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Everything posted by MZ-NH1

  1. Hi, I have the MZ-NH1, and are wondering, with the docking stand, can that always be plugged in and turned on at the power? Or is it best you turn off the power when you’re not using it?
  2. Thanks very much for that dex Otaku, you are a great source of information! Sony Australia, sells the MD for $800! I got it from another shop for $590, Microphone will be about $130, 3 x 1GB discs = $30 All up, around $750... gonna cry soon, if it doesn't work :'(
  3. I agree, all MD's should have all displays backlit... so that in dark rooms or at nighttime you can see. Because if you don't use the remote, you have no chance in a dark room! Ahahah, I like your thinking kurisu! keep it up!
  4. I may as well have bought a 20GB iPod for $500, or an iRiver with a mic,... I hear you can record with them! In a normal format :@
  5. Thank you all very much for that info which I was hoping not to have to read! Basically the soul purpose I bought this MD was so that I could record myself, then put it onto a CD, so I can give it to teachers for assessments, or for other musical purposes! I will be going to Sony on the weekend and having a firm talk to them as to why they didn’t tell me this before I bought the unit, and to as when they are thinking the wave converter will come out! I even rang them to ask how to burn it to CD, their response – “Go into Windows Media player… and try it”!!! Thanks for your replies... Thanks for the link, I don’t think that is an option tho for me at the moment unfortunately! My dad will be quite the annoyed when I tell him all this lol. Pretty much, a piece of equipment for $800 that doesn't really do what we hoped. :|
  6. Hi, I have read previous threads about this, but because I only bought my Sony MZ-NH1 last week I have no idea what all the Hi-MD talk is about. Can some one try and help me understand, how am I suppose to burn the files I have uploaded from my Hi-MD, onto the pc, and then burn them onto a CD, so I can then listen to them. I am a trombone player and 1 of the main reasons why I bought this MD was because you were suppose to be able to record yourself, and then burn the recording onto a CD, but I have yet to be able to do this! If you could explain what I have to do, it would be greatly appreciated! Andrew :wacky:
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