I copied from 4 flash cards. When done I looked at the MD. Each card had its own directory, named MCMDxxx, with xxx being sequencial numbers 001-004. Under each of these directories were the files and directories that were on the flash card. So it does not look like their is a problem with overwrites. Each copy does the whole card. If the MD cannot hold the entire card (however many meg that may be) it will not copy any. That is, if the card has 60 meg of data, the MD must have 60 meg free or nothing will be copied. This is because the unit is very simple, only a copy button and nothing else. That is also why it is fairly inexpensive. Since the transfer is over the USB port, I would expect the MD is powered from the card reader. The manual does not mention this at all but it would seem reasonable since the MD is powered by the USB port when it is hooked to a PC Again, it is not fast, just convienent. You push a button, come back several minutes later, and the copy is done. You can then use the flash card for something else. It supports most common flash card types, including SD.