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Everything posted by ynos

  1. Yes I tuned in this station as well sometime good SQ and non stop! BTW do you know you can stream this station into MP3 then upload to MD here's the my previous post
  2. I bought tunecast II two months ago and after the battery drained out that came with the unit is now collecting dust. The sounds was so terrible
  3. especially to the newcomers
  4. What do you mean "set marker on silence"? Do you mean you can turn off the automatic creation of trackmarks?
  5. I am happy with my new NHF800 (cheaper) lots of features compare to my RH910. Recording they are the same however NHF800 use AA battery big avantage.
  6. I can hear the difference of 105 kbps compare to the 132 kbps if the song is more of vocals like choir. Slight difference in voice solo though. I can even differentiate in my car while driving. Instruments hard to tell unless I use my headphone. Try for yourself and share your ideas and experience.
  7. Thanks guys at least I'm relieved now. BTW I didn't see the HiMD on sale anymore, is it out of stock?
  8. I've got my new NHF800 plus the bundle but all 5 free md blanks are not hi-md . Why others get free hi-md? If I knew I bought some hi-md blanks. BTW when I bought my RH910 I've got one free 1 hi-md blank
  9. I just got a new NHF800 and I am glad I didn't the get NH1. I don't like small screen and I don't use remote control.
  10. I's like to see 3rd Gen: 1. Colored screen 2. 2++ GB disc 3. Drag and drop through windows explorer
  11. Streamripper is a plugin to winamp however if you want a stand alone streamer you can install Stream Ripper 32 . Enjoy!
  12. Is there any jazz station that has 160+ kbps?
  13. KJ, do you mean that MD is better SQ than HD5?
  14. I have RH910 with a backlite remote
  15. ynos

    NH900 vs RH910

    AFAIK digital amp is for battery saving only not for SQ (don't know what is "HD"). I didn't try to listen and compare these two units. I have rh910 and compare to my r700 it seems I still like the sounds of my r700. I guess I just can get the right EQ for me.
  16. I had the same experience in Hongkong, Hongkong is place of new gadgets!
  17. No, I don't feel that way. I have 2 MDs and in fact I just ordered a new nhf800. I use it everyday
  18. 256 kbps at www.Live9.fr "Best Hits From Europe"
  19. Check this http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=10249 [attachmentid=1103]
  20. Cool site...great stations... but only 96kbps... thanks for sharing
  21. Wish smoothjazz.com is in higher bitrate, right now is only 128kbps
  22. Just wondering what station are you listening in Winamp SHOUTcast. Me most of the time I'm listening at smoothjazz.com and sometime hitmusicstation.net
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