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About Aleko

  • Birthday 07/08/1960

Previous Fields

  • Sony Products I Own
    Sony MZ-R3 , Sony MDS-JB940 , Sony MZ-RH10 / Sony RM-MC40ELK , in Car Sony MDX61 , MZM200

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Toronto Canada
  • Interests
    Family ,Telephone instalations, Stereo hifi listening,Life recording.


  • ATRAC Devices
    Sony MZ-R3 , Sony MDS-JB940 , Sony MZ-RH10 / Sony RM-MC40ELK , in Car
  • Headphones
    Sennheiser HD 650/ HD25-1 II
  • Amplification
    Power Carver TFM-15 , Pre Carver C-5 , Luxman L410, Speakers Polk Audio R55, Klipsch RP-600M, Klipsch The Sixes.
  • Minidisc units
    Sony MZ-R3 , Sony MDS-JB940 , Sony MZ-RH10 / Sony RM-MC40ELK , in Car Sony MDX61 , MZM200
  • Microphone Equipment
    Sony ECM-MS907

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  1. So this document used to be found at minidisc.org? Years ago I was able to find a lot of documentation at minidisc.org but now some of the links have disappeared. Meanwhile I listen to my minidisc collection I research the internet for minidisc info and trends. Every time I am more convinced of the coming back of minidisc.
  2. Thank you very much Kevin, This info will be kept in my Minidisc Library with a reference of your kindness on sharing.
  3. Hello everyone. Going over all my technical minidisc library and found some missing information. I am pretty sure I had this info before even with pictures included but now I can't find it. I am talking about the holes in the minidisc lower shell in order to be read or censored by the player or recorder. Is there a website where to find this and explanatory information? I know about the recording protection but the I would like to find the information about what the rest of the holes are used for. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello everyone Continuing with my MD fever since many years ago, I have ran on to this new issue. When I transfer any new song to a new minidisc the songs names come up as ???????? has anyone had this fixed that can kindly help or guide me with? I would greatly appreciate.
  5. Hello sfbp I am curious about your comment, Is there another way to use the PS/2 port beside connecting a Keyboard?
  6. Here is my MD rack system , of course I didn't make it, but , just wanted to share my picks. Each of the drawer hold 40 MDs or lots of extras like the machine it self , chargers , spare bateries , microphones , ear buds , lables and everything related with MDs.One of the most important thing is that everything keeps protected from dust and organized. Originally this organizers ar intended for any kind of crafts like holding screws, nails , nuts etc. but mds fit perfecttly in after you take off a piece of plastic it uses for guiding a divider .
  7. A long time ago I use a program for Palm called MD Titler and that helped me a lot, or I just had fun with it. You could title all tracks via infrared and save the titling in memory for future use.
  8. Aleko


    If you want to stay with the pair of headphones you already have just don´t listen to another you might think sound better. You will never end the race to the top.
  9. Maybe the addiction has something to do with the fact that MD is fading out and it feels like the moment you cant find any more units around you may think you'll feel very bad if you didn't take the prevision to be ready with a lot of units and blank media to use the rest of your life.
  10. I, strongly recomend to put the unit(MzM200) inside a plastic bag (those with a zipper lock so the little grains of sand wont get into the unit and any posible splash of water won't do any damage. Run the mic cable to the side of the endof the zipper and finish to lock it with a plastic adesive tape. You will be able to work with te unit throug the plastic but anyway try to keep your hands clean of sand. I did this in a trip to the beach and worked verry well because after I got home I saw a few amount of sand in diferent places of the protective plastic .It did'nt got into the unit, it was like new. Tell us how it went! Nice trip
  11. Aleko

    QWERTY Keyboards?

    Sony MDS-JB940 is one of them. http://www.superfi.co.uk/images/MDSJB940bklg.jpg
  12. What make , what model, do you have the owners manual?
  13. Welcome Phil This makes me feel like the community is waking up again from a long time sleep. There is a lot of people that has abandoned the forum thinking MD is dead,hope they come back again. Is there a chance the moderators can send an informative email to all the members that gave permission to receive that kind of info? We´re standing up again!!! a second breath.
  14. Try these http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/home_...02553&row=3
  15. Ok, go it now , is there a grat diference in sound quality having the Type S .? Can you turn it on and off by will? So if I record any MD using my MDS940 an play it back in a machine MDSJB980 will it sound better? Thanks
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