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Everything posted by JFK

  1. Please, don't try and give your login and password! That is the last thing to do when you see a big "Hacked by ****". The most probable thing this guy will do is get back to your account, find your mails and... you don't want that For info, this guy likes that.
  2. Interested in the portable recorder. How much?
  3. +1 I should have mentionned "and be patient"! And the endless process should be "I want this one, add more bucks ... I really want this one, add more bucks ... I so much want this one, add more bucks..." => Stay calm and be patient, you WILL make a great deal if you check ebay from times to times! Hurry never is a friend!
  4. ebay prices will get lower when people will stop to get hysteric when buying things . The endless "I want this one, add more bucks, I want this one, add more bucks, I want this one, add more bucks..." process! People should realize that a bid should be played during the last minute in order to calm people and keep price down. Other fact, MD production is now stopped... "Lowered" offer, and seems to still have demand! Anyway keep hope and stay calm, good deals are still realisable, I got a working R91 for around 8€...
  5. Bonsoir ShriDurga, If you follow the first link (I recently updated my signature, for the reason you mention), it should be ok. Tell me if you still have troubles. To be precise, this is not my website. I have been a MD enthusiast since my younger ages (meaning early start of MD), but was mostly a MDfr reader since the Hi-MD came out and got really REALLY interested and involved (as many of us I was starving from what Sony was doing from the MD potential, so the Hi-MD was a BIG smile to me). That leads me to be one of the "key ressource" about the technology on this site , making me build the FAQ that I chosen to store on MDfr (the leading francophone ressource about MD ). After months of updates and as life goes, I get really less involved in web (as the last update date of the FAQ shows). I have been checking from time to time the MDfr forum not to miss any enormous upcoming things and saw it down a few months ago (maybe year infact ). Was thinking it would get online soon (just seem to be a little tricky hack ), but it has never get up since. I was in the past in relation with the owner, I have to mail him to know the story (hoping his mail is not dead too) and maybe move the FAQ on another server . From time to times I also see online on WLM IM some old members, but I'm always too busy to ask if they have more news! Infact I was thinking to create a topic here asking if anyone knew what had happened! Hope that clear things.
  6. "...Sony is citing MD as outdated technology...". Sony has also been saying during years that DRM, Connect was the future, mp3 was crap... I don't really trust Sony on everything... Infact my point was not there. I don't believe Sony will push any further Hi-MD, I'm jus expressing that the technology implied by this media is not outdated and could compete with flash memories capacity (we could have another discussion about other facts as transfer rates and so on but that's another topic). For the biggest part of the industry and people, the whole future about music is to kill physical/removable supports...
  7. Kind of, and not kind of. On the go versatility is a strong point for MD, true, but according to a couple of researchs I did when building the french FAQ (so a bunch of years ago)(that does also include translating parts of minidisc.org FAQ), DSR and DWDD technologies could at that time achieved even a 4,7Go capacity on a disc the size of our traditional MDs. At that time the 1To capacity was expected to be reach in 2010... (I have done a quick check of current performances and 9Gb discs are on sale...) Just look at the references in the sections 23 24 or 88. - DWDD explained - 1Go explained - Other brands patents It should change the way you see Hi-MD technology
  8. JFK

    Buying LIP-4WM

    Ok... Don't know if this answer really sounds better
  9. According to various studies (some can even be found on the minidisc.org server Life Time Test of Rewritable Mini Disc Media Magneto MD paper some on others space Japanes Journal of Applied Physics), minidisc is a long-term media. Magneto-optical discs have a "shelf life" of about 30 years, and the technology beyond them can accept in theory 1.000.000 re-recordings... In shorter words MD are highly reliable and "long lifed" PS:and with care, units are serviceable and considering the amounts still out know should work for an other couple of years
  10. JFK

    Buying LIP-4WM

    Answer anyone ? Feeling like screaming in a cave
  11. JFK

    Buying LIP-4WM

    Hello everyone, Do you know how to find/know the manufacturing date of a LIP4? I have checked with the one sold with my NH1, can't find any human understandable characters describing a date. Any help on that? Here is my reason leading to that question : as you might know, Li-ion battery have a particular behaviour meaning even not in use they get "wore". That said if you buy one that has been in the store for 10 months manufactured 3 other months ago, the battery is really 13 months old. Then it's real life @ top perf will be between 11 to 23 months. That's why I'm trying to find the store which the most alive stock around. Right now a chinese ebay seller seems the best with jan 09. Here is the list of great deal I found around LIP-4wm : - http://www.smallbattery.company.org.uk/sbc_lip4wm.htm - http://www.batteries-piles-chargeurs.com/b...5-0-0-130-1.htm - chinese ebay vendor Also do you know exactly which factories are producing the batteries for Sony?
  12. It looks like that the "Public Notice" we have seen a few months ago has some child... What bitrates and what codecs can we expect from the actual speed of the media ? Thinking of that I am afraid that the overall performance of the units won't be very impressive, like for the DH10P. Regarding possibility vs. price the unit interest falls deeply. Anyway I should wait to see the real specs before saying that !
  13. Infact there is another reference to himd_xtract on the board, see here. And you will be able to donwload it here, with reference to this post for its usage.
  14. So, as far as I know : SS: CD-Text support when importing a CD in the Atrac database CD-Text support when creating a CD from Atrac database SB : ??? With my SB I cannot retrieve CD-Text info from audio-CDs (with CD-Text of course, verify with such softs like CDex, EAC or CD-Text Manager...). So if your SB version get you CD-Text, please give-us your build number.
  15. I ve already try CD-Text Manager, but has you mentionned it did not work (as I got an NH1, I will not use SB1). It is astonishing, I am having an PM discussion with Ishiyoshi and he says thaht his SB2 can return CD-Text info from the inserted CD-Audio. Without any special soft. What is the final word ?
  16. It's a shame : SS whose purpose is to convert "all" files (from your HDD or your CD-Rom) has CD-Text support. And SB which is dedicated to the MD burning operation from Audio-CDs doesn't have this CD-Text support ... What is the psychothinking-model of softwares designer ? Are they mad ?
  17. Exactly ! EDIT : are you saying that there is no CD-text support in SB ?
  18. Installing the 3.1 French version, I have disolve the problem regarding SS and CD-Text, but the SB/CD-Text bug is still there. Does those two programs use different "routines" to read CD-info ? Have you got ideas of the problem ?
  19. I am experiencing the same WM9 problems. I have 9.0.03250 and the installer always to download microsoft one. And as I have no Web connection on the PC it fails. Maybe It can be helpfull to add a sort of "web free" install option which just tell you that directX or MDac is out of date and recommend you to update the components as SS may not work, but let you install SS and SB "normally". Daijibou is here anyway I can do the same job for a French version of SS ?
  20. European SS 3.1 is online. Check (french language) : http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/SonicStage/SS31.asp?l=fr
  21. I have tried to answer the same question. My best mark (I think) was with this address : http://www.buffalotech.com/products/produc...6&categoryid=18 If I did not mis-shot my online search : Buffalo Technology (USA), Inc. is a leading global provider of affordable, easy-to-use, next-generation wired and wireless network solutions, and also leads the way in the design, development, and manufacturing of memory products. Buffalo Technology's parent company, Japan-based Buffalo, Inc., is the third largest wireless LAN provider worldwide with revenues of over $700 million for 2002. With almost three decades of network and computer peripheral experience, Buffalo's depth of intellectual capital and its international presence has allowed Buffalo Technology to make a powerful impression on the U.S. market. Buffalo Inc. is a leading member of the JEDEC Solid State Technology Association. Buffalo's expansion into the U.S. retail market introduced exceptional products for the consumers within the SOHO and SMB markets while offering the home user a full suite of award winning home networking solutions.
  22. Hironiemus >> D you have an e-mail adress for the Hi-MD service manuals ?
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