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Free Data Recovery Service for Sony Hi-MD 1GB

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Good news !

Until now, it seems that there were no solution to recover lost datas on hi-md 1GB, but Sony has a free recovery service for customers.

You have to send the minidisc to




A-5081 ANIF


I phoned Sony austria today and they asked me to send them my minidisc. They will send it to Japan. They have a free recovery service in Japan. And then, they will send me back the disc with the datas (if they manage to recover them).

Really happy because I have lost more than 40 hours of personal music courses ! :D

Hope this will be helpful !


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^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Good question.

I wonder why the discs just aren't shipped directly to Japan for repair instead of going to Austria first. It would save time and money on shipping.

Probably the recovery of data requires special software and / or hardware. As for the other question I think Austria is the Sony european hq for everything to do with recordable media. It is obviously easier (and cheaper) for consumers to send things there to a central contact point in europe who then forwards them on to Japan.

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Probably the recovery of data requires special software and / or hardware. As for the other question I think Austria is the Sony european hq for everything to do with recordable media. It is obviously easier (and cheaper) for consumers to send things there to a central contact point in europe who then forwards them on to Japan.

Yeah, that makes sense. I just figured that it would streamline the process and save a step. But hey, who am I to tell a giant global company what to do?

A paying customer, that's who! If they told me to send it to Antarctica first I'd probably do it, unless it cost too much money or somehow caused a bunch of penguins to die.

It'd be nice if we could recover recordings on our own without having to send them anywhere.

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Good news !

Until now, it seems that there were no solution to recover lost datas on hi-md 1GB, but Sony has a free recovery service for customers.

You have to send the minidisc to




A-5081 ANIF


I phoned Sony austria today and they asked me to send them my minidisc. They will send it to Japan. They have a free recovery service in Japan. And then, they will send me back the disc with the datas (if they manage to recover them).

Really happy because I have lost more than 40 hours of personal music courses ! :D

Hope this will be helpful !


this message is a saver! just finish a 2 hours live recording, and guess what? yours truly pressed delete, and erased off the actual track that consists of the recording instead of the few non-useful tracks :(

can i send my MD to the above address too? from germany to austria would not cost too much, and i am willing to test that to get the music back :)

what should i write in the package then? some notes about my disc? or just write there about MD recovery?

thank you...

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what should i write in the package then? some notes about my disc? or just write there about MD recovery?

thank you...


I have already send my disc and sent a letter with lots of details (I don't know if they need these details, but I think it is better to write too much than nothing !) :

- material and disc used (for me, MZ NH 700 + HI MD 1GB)

- version of Sonic Stage

- explain what happened

- number of tracks lost (+ time of these tracks)

- list and descritpion of documents lost (live tracks, copies of CD, personnal documents as .JPEG, .DOC, .XLS...)

- your name, adress, country, phone number

Re-write your name and adress on the disc !

Hope they can do something for you !

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I have already send my disc and sent a letter with lots of details (I don't know if they need these details, but I think it is better to write too much than nothing !) :

- material and disc used (for me, MZ NH 700 + HI MD 1GB)

- version of Sonic Stage

- explain what happened

- number of tracks lost (+ time of these tracks)

- list and descritpion of documents lost (live tracks, copies of CD, personnal documents as .JPEG, .DOC, .XLS...)

- your name, adress, country, phone number

Re-write your name and adress on the disc !

Hope they can do something for you !

actually in my case, it was my drowsy mind and finger who have deleted the track from the unit :( not anything to do with Sonic Stage... i wonder if i have deleted the track with the unit (a NH 900), can i also recover it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

actually in my case, it was my drowsy mind and finger who have deleted the track from the unit :( not anything to do with Sonic Stage... i wonder if i have deleted the track with the unit (a NH 900), can i also recover it?


I think so. But that's why I guess you have to specify what did you lost. I mean, since the "song index" (i think in sony it's named TOC, tells the MD where to read each song) is changed --and overwritten-- but not just removed, it's harder to find the stuff.

I guess it has something to do in finding the way of mounting a puzzle "this chunk of data looks like atrac3 music or like a jpeg image?".

Now some thoughts:

But I also guess that advanced tools can figure that out in an acceptable way, although there will be always some data loss. Anyway, I think that if Sony released their TOC specifications, those would be a quite easy task that anybody could do, since there are a bunch of coders around there willing to find out the way to make it work (i saw a linux driver workprogress, if they manage to do it, we'll be really close to achieve it).

Edited by timonoj
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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anobody know if this service work ?

I have three or four Hi-MD which I can't read anymore (TOC problem, Disc error)...I would like to know if this service is really good.

But that's a shame Sony doesn't give its customers the softwares to recover their data, though they can be damaged by their own products (SonicStage...)

Thanks for any information about recovery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi !

I have received the minidisc I had sent to Sony a few weeks ago.

They've managed to recover datas as : .jpg, .doc and .xls files.

Unfortunately they did not managed to recover the recordings of my music courses.

They sent me back 2 minidiscs :

- my old minidisc

- a new minidisc with the files they managed to recover.

I will not touch my old minidisc. I hope someone will find a way to recover the datas.

The employee of the Sony Customer Service told me that sometimes they manage to recover recordings.


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  • 7 months later...

This post is older than the Sony Media Services post that you linked to, and probably out of date.

Sony Media Services now does it in the US. The European version was in Austria, not Australia, and I would guess that now that they have beta-tested it, it's not free any more.

Maybe you could try Google from Australia with "Sony Media Services" and see what comes up.

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