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I have a Sony MZ-r700 and did a few shows where someone recorded my set. They sent me the mini discs and I tryed to play them in my MZ-R700. THey wont play, and the screen say "HD-MD..." Odd, because that isn't anywhere in the manual. Does this mean I just can't play the disc, or is there a mode I can go into.

I have no clue what the HD MD thing is. Is HD a better sound quality? Or, does it just refer to the speed it records in, or maybe how much space is used on the mini disc?

Edited by Stuff
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Hi-MD is a newer format. The disc is the same size as old MD's (so old MDs will play in Hi-MD players) but is not backwards compatible with older players. Hi-MD recorders also use the older discs but record in formats that weren't invented when the R700 was around.

Your R700 will play regular 74 minute or 80 minute MDs recorded in SP, LP2 or LP4, but not 1GB Hi-MD discs and not regular MD's recorded in Hi-MD formats (Hi-SP, Hi-LP, PCM). If your friend has a NH model recorder, it can record concerts in SP or LP2 (don't bother with LP4) for your use. But those formats can't be uploaded to computer like the new Hi-MD formats.

Bottom line: The discs you have were recorded in a Hi-MD format. Have the friend upload the concerts to computer and burn you a CD.

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Actually I think it looks more like this:


The "H" has the same sort of dot that the "i" has... :P

Though I guess that's not how it reads on the player regardless.


Yes, the dotted H represents ATRAC compression ;)

Or possibly the less treble you get from MP3s on second-generation units.

Ahh, now the thread has truly taken a turn for the worse.


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Cool, thanks!

So the HD-MD recodes better sounding music? So, recording my own live shows will sound better on the HD-MD than my MZ-R700?

The quality is not only limited by the recorder, its AD section and its codecs, but also to a great (if not the greatest) part by the incoming signal. If you don't have good microphones to begin with, you might not notice a gain in quality. GIGO.

The gain in quantity and uploading comfort might be worth it by itself though.

Edited by greenmachine
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So, I just went to Best buy and Circuit City AND Tweeter and nobody carries Mini Disc player anymore. WHere does one buy a MD player now? Besides ordering online. Could use the new one tonight

And, thanks for the help everyone!

Don't know where you are at but if you have a Fry's Electronics nearby they carry Hi-MD.

Sorry guys I couldn't type an H with a dot in it. Seems I don't have the Sony minidisc font.

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THanks guys

I went to guitar center and got one of the Sony Hi-MD at $299. It comes with software. Has anyone used this software? I read it had the copy protect in it...you know, like the ones they put on CDs and everyones computer crashed. Plus, the lawsuit aganst them for spyware.

SO, does anyone know if this 'software' is in fact 'spyware' like thier other stuff?

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I'll check it out. But, is the software "Spyware" as the lawsuit is saying?

do you mean sonicstage? no. it's an essential piece of software for interacting with himd & other sony aduio hardware, like itunes is for ipods.

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