook my head and told my self "Man and I thought itune was bad..." Still Itune is useable, again CP is not "And no CP doesn't suck, it works fine, runs fine, and has no problems on my pc. The latest build is fine and imo there doesn't really need to be anymore updates." Is that some kind of joke? can you really say that with a straight face? You are telling me that a software that sends files to a device need at least a p4 3.0Ghz? What is my father with is Athlon 600ghz suppose to do? run CP? ahah He use is computer for web, emails and media playing (movies and podcast/radio/mp3 with winamp)
  19. 2 hours to updates 20 seconds to launch less than 2 minutes for 800 songs 31 seconds to open fully and be 100% useable On a p4 3.0 ghZ!!!! you don't see the problem? 2 minutes is the time needed to scan my 9450 songs on winamp less than 2 seconds to launch on the same kind of computer you have... So please don't tell me "why are people having problems with higher end pc's still? " Connect player sucks that is all there is to say
  20. I could not install file manager but I can run it :-) meaning I downloaded an already installed folder at : http://www.gaugestudios.com/nwa1000/ But I am still looking for the format of directory's name, structure of file and everything to build a winamp pluggin :-)
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