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Everything posted by Justin42

  1. I haven't had any issues with SS 4.0 using my RH910. I think each version of SS is becoming (slightly) more stable and things are working a bit better. I've had some random hangs/crashes in 3.4 and I haven't in 4.0 (so far, give me some more time). I would back up my library and just go for the upgrade. There is very little NEW from 3.4 for HiMD owners, but seemingly improved stability and possibly better encoding would probably make it worth it. SS 3.2 introduced some VERY nice abilities for uploading recordings and made it possible to upload personal recordings unlimited times. You definitely should go to at least 3.4, but if you're going to update anyway, you may as well go to 4.0. Basically, from my experiences (and I haven't read anything contradictory), there's nothing really WRONG with SS 4.0 except it didn't do much for HiMD owners. But since you're at 3.1 you really should update.
  2. Did you create a backup of your library? Those can be quite disk space intensive-- if you properly installed SonicStage and it's working, you can should be able to delete the backup library files.
  3. Mine says made in Malaysia... and I totally agree, I wish there was a way to not let it start charging when plugged into USB, it'd make a good option...
  4. How did you end up fixing it? It's obviously not a common problem, or else people would've helped. I've never seen anything like that before...
  5. There are some issues with the Mac support of the RH1 right at this moment. If you only want to use a Mac, you should look around at some of the RH1 impressions threads as some Mac users have posted. But it sounds like you have access to both a Mac and Windows machine. As a Windows user, I have been able to upload, with no problems, SP and LP2 tracks recorded on a Sharp 722, JE-480, and MXD-D400 deck, using an RH1. It won't store SP tracks as SP tracks-- you have to decide if you want them to convert to HiSP or WAV. But that's the only real "gotcha" depending on what you're trying to use it for.
  6. The M200 is Sony's "professional" model. As far as I know, the only difference in the M200 comes with a bundled mic (and maybe the bundled Mac software will actually be fully functional; the RH1 got out the door before the Mac software was ready). I don't know the quality of the mic. The RH1's manual also has MZ-M200 listed on it, so they are so similar they share a manual and accessories. They are basically the same model with a different model #. Unless you need a Sony mic, I don't think there's any reason to wait for an M200. Back about a month ago there was speculation the US RH1 unit would be silver and the M200 black (and people wanted black) but now that the RH1 is confirmed to be black that's not an issue. (although I don't think anyone's SEEN a US M200 so there's no confirmation as to colour)
  7. Wow, very nice redesign. Probably good for the business, although us old timers will miss the old style. Much more "business like" and less "personal". There are -2 MZ-M100's in.
  8. Just in normal handling I can hear it clicking as I move it around, if I hit right on the right spot. I'm not pressing hard by any means, and it has to be pretty much right on the Walkman logo. If I watch the corner as I press I can see it move in ever so slightly. It doesn't seem to affect anything. If I were to return it for minor things like this I'd probably get one that ships in 15 (broken) pieces.
  9. Thanks! and thanks for the tip about the OMA files. They were in a different location on my PC (I pointed SonicStage out of My Documents entirely) but I just discovered them. I would've never thought to look so it's good to know they're there and that it's OK to get rid of them! I feel like I am just scratching the surface of what the RH1 will allow me to do...
  10. I have a couple "build quality" questions about my RH1, wondering if anyone could comment-- 1. If I push down on where the "Walkman" silver logo is on the RH1, I get an ever-so-faint clicking noise where the unit doesn't fit together 100% correctly. I don't get that on any other corner. (I vaguely remember reading something about this but can't find it now with a search) 2. The jog dial/shuttle (whatever it's called-- FF/RW) seems to be much more sensitive to pushing down than up. Going through a disc, I barely need to touch pressing down, but going up I need to push almost to the top (where it mechanically can go no further) Has anyone else noticed these issues? (I'm not TOO worried; well, I am more about the dial than the clicking.. but if no one else is seeing this kind of thing I'd like to know) Thanks!
  11. Sorry for the total newbie-esque question, but before I get too deep into transferring legacy minidisc stuff I wanted to be absolutely sure I have SonicStage 4.0 configured properly. (and not doing some stupid SP->LP2->SP->WAV conversion or something!! Never know what SS is doing behind the scenes!) Are these the proper settings? (I do have a valid path for the WAV location) Thanks!
  12. I ordered mine on 6/19, and asked them to call me when they'd be in stock so I could upgrade my shipping if necessary to have it before the long weekend. They called me Wednesday 6/28 to tell me mine would ship Thursday 6/29. I asked them to ship 2nd day air to have it Monday. They ended up shipping on Wednesday and I received it today in perfect shape (Although I haven't tried it yet since I've been letting the battery get a good charge) Not sure what's wrong in your case, send them an email-- they responded to my emails very quickly... (granted, they won't be open for the long weekend) Sorry you're having to wait...
  13. You say that as if their PC products have a stellar reputation for stability and functionality.
  14. Time machine is an awesome feature. Both the MXD-D400 and JE480 decks have it (I'm sure many others do). I've never understood why the HiMD units don't -- granted 6 seconds of PCM is not an insignificant amount of data, but RAM has gotten cheap, and it is a lifesaver at times.
  15. My RH1 shipped today! I have a tracking number! (they told me specifically it'd go out tomorrow, of course the tracking doesn't show it in UPS' system yet, just that the number was made) Hrrrm, maybe I need to arrange a work-at-home day on Friday to be there to accept it.
  16. Sound Professionals just called me (I asked them to call so I could change shipment method if they came in this week) and said my RH1 will be shipping tomorrow. I upgraded to 2nd day air (from ground) to get it by Monday. I would've liked to go overnight but I had to balance my need for instant gratification versus being insane. (I couldn't guarantee someone would be home all day to get the shipment! That'd really suck to miss it after paying extra for overnight!) It was only $10 extra, and since I am in CA and they're in NJ, ground would take a week or more.. seemed like a good upgrade. My order was placed the night of 6/19, if anyone is keeping track. So their second shipment seems to be getting ready to go.
  17. wow, congrats! I think you're probably the first... go and enjoy your new toy. We can wait. .. .. You back with a report yet?
  18. Interesting.. they told me they got 30 in, and my sorta-pre-order (placed last Wednesday or so) missed the first shipment of units and would wait til later in the week when they got new stock on Wednesday or Thursday. I guess it doesn't matter, I got in at the $299 price with a free mic, it's worth a little bit of a wait. I am really looking forward to it!
  19. I know-- but they initially raised it to $348 earlier in the week, and then dropped it after 2-3 days back down to $329. I'm glad Minidisco came in at a lower price to force Sound Professionals to drop theirs back a bit.
  20. Soundprofessionals has updated their page once again to say they got their first shipment and the units are indeed black, and not silver! Good news for all! (well, unless you REALLY wanted silver!)
  21. And SonicStage is smart enough to actually just remove the copy protection without actually re-encoding? I spent an hour or two last night re-ripping CDs I already had ripped just so I could have them without protection.
  22. HiMD discs don't store data in the way that Windows stores data. It makes one huge file and then stores your music within that file. It's kind of a "disc within a disc", although that's a poor analogy. Basically, yes, Windows is wrong because it makes assumptions as to what the file is, which are incorrect in the case of HiMD audio.
  23. Would a Canadian unit have a warranty if it was shipped to the US? I always worry about stuff like that. Now if the RH1 were entirely unavailable in the US, I'd rather import than not get one, but since there's a US model, it just seems like having the US warranty is worth a bit extra. (I noticed Sound Professionals just dropped their price to $328 to be in line with Minidisco. Ain't competition grand? Does anyone know the official US MSRP of the RH1?)
  24. Wow, I just ordered from Sound Professionals a couple of days ago, before the price hike to $349. It's too good of a deal to cancel, given I have to pay tax from Minidisco (I live in CA)... but I'd love to get one before the long July 4th weekend in the US! But it's good to see these are FINALLY landing on US shores! It seems hard to believe that Sony would ship a choice of colours so hopefully Minidisco is right and they're black (meaning the Sound Professional orders should be black, as well ). Although I don't hate the silver as much as some do.
  25. Woah, the Soundprofessionals RH1 price just went up to $348. Glad I ordered last night..! (when it was still $299) Is the unidirectional or omnidirectional better for recording at concerts and the like? I picked unidirectional, since I wouldn't want the stuff not coming from the stage. (I've never even actually recorded anything like this, I just had to make a choice when I ordered.. the only thing I'd see myself recording via mic is at a show or something!)
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