Yes you can have the transferred files saved as .wav files in the location of your choice and edit them to your hearts content outside anything Sony tries to restrict you with. Personally I use Adobe Audition for trimming the ends, and fixing any transients. I also use it to mark and name tracks in the wav file. Audition also saves in lossy formats for my day to day use on the PC. I then use Cuelist Tool to create a cue file that EAC uses to burn cd's. I then save the wav, peak file and cue file to an external drive. After a while you can get pretty efficient at processing a show. I'm sure others have their own rituals/systems. This has worked well for me over the last year during which I have recorded over 100 sets. Audition may be overkill for live recordings and you might get away with free stuff like Audacity if all you are doing is trimming and track marking. I got it originally when I was digitising my vinyl and the other tools were really useful.