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Tascam MD-301 Mkii Pro Mini Disc Recorder

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1. This model is not in production - as per the link you sent.

2. The only model now for sale is the MD-CD1 Mk III, see http://www.amazon.com/Tascam-MD-CD1-Recorder-Wireless-Control/dp/B006LPEI92

3. Yes it has no SCMS (but I am not sure about the MD-CD1). But with computers and an RH1, most of us hardly care....

4. Try searching on Tascam in this forum.


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As far as the MD-02B stock is concerned, I really meant it is quite easy to source online from places such as http://www.aandcaudio.co.uk/tascam-md-02b-mini-disc-recorder-p117893



among others.

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thanks guys :)

i took a chance and got this one off ebay. Very good value i think although it wasn't as clean as the seller stated but that's pretty normal the price was good and it works well which is the main thing


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while were at it does anyone know what was the difference was between a dat deck and a mini disc recorder. I remember years ago that the cost was very high in the uk and invariably not available for some reason hence i didn't get one

but it would be nice to know was it better then the mini disc or was it just as good but because of cost failed to take off

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while were at it does anyone know what was the difference was between a dat deck and a mini disc recorder. I remember years ago that the cost was very high in the uk and invariably not available for some reason hence i didn't get one

but it would be nice to know was it better then the mini disc or was it just as good but because of cost failed to take off


DAT record in PCM quality, no compression. DAT can record in a higher frequency (48 kHz) but at 16bit quantization.

Even if you can find nowadays a DAT recorder for cheap (150US$ or more), the problem will be to find DAT cassettes.

There is something that - one say - sound much better than a minidisc portable unit : the iBasso DX100, if you have enough money !

Minidisc is still good for one big reason, it is a recorder.

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DAT record in PCM quality, no compression. DAT can record in a higher frequency (48 kHz) but at 16bit quantization.

Even if you can find nowadays a DAT recorder for cheap (150US$ or more), the problem will be to find DAT cassettes.

There is something that - one say - sound much better than a minidisc portable unit : the iBasso DX100, if you have enough money !

Minidisc is still good for one big reason, it is a recorder.

hi Philippe

there is a new sony dat come up on ebay for around £100 the tapes are plentiful on ebay but i will need to get a move on if to secure it ?

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hi Philippe

there is a new sony dat come up on ebay for around £100 the tapes are plentiful on ebay but i will need to get a move on if to secure it ?

I don't see that much DAT tapes on ebay France. Please note that the tapes MUST be DAT audio. There is a DAT tapes for storage which is also able for audio, I don't remember which one.

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