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Found 5 results

  1. i recently bought an mz-909 minidisc recorder off of ebay. it was listed as untested so i bought it cuz they usually work but this oke isnt powering on. ive put a charged battery in it and ive plugged it in. theres no acid in the battery slot and the plug seems clean. i was wondering if you guys had any ideas.
  2. Hey all, Recently came across a NetMD MiniDisc player (MZ-NE410) and was having some trouble with it. While it does work and plays discs fine, it seems to have a problem staying on. Whenever even a bit of pressure is put on the lid of the player (whether there be a disc in it or not), the unit shuts off. I thought it was a problem with the battery compartment but after trying multiple batteries and different methods, this phenomenon only seems to only happen when putting pressure on the lid. Any ideas? Thanks.
  3. I suggest that new headphones include a on/off switch integrated into the head band of headphones to enable auto shut off when not in use but potentially still connected to laptop/media device. When the headphones are flexed / stretched onto a head the device remains active. when they have sanp shut / not on a head the user can enable auto shut off mode.
  4. I have a CMT-CP500MD system which has decided to remain in Standby Mode. When I plug into mains I can see information on display as it displays the word Standby and also goes into Demonstration mode if I press Display on remote. The backlight however does not come on and pressing standby button does not switch on device. I am loathe to get rid of the system if it is something relatively simple that can resolve the issue, Is there an internal fuse or something. If there is no solution then it's off to the Hifi graveyard in the sky. Grateful for any support Kind Regards
  5. I bought an MZ-N707 off ebay a while back, it worked for a while but then one day didn't work. I was looking at the battery terminals and they looked a bit green - so I took the casing off, and sure enough the positive terminal on the battery compartment is corroded, along with some brown marks on the PCB around the side of that. One other thing is that it already had the MZ-N909 'hack' on. When I put in a battery or put in a disc, the display does go a bit dark, but nothing else happens - and then it powers down, just like if you didn't put in a disc into the player but pressed a button. There's no motor noise - just the display going a bit darker. I have cleaned the contacts on the battery terminal but beyond that haven't done anything.. Is it rescuable?
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