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Issue with new SonicStage Windows 10 install.

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I am having a problem with SonicStage on Windows 10 that hopefully somebody here may be able to help me with.

The issue is that when I open SonicStage I get an error window that says "SonicStage (00000908-6736)  The selected music file cannot be played back because the system information has been changed.  Click OK to automatically close SonicStage and open the SonicStage System Information Restore Tool.  (Error Code 00004e2e)"

It then closes, restores successfully and I can then open SonicStage which works fine.  The trouble is that the next time I open the program this will happen again so it's pretty annoying.

The only other thing I've noticed on this new install is that when I'm transferring tracks to MD the track names appear in the transfer window as question marks and only revert to the correct characters once all tracks have finished being transferred, although this is probably unrelated to the other issue.

Any assistance with the restore problem would be greatly appreciated.


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I suppose you're running as administrator?

Assuming so, I'd be inclined to get rid of all the NetMD drivers (assuming you have 64-bit Windoze). Then install the one and only one that you need, NETMD760.

You will have to go through and get rid of all the C:\windows\inf\oem*.inf files manually (\inf is a hidden directory, as I'm sure you know).

Might be an idea to hook a real MD up so you know you've got the driver installed. And make sure you have uninstalled all the "ghost" NetMD drivers (which necessitates turning on viewing of hidden drivers via the system environment variables - all documented on here many times).

Also in Windows 10 there are some options about data execution prevention. I recall there are some portions of the software in self-modifying code. So at the very least set the execution to XP-compatible.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Did that uninstall/reinstall work? I've just installed this also and have the same error using Windows 10 (64bit Home).

The bad part, though, is after I do the restore procedure and re-open SonicStage, the oma files transferred from my MZ-M200 no longer play. It says something about rights information missing. I had to re-import those tracks and convert them to WAV before I let SonicStage exit, at which point after re-opening the error would occur and those files were no longer playable.

When I originally installed SonicStage, I had already installed the 764 NetMD driver. It looked to have a few updates over 760. I also made sure all other Net MD INF files were deleted. I wonder if I should just use the 760 driver?

Thanks! I just got this MZ-M200; been trying to archive some live recordings.

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Thanks, not sure what you mean by on/off admin rights. I have tried to run it as admin, and also not as admin. There seems to be a pattern when I attempt to transfer tracks from MD to the computer where this error starts to happen. I installed it all from scratch using the downloads and instructions I found on this site. I'm not sure how uninstalling and reinstalling it would work. I'll have to try that tomorrow  or so as I have not had much time to do a complete uninstall and registry/file purge today.

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20 hours ago, Zoidborg said:

When I originally installed SonicStage, I had already installed the 764 NetMD driver. It looked to have a few updates over 760. I also made sure all other Net MD INF files were deleted. I wonder if I should just use the 760 driver?

There is only one NetMD driver you want, and it appears you have installed it. YOU MUST GET RID OF ALL TRACES of any other NetMD driver. This means showing hidden devices and deleting them (uninstall). If you don't see any drivers at all show up (NetMD or any other devices) then you haven't turned on the ability to show them in the Windows environment variables


In addition it's important to delete ALL the relevant .INF files, including those ones that may have been copied to the hidden WINDOWS\inf directory and renamed as "oemNN.inf" where NN is an arbitrary 2 digit number. However every new device will create one of these so you should not delete ALL of them, only the ones which are for NetMD (and obviously not the NetMD760).

Sorry, life is complicated. However, I don't think any of the above should be affecting your database, just the ability to connect to the device.

However I am now shutting down this thread as the real problem you report probably has nothing to do with this. I merely wanted to set the record straight.

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