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iTunes for Minidisc?


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Excusme for my english, but i think it's not good for sony because, iTunes sold music with MP3 and ACC, its a software of Apple, and sony can't play with this rules, and Jobs will sold to the people he have sony machines

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I think they should go for it. If Sony can get Apple to include NetMD/HiMD support in iTunes, it's likely that their device sales would take off - SonicStage is among the biggest reasons users are not buying into Sony's newest wares, or returning hardware after having bought it.

If iTunes worked with HiMD I'd drop SS without a first, let alone second thought.

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Wow & super wow. That's what I always wanted :grin:

However :ohmy: I beleive this to be difficult to occur, because they are competitors. And besides it doesn't seem Apple-like...they are so encapsulated on their technologies always.

And what about interface? Guess iTunes should have a transcoding engine where your AAC files are transcoded to atrac and then transfered to minidisc. Guess it should work just like RealPlayer which can do the same thing with NetMD.

Guess if SONY decides to go ahead it would be very good news for all MD fans that use MAC since there's no support for those right now.

I don't have a MAC but I use iTunes alot and love it that's why for me it would also be great!!!

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I've bought an album on iTunes shop and the 128k AAC they delivered sounds like crap.

It was the first and the last time, they've seen any money from me.

If I want crap, I'll go on Kazaa or Grokster but for 10 bucks per album, I'll expect something better. Much better.

So, if iTunes can handle Hi-MD including upload and titling, fine for me as the GUI is much better and the stability too.

But the shop - no. *barf*

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What I like from iTunes is the GUI, and its ease of use to ripp cd's and go on and search you library.

About the store I also bought an album. I must confess I can detect some artefacts, however the overall sound is good in a good equipment. The sad part is that if you want to transfer it to anything portable, then you have to transcode.

The only flaw I see in this app is that it sure needs an automatic- transcode-to-mp3 when you want to burn mp3 discs and your base songs are on other format say AAC :wink:

Also as SS the AAC codec has no quality setting :wink:

But can't complain the app is really good and for my ears AAC@128 is a good size-quality solution.

I'm really looking forward to see what's their solution on the transfer to MD if this project becomes reality :smile:

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Sony better do it. They cannot hope that Connect.com will swipe away a lot of Itunes (which is much more flexible than SS, IMHO) customer base. If they develop a customized package that allows for AAC to True SP USB transfers, we'll be in heaven: We get what we want, when we want it, and pay for it if we want it, and Sony and Apple and the RIAA get their dues and their DRM and all that which makes them feel happy.

Come on, Sony.. you know you want to. Remember the hip and adventurous youngster you were back when the PSX was launched... yeah... I miss that one too.

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Never say never...

But, I say it will never happen. Sony isn't interested in working with others. It would be nice, though. I can just imagine hooking up my HI-MD, NetMD, or Sony branded HDD player to my computer and watching iTunes load. Drag and Drop without iTunes crashing (unlike SS).

Imagine iTunes being able to rip to Wave, AIFF, Apple Lossless, AAC, mp3, ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus. That would provide support for all companies that want to work with Apple and we, the customers, would win. Heck, even the Mac folks could take advantage of MD.

Yeah, just a pipe dream....

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Do you guys think maybe SONY takes some time to read this forum?

Because maybe if they do then SONY could get an idea of what users like or need.

Like all the other posts in this whole forum have very nice & good ideas SONY should take a look at.

But does somebody actually know if SONY REALLY looks at them?

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I've actually suggested to Sony Canada that they have someone look at places like here and t-board to get an impression of actual customer reactions/opinions. Who knows if they do, though.

[i suppose the service provider running this server might, sincethe weblogs would indicate where people visit from - though that information is only suggestive at best most of the time.]

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mad.gif Sony would NEVER do it, because it still belives in its own portable players and would have us all using Minidisc under their terms.

And personally, I don't think the Japanese execs give a damn about us, which is their problem to begin with.

Personally, I think (and I know record companies agree with this notion), that all digital music players that have music stores should support all the major codecs (including: mp3/mp3PRO, AAC, ATRAC/ATRAC3(plus), WMA, and OGG). The notion that I have to burn a CD to get around the codec issue is horrible; we should be able to download a compatible verison for our selected players.

Beleive it or not, record companies could actually be our ally on this one, folks, because then, maybe then, would software developers make their stuff to support all portable digital media, whether iPod, Hi-MD, Sony's ATRAC HD players, or any mp3/OGG players out there.

Own: MZ-NH1 (The best damn MD player/recorder on the planet).

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I wouldn't have cared wither way; I'm somewhat underimpressed with iTunes...I prefer MusicMatch. I use Sony Connect, too, but I'd say iTunes is definitely better than that.

In a perfect world every major online music source would be legally able to transfer music to your multiple devices that you own, but even Apple wants everyone to own an iPod. And though it's a cool concept, I'm personally not someone who likes putting all their eggs in one basket; just a matter of time before the hard drive dies or the Lion battery goes out.


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It's just a matter of time before your heart stops beating, your brain stops functioning or the sun blows up and a comet hits your house.

Point being nothing is infinite. No personal consumer grade electronics, ie. mobile phones, PDAs, laptops or what not will last over 5 years.

AppleCare extends your warranty to 3 years should anything go wrong. When those 3 years are up, there'll be something else worth upgrading to anyway.

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