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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. The "classifieds" topics are here : http://forums.sonyin...s-used-to-sell/ His Picasa album for sale here : https://plus.google....7105?banner=pwa I have spent 2 weeks with Sergio to end this deal. To chose 200 MD blanks is not that simple (different prices, different aesthetic qualities, different series & rarities, 74mn or 80mn, different parcel price due to a +/- big number of blanks... and a money limit). To help us, I made an Excel file based on his Picasa "for sale" album and his huge effort to classified his MD blanks by price / serie / rarity / aesthetic quality. After that, we took a lot of e-mails to discuss about details like MD blanks missing or to be add on the pictures, whether or not I had some different bitclub to sell to me,etc. Here are some screenshots of this file and the pictures taken by Sergio before packaging (this not exactly ALL those blanks as I have done some last minute changes). Serious work, isn't it ? I am sure this can help you to buy or to sell also a huge quantity of MD blanks, so the Excel file is yours if you need it. Some more pictures arriving soon
  2. there are plenty of those MDLP/Net-MD bookshelves in Vietnam : see for example thatSONY CMT-A01MD or thatKENWOOD VH7PC http://www.5giay.vn/17-dien-dien-tu/2096789-ban-may-nghe-nhac-mini-nhat-du-cac-hieu-denon-onkyo-pioneer-sony-sansui-kenwood.html http://ployer.com/archives/2004/11/sonys-cmta01md.php
  3. http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140835494918&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:FR:1123#ht_500wt_1202 Combine lecteur CD et graveur minidisc MD MEDION MD 8959
  4. Years ago (>2004), the Hi-MD blanks were sold 10€ each, so this 401 e for 40 Hi-Md sealed is not a bad deal, it is a normal price. Unsealed and use (b- or c sergio ), 10€ is not a good price. maybe somebody living in Canada can help you to charge your gumstick batteries, just ask.
  5. Hong Kong/Chinese/japanese sellers offering 5-packs at about US$70-75 ???? Viva el second hand !
  6. If you live in a - rather - big town, you have computer shops everywhere. So you don't lose your time bringing your computer to the shop. You can even stay there, waiting for the diagnostic (most of the time less than half an hour). Private files... you need to care a lot about that (that is why you stay there) because most of these stupid guys (low education) will easily format your HDD without asking you before. But thank to external HDD, everybody is aware of that and backup files at home / work or right there in the shop with the help of the technician if the computer has a problem BEFORE any work on it. With some experience, you know who is serious in this repair business. Laptops are now afordable so they take the place of desktop at work or at home because desktop is not portable, too big and need an UPS. Desktop are still successfull for gamers and very cheap configuration. There is a lot second hand market ("sida") in Vietnam. The only thing you have to take care of is the rain when you go to the computer shop (90% of vietnamese drive a motorbike like... me).
  7. There are thousands of vietnamese who sell electric stuff in their house. Some are very specialize, like phamcu (MD decks & Hi-MD bookshelves) or the other guy with with all that big (but NOT dirty) stock. It is only when they have a lot of place (sometime only the garden or the terrace...) in their house that they diversify. They are NOT disturb by all that mess in their house because it is business. People said "MD is not popular" (they prefer their phones with super crqp sound). And you have also to understand this cheap crap is expensive for most of these people.
  8. i am dealing with him right now (200+ MDs)... but not for those MDs data
  9. http://cgi.ebay.fr/Sony-MDS-JB940-Mini-Disc-Player-/190717557098?pt=US_MiniDisc_Decks&hash=item2c67a6f96a around 200$
  10. Here in vietnam, I can have my computer repaired (no spare parts) for most of the time less than 3US$
  11. No you are wrong, there is at last ONE company that sell ONLY expensive hIgh-end units AND even a minidisc car player... McIntosh
  12. MD Data MMD-140A MiniDisc pour Yamaha MD4 et similaire - 5 mini-discs http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140831613557&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:FR:1123 This is even not more expensive than 5 Hi-MD blank discs !
  13. somebody know this one ??? SONY Celebrity MD-7000 ?
  14. Tagazok ! Comtraya ! Okey Dokey ! congratulation ! How much do you pay it ? I can get such a bookshelf here (phamcu) http://www.5giay.vn/...i-minidisc.html or here http://www.5giay.vn/...ui-kenwood.html . 1T3 = 62US$ , 1T5 = 72US$ i always suspect what you said : "some quality variation (and loss) when recording in high-speed mode", like SimpleBurner or SS transforming "SP" in LP2 phamcu has also the LAM-X1 and use it exactely like you, plus Hi-MD modes. .... even here : http://muaban.hiha.vn/HOT-Hang-noi-dia-Nhat-moi-ve-Dong-ho-treo-tuong-co-Quat-co-May-nghe-CD-co-v-v-tp103681.aspx
  15. Don't forget to change your audio output with KS or Asia4all... I forget to tell you that KS or Asio4all settings can be set to 192kHz/24bit if you download 24bit quality music.
  16. I am an exclusive PC user since 25 years. I am wondering since all this time, are Apple/McIntosh users are as able as PC users to repair their operating system (without help for a lot of us) ? In other words, is it as easy as with PC ?
  17. And for you, do you notice a difference between SP 292kbps and Hi-SP 256kbps ?
  18. I do not ask to myself that question like that, I would rather care of the final sound quality. You said it is not an issue but in fact you can really enhance easily your MP3 sound with DFX Audio Enhancer (www.fxsound.com). It is a real time enhancement. I record my MDs in real time (optical out) and use for that : - foobar2000 (or Winamp) - a plugin name Kernel streaming audio output (you can also use Asio4all) - another plugin to create silence between tracks : Post track silence. If you use Winamp, the plugin name is Wincue. Take care of the settings, just a few is often enough (that is why free version of DFX is good enough). I can understand you don't want to loose your time during recording but I suppose you don't have a ton of tracks to record. A night if enough to record hours of music on a Hi-MD formatted disc.
  19. That is why I stick on SP or even LP2 with classic MD. WizardofOz - who own a Hi-MD Onkyo deck - used to listen to Hi-MD dics recorded even in PCM so all make me think that it is very a subjective subject. Until Sony is not decided to make a MDS- RH333ES we will not have a clear answer.
  20. I am curious, maybe somebody will answer
  21. And if you have time, enjoy also real time recording from your PC ! Personnaly I use SP + LP2, and 256kbps on my 1Go Hi-MD blanks Stephen, can you give me a link to understand your words "352kbps doesn't buy you anything" ?
  22. 1. Yes a brand new Hi-MD blank is expensive (around 10 euros or more) but there are not so much customers compare too the the classic second hand MD blanks market. There are much less Hi-MD units on the market, they are also more expensive. 2. SS is the only way to upload from a MD (both Hi-MD and classic) and you have the right unit to do it also. Check Downloads section for last drivers and software. There is a lot of topics about this subject in this forum, specially in the Technical, Tips & Tricks section.
  23. Maybe it is just because 250 euros and 300 euros are a lot of money. Sure that there are a lot people here really interested BUT they imagine that they will get - one day - these units for cheap riverrock ! This is not a dream, it could be reality, I got my own RH1 for less than 100 ! Just try, the two units for 300 euros, maybe they will run ! You still have eBay and there, you will reach I hope for you a good price (separate auction with some weeks). I also advise you take macro pictures of both units. If you don't get a good finally, don't hurry, wait. It is fair to pay 10 euros to eBay even if you don't sell at your price the units, there will be a day for it.
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