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RH1 Cannot Edit

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Ive already done a search of the forums but didn't quite find the answers I was looking for.

I have an RH1 which I use to make live recordings.

I have not uploaded any of these recordings to SS (My version is 4.3 CP)

Today, I edited some information on the recordings (Title, Artist etc) from within SS.

Now, when I try to divide/combine the tracks on my unit, I get the 'Cannot Edit' message.

I have went back into SS to delete titles and any other info that I'd previously entered, but this doesn't make any difference.

This had happened on another occasion and I had to use another audio editing program to cut up my recordings. Which meant I lost all my Rh1 recording date and time data.

My question is this:

1)Is there no way at all that I can ever divide/combine these tracks on my unit again, without having to use an external program? even after a simple procedure such as editing the name of a track?

Two further quick questions:

2)Is there really no way of dividing/combining from within Sonicstage? Do you physically have to remove the unit from your computer in order to edit like this?


3)Are Sony fucking serious???

I say this in light of the fact that they constantly seem to be doing something stupid like having no title information on the OLED of the RH1.

Or no backlight on the Mz-N10

I'm seriously considering uploading all my old MDSP/MDLP discs to computer, sending this unit back and getting an M Audio Microtrack or something similar. And I've been an MD user forever.

My Rh1 also has a habit of skipping through the display/menu options when I use the Rewind button.

Its beyond me why they chose not to put something similar to my old Aiwa AM-F80 on it.

Thats if they were really trying to make the MD to end all MD's

I'd really appreciate an answer to these questions. Even a link, as I'm not allergic to reading.

Many Thanks.

Edited by doctork
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You should be able to edit from within Sonicstage once you upload. I am very puzzled as of why it will not let you edit from within the unit. Which format are the tracks recorded in? SP? Hi-Sp? PCM?

I don't think you can edit the tracks on the disc using SS. You must upload first and edit the uploaded files.

Good luck.

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You should be able to edit from within Sonicstage once you upload.

I don't think you can edit the tracks on the disc using SS. You must upload first and edit the uploaded files.

Is it possible to combine tracks once uploaded to SS? Is it possible to place track marks in SS?

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3)Are Sony fucking serious???

I say this in light of the fact that they constantly seem to be doing something stupid like having no title information on the OLED of the RH1.

Or no backlight on the Mz-N10

I'm seriously considering uploading all my old MDSP/MDLP discs to computer, sending this unit back and getting an M Audio Microtrack or something similar. And I've been an MD user forever.

With this device in particular, although also with the format in general, Sony made bad decision after bad decision. It makes you wonder how a company brilliant enough to develop such a format could screw it up so bad afterwords

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You can combine, yes. I just tried and it gave me the option to. Track marks, not sure. But you can split a track at an exact point, and it should count as a track mark at the beginning of each track.

After uploading to SS and combining tracks in the 'My Library' side, is it still possible to edit the disc using the recorder while not connected to a computer?

Also, when you combine tracks in My Library, are they gapless? As an example, if you uploaded a recording of a live performance with a bunch of track marks made by the recorder (because it was recorded using Line In) and then combined the tracks; would the resulting track play continuously without any pauses or glitches?


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After uploading to SS and combining tracks in the 'My Library' side, is it still possible to edit the disc using the recorder while not connected to a computer?

Also, when you combine tracks in My Library, are they gapless? As an example, if you uploaded a recording of a live performance with a bunch of track marks made by the recorder (because it was recorded using Line In) and then combined the tracks; would the resulting track play continuously without any pauses or glitches?


try it and find out?


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