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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. Sony DHC-MD515 MiniDisc / CD (3MD + 3CD) Mini Hi-Fi System *Excellent Condition* http://cgi.ebay.fr/Sony-DHC-MD515-MiniDisc-CD-3MD-3CD-Mini-Hi-Fi-System-Excellent-Condition--/220990874101?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33741521f5#ht_1412wt_1185 Look nice and sound good (I got opportunity to test this one last year in Vietnam)
  2. Type-R is a improved ATRAC codec for SP recording. Type-S have Type-R and a DSP to improve playback of LP2/4. So your SP recording with a type-S unit is done in... type-R. ATRAC history : http://www.minidisc.org/faq_sec_4.html#_q27 I don't use Soundforge. I use foobar2000 and to increase the quality of my MD recordings : just use 24bit-96kHz albums (Chesky Records, Linn Records). If you don't have, they are available on the web (even "free") in the FLAC lossless format. You must configure your reader to be able to read such files. But the sound card must be also able to support 24bit-96kHz. If not, just buy an external sound card like the USB M2Tech HiFace Two and connect it to your MD deck or your portable unit.
  3. JosephLucas don't focus on Minidisc. Just tell your friend to find a bookshelf with a CD +/- Tuner +/- MD +/- Tape recorder...
  4. http://cgi.ebay.fr/ONKYO-MD105FX-Hi-MD-Player-/200725746299?pt=UK_CE_Cassette_RL&hash=item2ebc2fd27b BuyItNow 292,95 GBP + shipping Very very very rare opportunity so hurry up !
  5. You can easily find ALL the units that fitted what you want here : search for MDLP word in the "Players" equipment browser page of minidisc.org : http://www.minidisc.org/player_table.html and EH in "HI-MD" equipment browser page of minidisc.org : http://www.minidisc.org/himd_table.html
  6. Please help us with our master thesis</h2> Sony_ASBDenamrk Newbie Members 2 posts Sent Today, 09:39 PM Dear PhilippeC, First of all, sorry to bother you with this issue, but we could really use your help. We are 2 students from the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark, currently working on our master thesis on virtual brand communities and we would be very very grateful if you could take the time to fill out our survey. We are kind of desperate, as we need 300 answers in order to finish our thesis and we only have 70 so far Here is the Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CC7MGBK Thank you very much! Alexandra & Lavinia
  7. http://cgi.ebay.fr/M...=item2a1c2a17c5 MD Sony 80mn 9 1,30 € 11,70 € MD Sony 74 mn 108 1,20 € 129,60 € MD Emtec 80mn 8 1,30 € 10,40 € MD TDK 74 mn 40 1,20 € 48,00 € MD TDK 60mn 5 1,10 € 5,50 € MD Sony 80 mn 1 0,90 € 0,90 € MD Sony 74 mn 194 0,80 € 155,20 € MD TDK 80 mn 12 0,90 € 10,80 € MD TDK 74 mn 146 0,80 € 116,80 € MD TDK 60 mn 11 0,70 € 7,70 € Total 534 496,60 € "for more, please contact me"
  8. This double-CD is in France and me in Vietnam, I will see check for specifications during my next trip. Till then, I am still interesting with your feelings on your double-MD deck.
  9. My brother got the double-CD version. For me the sound is ugly so I hope you will be more lucky with the double-MD version ! I have a Sony MDS-B5 professionnal deck. This one was my first deck, got an incredible sound and decided me to stay in MD deck's world so I bought also a Sony MDS-JB980.
  10. Pierre told me that he have still in stock Sony JB : 730, 920 et 930 Sony JE : 320, 330, 440, 470, 480, 500, 510, 520, 530, 640, 700, 780 If you are still interested, I send you a PM with his direct contact (e-mail + mobile phone number)
  11. OK I check with Pierre but you mean QS, not ES I think ?
  12. I don't have the size in mind but many shops are selling "precison screew drivers box". As I had already opened a RH1 bee ready also to find a very small precision screew driver for the inside screews!
  13. And when you will have BitClub blanks, you will be able to make something like that :
  14. The guy say that his unit has been stolen, so he sell everything else for 20 € ! http://www.ebay.de/itm/Verpackung-Zubehore-Sony-Hi-MD-MZ-RH1-inkl-Kopfhorer-Akku-LIP-4WM-etc-/260977746599?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77#ht_3685wt_1185
  15. http://www.flickr.com/photos/21476504@N05/5201586084/in/photostream/
  16. Using oSkope visual search , I found that :
  17. oSkope visual search : http://www.oskope.com/ Will help you to find any stuff faster than with the search engines of the auction web sites.
  18. I found a good software to check such hacking activities : collusion for Firefox browser
  19. It is not an infection in fact, I am in Vietnam and I think that some weird companies pay the providers for such a pirate marketing. The 3 commercial for Ipad there are shaking... typically like a virus do.
  20. please find more : How To Create Your Own Custom Minidisc Labels http://www.swharden.com/blog/how-to-create-your-own-custom-minidisc-labels/ Press it, Audio MiniDisc Labels (60, A4) http://www.medea.co.uk/buy/audio-minidisc-labels-60-a4-p-1025.html software http://www.pressit.com/pressit_download.htm galery http://www.pressit.com/free-cd-dvd-bluray-labels-covers-design-templates-gallery.html Lack of creativity ? Gadins et bouts de ficelle http://gadinsetboutsdeficelles.blogspot.com/2008/02/playlist-par-charles-berbrian-soif-de.html More grunge http://www.tylerrabbit.com/misc/minidisc_labels.html THE reference : The MD label artwork thread v2.0 http://www.audiotstation.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33127 THE OTHER reference : Glossy Minidiscs - labeling made EASY - finally! More lack of creativity ? iPaint-Machine http://www.i-dat.de/doc/idat_451_soluipaintmachine_e.htm don't forget to use a screenshot if you want tosave your creations
  21. Mary it with - the Ipaint-Machine shareware (plus a screenshot software to save your creation) - or a clip-art web database - A5 glossy photo sticker paper and you will make fantastics labels
  22. I have the Panasonic SC-HD615 MD that I paid 3T5 = 160 US$ http://www.minidisc....SC-HD615MD.html Sadly no remote Fantastic sound, work even in bi-wiring for the loudspeakers so I tested the bookshelf with my Tannoy R1 and get a very good sound. The bookshelf has 5CD and 5MD changer but I don't use it that much. I suppose that it is still rather easy to find MD bookshelves in the Nhat Thao area in HCM city in Vietnam.
  23. Very common for me. But this is always in vietnamese language. When clicking X or Yes or Cancel, all they open a commercial site (with many other popups).
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