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Cant Connect to Web Minidisc Pro App in HiMD Mode

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I have a blank 80 min MD disc and trying to format it in HiMD format, When I select HiMD Full it gives me this error: 

Failed to execute 'reset' on 'USBDevice': Unable to reset the device.

When I try to connect as HiMD restricted it directs me to a folder looking for a file, I read the WiKi but did not quite understand it. I'm using the Sony MZ-NH3D via USB cable.


Any help ?

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I dug deeper and I found the answer, It comes down to putting the device into HiMD mode, Which means I have to disconnect it from the computer, Which means I have to get a gumstick battery, Darn it.


Here is the steps in case someone bumps into this thread:


To access a HiMD device in unrestricted mode, you need to:


  1. Connect the HiMD device to the computer, while it's in MD mode (either with a regular MD inside, which has at least one track, or just set to MD disc mode and without a disc)

  2. Connect it to WebMinidisc, as you would do if you wanted to use normal NetMD mode.

  3. Open the '3 dots' menu, select settings, then 'enable homebrew mode shortcuts', then close the settings (this step needs to be done only once)

  4. Open the '3 dots' menu, select homebrew shortcuts, then 'Switch to HiMD unrestricted mode'*

  5. At this point, you'll see Web MiniDisc's loading screen, then a 'Loaded.' dialog will appear. After closing the dialog you'll be put back at the 'connect' screen. --- At this point the exploit is already loaded onto the device and it will stay loaded until the device goes to sleep, unplugging the USB cable will not erase the exploit ---

  6. Insert a HiMD disc (either a HiMD formatted MD with at least one track, or a blank one with the device set to HiMD mode)

  7. (Windows only) Install Zadig again for this new HiMD device. It should have 0x5341 as the VID.

  8. (Linux only) Add a udev rule for the new device: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="5341", ATTR{idProduct}=="5256", MODE:="0666"

  9. Click the downwards-pointing arrow next to the connect button, then select HiMD (Unrestricted). A WebUSB dialog will appear. Select your device, then wait. Make sure the device is called "HiMD", and not "NetMD/HiMD". You might need to wait a few seconds for the "HiMD" device to appear.

  10. Done. You can now upload ATRAC3/3+/PCM/MP3 audio

*If the 'Switch to HiMD unrestricted mode' is greyed out, it means your device isn't supported yet and you'll need to download its firmware and send it to the developer, so that it can be reverse engineered. To download the firmware, click on 'Enter Homebrew Mode' in the same menu, then once the homebrew mode loads, open the menu again and select "Read Firmware". It might take a while.

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Pleased to hear you figured it out (and thanks for posting the solution for anyone who might come looking in future).


Does your Hi-MD device use the "normal" gumstick batteries (i.e. NH-14WM equivalents) or the later, and harder to find, lithium ion ones? Can you attach a standard AA battery in a sidecar or connect it directly to a DC power adaptor?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/27/2023 at 12:39 PM, BearBoy said:

Pleased to hear you figured it out (and thanks for posting the solution for anyone who might come looking in future).


Does your Hi-MD device use the "normal" gumstick batteries (i.e. NH-14WM equivalents) or the later, and harder to find, lithium ion ones? Can you attach a standard AA battery in a sidecar or connect it directly to a DC power adaptor?

Not so fast, While I was able to put the player in HiMD mode, I'm not able to get it to connect in HiMD mode to the app, I can access the drive using file explorer. The Zadig app does not give me the option to install a new driver, instead it asks me if I want to re-install the driver, but if I do the MD Pro app cannot detect neither the HiMD nor the regular MD, I take it as a driver issue, so how do I contact the developer of MD Pro app?



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