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Abby Normal

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Everything posted by Abby Normal

  1. Have a bunch of things to do today, but just a quick reply on the ensuing controversy: I probably have a slightly different take on things considering my late entry into the format, but those of you who have read enough of my posts should know that I am pretty disgusted with Sony myself (they're what kept me from entering the format until it was nearly dead, after all). That said, I'm not positive that folding it under sonyinsider is the kiss of death either. I could be wrong, but as far as I can tell sonyinsider has no direct relationship with Sony, does it? Furthermore, Mr. MacManus has been a great steward of the contributions that this community has made--not to mention that he gave these contributions (in addition to his own) an environment to grow. Additionally--I could be wrong, but I doubt it--this change doesn't hamper anybody's ability to discuss other brands. Assuming I'm not wrong about the non-existence of a direct relationship, we'll be able to continue our criticism of the Sony brand as well. In conclusion, I understand the feelings that putting the minidisc forums on a Sony-centric site evoke--I just don't think that after all that this site has done for us that it is fair to characterize this as a "hostile takeover". Nothing is changing in terms of ownership or management. Chris just wants to consolidate hardware, software, and databases. It's clear that there's been a lot more recent attention paid to the sonyinsider site in terms of design and functionality. Once the sites are merged we'll be able to enjoy the results of those efforts in the minidisc community, too. Regards, Abby Normal
  2. kurisu, I peeked in at the forum structure at SonyInsider. The wording of the placeholder description for the MiniDisc archive is not clear. Does it mean that there will be sub-forums in the Audio category or will everything have to be discussed in a single forum named "Audio"? Regards. Abby Normal
  3. Congrats! Looks like they got a fair deal! Chris G's N505 goes for $19.99 + shipping
  4. I forgot to add the stipulation up there that you have to sort them by price (in case that wasn't obvious).
  5. Google lists 90 sellers with HMD1G--the first 29 or so under $5. However, from that 29 you still have to select which ones offer reasonable shipping, are trustworthy, and are showing accurate inventory.
  6. Yeah--there's that, too. (DOH!--why didn't I think of that?)
  7. The big gaping hole in your logic here is that as long as he chooses not to buy it from you it is entirely your problem, not his.
  8. Interesting--I may have to look into that. I don't have anything to use it on right now, but a few weeks ago I did. Unfortunately I round-filed the item. It wasn't anything irreplaceable or expensive, but it would've been neat to say "I fixed it!"
  9. I don't have any soldering skills, but I've researched this type of thing before. A skilled solderer can attempt to "gild" the contacts and reestablish a connection, but it doesn't always work. If you don't have a replacement cable you're probably S.O.L. Do any MD units use ribbon cable "sockets" so you can yank them out and replace them if you can find a replacement?
  10. Yes--this is one of the first things I did with my RH1--using PCM, no less. I recorded off of single-side band one of these amateur clubs doing one of those "make as many contacts in the space of X-time" contests. Here's the radio I used: Tecsun PL-600 AM/FM/LW Shortwave Radio with SSB Reception <-eham review I bought it off of ebay, but Amazon has different angles, so: Amazon Product Page for Tecsun PL-600 Worked perfectly. LOL--I just realized you said Satellite, not Shortwave <- space cadet
  11. Dude, settle down--no one minds that you're asking for shipping. All these manuals are available online. Yank the staples (if any) and put them in the paper recycling bin. I think my new B10 comes with the manuals for like 10 languages. For now I'm keeping them (along with with everything else in the box) so that it remains a "complete" set--later I'll probably not care and just recycle them all.
  12. Bought 12 sealed HiMD blanks from cornreaper. Everything arrived A-OK. Absolutely no hassles with this fine seller!
  13. Judging from page 24, step 5, of this version of the manual, it seems the answer is "YES". http://www.docs.sony.com/release/DHCMD555.PDF
  14. I looked up the weight in the manual. 20 pounds + 7 pounds per speaker=approximately 34 pounds. Round that up to 40 to account for the weight of the other accessories, packing materials, and cost of the packing materials. Using Amazon's table that's about $25 to ship using standard shipping.
  15. He's using Amazon Marketplace, which offers built-in protections for the buyer and the seller. Pictures would be nice--but he's been straightforward about describing any faults. At that price, it's hard to be critical.
  16. Actually, as far as I know, it's perfectly fine to post on here announcing your ebay sale. Frankly, I prefer that, as it offers up all the transaction-related conveniences that ebay has. Accountability, paypal protection, documentation, etc.
  17. Well, there are plenty of new RH1s and M200s on ebay in the $300-$400 range. I'm tracking one particular listing that has 21 M200s in stock. pauseplaystop still has RH1s and I think other places too. Eventually, of course, the new stock will dry up. I have no idea when that'll be, but right now there doesn't appear to be any imminent end in sight. I think people who think their used units will go up very much in value anytime in the near future will be sorely disappointed. There's an M200 auction going on right now that I expect to reach some nice sale price, but he's including a ton of extras including cases and some of those highly coveted bitclub blanks (SEALED). Still 7 days left and it's already at about $167 USD. Musician's Friend still has them, too. Minidisco, too. There are at least 20 merchants that claim to have stock in Google Products--but there's a couple I don't trust to report their stock accurately.
  18. Good question. I see no reference to such a thing in either the user nor service manual. My guess is that the Sony support site screwed up and gave you an article that refers to their newer players, not MD. I realize it still shows "MZ-R50" in the query field in the URL, but you'll also notice that nowhere on the page does it say "MD". At the bottom it says "Digital Music Player".
  19. BTW, I emailed minidisco asking them about restocking and they said they expect to get more in about 2 weeks with the prices remaining steady. So, unless their suppliers are lying to them there's no need to panic yet.
  20. Well--I watched minidisco.com's available stock plummet from 75 to 0 over the last couple of weeks. Hopefully they will get more in, but I'm not holding my breath. Thanks for reminding me. I just checked tracking on a purchase of HiMDs I made here. It's stalled in Canada somehow according to USPS tracking--but who knows, sometimes USPS sucks at scanning this stuff when they get it. There's still some on ebay for "fair" prices. Here's what USPS tracking shows me--it'll probably show up soon with no further report : Class: Priority Mail International Parcels Service(s): International Parcels Status: Origin Post is Preparing Shipment We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece. Detailed Results: Bullet Origin Post is Preparing Shipment Bullet Foreign International Dispatch, July 28, 2009, 1:30 pm, TORONTO-A, CANADA Bullet Foreign Acceptance, July 23, 2009, 9:25 am, CANADA
  21. Brunei hasn't been under UK governance since 1984--so if that's what you were thinking, unless Chris changes his mind about where he's willing to ship to then you may be out of luck.
  22. Also--I wondered if some of the parameters were rigged to support the conclusion. You know, make the worst quality mp3 rip you can, then compare it a high quality MD rip? I know for a fact I can create decent MP3 rips. I love MD, don't get me wrong--just in the interest of truth, you know?
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