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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. About your dislike about the RH1, is it a mechanical or an electronic problem ? I still have my "marsupilami" grey unit with a /@&%:+ joggle problem. Consider it more a a spare parts unit for my more recent black unit now, the grey unit is still listening and recording well but it is a mess to change anything in the settings, I control only what is possible with the remote.
  2. This could be a better idea, as you can use again the MDs :
  3. http://cgi.ebay.fr/SONY-HI-MD-MINIDISC-PLAYER-MZ-EH1-/221145814162?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item337d515492 stratospheric
  4. Hi-MD disks : ask sescoscuba to buy this for you
  5. I wait for pictures of your system once this unit will be finally in your home
  6. Run ! Deck Onkyo Sony FR-N7X Hi-MD Kompaktanlage Deck Walkman Net-MD Linear PCM Minidisc http://cgi.ebay.fr/O...=item3ccbd63496
  7. You need to know that your HK battery will be a fake one, a little bit thicker than the original battery but able to work anyway.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.fr/14-x-Sony-Hi-MD-1Gb-Mini-Discs-/140871492002?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_MiniDiscs&hash=item20cc9861a2#ht_500wt_1091
  9. As I had owned a JA555ES that I finally brought back in Vietnam, I was rather close to make that test with my JB980. Sadly I sold it directly to phamcu. I f you cannot find or afford a Sony ES deck (50, 555 ,333 ,30 ,22 ,20 & 3), the best after that is the Sony QS with 980 and 940 (Stephen said that this one has a real 24bit optical out). Here is the list if you search decks with MDLP and optical out: MDS-JE640 MDS-JE770 MDS-JE780 (has Type-S also, and USB *in*) MDS-JB930 MDS-JB940 MDS-JB980 (Has Type-S also, and USB *in*) MDS-JA333ES MXD-D400 (the only Combo deck with MDLP and optical out, also the only combo with Type-S)
  10. How much charge Jim ? Parcel cost from Italia to UK ?
  11. being a mint & wrapped MD blanks collector cost too much money.
  12. phamcu (Pham Cu http://www.5giay.vn/dien-dien-tu/3360572-ban-dau-md-desk-thu-phat-hoac-lam-da-va-cac-dich-vu-lien-quan-toi-minidisc.html ) finally repaired mine in Vietnam but it had been difficult to find a lens even here in Vietnam. Maybe you can ask help for basic tests to jonathanpotato who has now a very good experience with MD decks and who have a MDS-B5
  13. You are far far from a good price my dear amie. Except for rare & famous used MD blanks, price is around 1$ each. A Sony MZ-505 is a common unit, with a price at 30-40$, maybe 60-70$ if the box is complete and the unit in mint condition. Just check eBay to see. Ok the 3 logic cases are good stuff, but it could be difficult to sell all the 3 at the same time I have one bought on eBay with 20 mint TDK WA MD blanks .
  14. No hurry, the parcel is there. I will check... maybe next summer
  15. I just need somebody to offer me an Iphone...
  16. Would the <<fair>> test be to record and listen the same album in PCM with the Sony MZ-RH1 then compare it with Apple Lossless inside Iphone 3GS ?
  17. brand new, a complete 10 MDs box, full wrapped, rare and beloved I am not astonished that could reached this price
  18. Pictures AND price will help. I am not interested myself (you are too far)
  19. More precisely have a look to what I have NOT bought to Sergio after comparing with my topic :
  20. But Sergio, I am afraid you did not bought them...
  21. Woooow.... If those were sold on eBay, they would all be gone soon for more than 8,59€
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