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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. For me, the audio quality of the source come first before the audio quality of the player (as a DAT or a MD recorder). But I am happy that you discuss anyway even I am already sunk.
  2. Interesting because phamcu has one to sell for... 133$ , oups a little bit expensive (I bought my JB980 65 euros) decks with MDLP and optical out: MDS-JE640 MDS-JE770 MDS-JE780 (has Type-S also, and USB *in*) MDS-JB930 MDS-JB940 MDS-JB980 (Has Type-S also, and USB *in*) MDS-JA333ES MXD-D400 (the only Combo deck with MDLP and optical out, also the only combo with Type-S)
  3. use the browser ! http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MDS-JE480.html , MDLP type S your "920" ?? http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MDS-JB920.html
  4. if you can find for us this demo on a web video...
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Audio_Tape DAT record in PCM quality, no compression. DAT can record in a higher frequency (48 kHz) but at 16bit quantization. Even if you can find nowadays a DAT recorder for cheap (150US$ or more), the problem will be to find DAT cassettes. There is something that - one say - sound much better than a minidisc portable unit : the iBasso DX100, if you have enough money ! Minidisc is still good for one big reason, it is a recorder.
  6. http://www.ebay.com/...=item2ec0c250aa Thanks to Sergio (sescoscuba)
  7. We have specialists here who will answer you soon.
  8. But not ALL MD recorder can read MP3. Search "MP3" in the minidisc.org browser, specially in Hi-MD units : http://www.minidisc.org/part_Hi-MD_Sony.html
  9. I mean, the time I spent to listen to music is 95% at home. Not 95% of my life time is to listen to music. I would like so.
  10. I know that type R is probably the best for recording, no need for a type S if you use only SP mode. So you are right, not inferior because it is not use for the same thing. BUT for those who use also the two LP modes, the type S will give the best listening quality. I suppose for what I have learned from this forum that LP is recording with the type-R part included in the type S. So type S units ARE the best for both recording and listening for LP mode, and type R is enough for SP mode. Otherwise, why everybody is still loving JA555ES and JA50ES ? And I am still curious about the LP sound quality on a JA333ES which is type R "only"... Stephen, you have a Sony MDS-JB980 and - if I am not wrong - a MDS-JB940. I know that you have measured (or rode somewhere) that optical out is real 24bit for the JB940. So once connected to a recent 24bit-192kHz Digital-Analog convertor (amplifier or DA), I suppose the sound is a little bit better that the JB980. But, for the two analog outs, do you ear or are aware of a difference ? I don't think so.
  11. Hi Doctore Sergio, A machine which SOUND GOOD but do not have a recent ATRAC so it can't record as good as a recent unit is GOOD for me. But, yes, after that an unit which record with a recent ATRAC (at least type R) is needed anyway. If you need to record in LP mode, the solution is to get a type S unit. I never made a philosophical introspection about which unit sound better than the other in a quiet environment compare to a noisy one. I spent 95% of my time to listen to music at home, where I use my two decks (Sony MDS-B5 and Sony MDS-JB980). In fact, it is difficult for me to have a good idea about the quality of the non Sony units. We need people like you who have both to tell us why Sharp, Panasonic or Aiwa are good alternatives, specially when price is very afordable.
  12. And the new question is : is the Tascam unit - actually on the market , the MD-CD1 Mk III - a step up on a sony uk model 920/940/980 ?
  13. http://cgi.ebay.fr/NEW-Hi-MD-ONKYO-MINIDISC-Hi-Fi-FR-B7-MDLP-LONG-PLAY-MD-BOOKSHELF-NEU--/261093421512?pt=UK_CE_Cassette_RL&hash=item3cca6171c8#ht_5662wt_1185 as usual, come back on the market with a HUGE price (this is only a bookshelf, not a separate mini-HiFi units)
  14. http://cgi.ebay.fr/SONY-MDS-JB980-QS-MINIDISC-PLAYER-RECORDER-MANUAL-VGC-C-13-TOC-FAULT-/120980653908?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_MiniDisc_Players_Recorders&hash=item1c2b024754#ht_794wt_1185 faulty TOC (C13 error) = you can win the auction for peanuts.... I can buy a "new" lens to phamcu if it can help...
  15. http://cgi.ebay.fr/SONY-MZ-R4ST-BIG-LOT-SONY-MD-WALKMAN-PORTABLE-MINIDISC-RECORDER-PLAYER-BUNDLE-/320976430237?pt=US_MiniDisc_Decks&hash=item4abbafa49d never seen that before Price is too high, even with the pre-recorded MDs, I doubt he find a buyer Argh, Stephen, can you get off the "Vendre un objet identique" from the topic title ?
  16. Sony Mini Disc Commercial Athens Beach minidisc commercial (re)found with http://www.oskope.com/
  17. Sony MDS-JE520 Mini Disc Player IMMACULATE CONDITION http://cgi.ebay.fr/Sony-MDS-JE520-Mini-Disc-Player-IMMACULATE-CONDITION-/320973074375 Hallelua ! A deck in an immaculate conception
  18. Sony MD MZ-RH910 HI-MD Walkman Minidisc Player/Recorder with Remote and Charger http://cgi.ebay.fr/Sony-MD-MZ-RH910-HI-MD-Walkman-Minidisc-Player-Recorder-with-Remote-and-Charger-/170903148132?pt=US_Personal_MiniDisc_Recorder&hash=item27ca9f1664 auction start at 125$US
  19. Aaaaaarrrggghhhh, but WHY do you sell this deck ?
  20. http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271045640303&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:FR:1123 sadly the seller did not tear the stickers off maybe as expensive as the blanks themselves in any case ?
  21. see here the - most - complete story :
  22. a little bit different from my final deal, total 200 MD blanks
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