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ATRAC3+ 128kbps

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Since most MP3s out there are at 128kbps, it seems almost necessary for Sony to allow this bitrate to be transferable. Hi-LP sound quality is not convincing, but 192kbps and Hi-SP take up too much space. So a good medium would be ATRAC3plus @ 128kbps. Hopefully SS 3.5 or 4.0 will allow it to be transfered. Have any info on this?

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It's not really clear what you're suggesting. At best, audio data already encoded to MPEG1 Layer III will require transcoding to HiMD standard ATRAC3+ by SS, and there will undoubtedly be a generation loss due to the difference in encoding strategies.

The nearest thing to 128 kbps .mp3 would be ATRAC3 LP2 at 132 kbps, and is catered for by SS on legacy NetMD machines. If you think there's something magical about that bitrate and the balance of disc-space versus playback quality, the you could always avail yourself of such a unit.

Edited by imkidd57
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It's not really clear what you're suggesting. At best, audio data already encoded to MPEG1 Layer III will require transcoding to HiMD standard ATRAC3+ by SS, and there will undoubtedly be a generation loss due to the difference in encoding strategies.

The nearest thing to 128 kbps .mp3 would be ATRAC3 LP2 at 132 kbps, and is catered for by SS on legacy NetMD machines. If you think there's something magical about that bitrate and the balance of disc-space versus playback quality, the you could always avail yourself of such a unit.

I understand that MP3-->ATRAC3 conversion will result in loss of quality. That's not what I'm talking about. What I would like is to be able to transfer ATRAC3plus 128 to my RH10 without any conversion. This is not possible, not yet. The only reason why I mentioned MP3, is because all MP3 players allow for playback of 128kbps. It only make sense that Sony would allow the same bitrate playback for ATRAC3plus.

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Even though Atrac 3 is lower than Atrac 3 Plus still doesn't change the fact that Atrac 3 132 is really not that bad for listening to on headphones. Suggestion, instead of worring about bit rates or encoding schemes, try lisling to it. Just to clear something up you do realize that you can transfer Atrac 3 132 to HIMD machines? Not trying to insult your intelligence, it was kind of fuzzy wether you knew or not.POE

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yes, but as has also been said already: isn't 132 (LP2) close enough? (only 4 kbps difference you know)

I'm not interested in LP2! I want ATRAC3plus 128 transferable and LP2 is not good enough. I believe that ATRAC3 is not as good as ATRAC3plus because it does not have the "high" recording option.

Edited by Chris G
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if you worry about 'high quality'... you really should consider HiSP :P

no seriously, as poe already mentioned (hey I'm really parroting in this thread :lol: ) you shouldn't be blinded by numbers/names/settings or bitrates... let your ears do the discerning! So just use what sounds good to your ears. Honestly, I really doubt your ears can discern between A3+@128(high quality) and A3@132 in the setting and with the phones you normally use your HiMD, heck first try to ABX test those two in a good setting and see if you can get significant results (with winABX you can get a publishable outpufile IIRC, so you can always show us the results)

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