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Everything posted by mutant1345

  1. RAP N ROCK N ROLL: [MOST in Hi-LP] Dr. Dre Dre 2001 Eminem Slim shady Lp Marshal Mathers Lp Eminem Show Encore Obie Trice Cheers D12 Devils Night D12 World Crazey Hearse (local Band) Harvest Season Ac/Dc Live Disc 1 Live Disc 2 Sammy Hagar Unboxed Album Def Leapord Vault Stand Up Comedy [all in 48K] Artists::: Stephan Lynch Denis leary Larry the cable guy jeff foxworthy Ron white mitch headberg Dane Cook DATA: usualy pending on amount of space left on the disc, spreadsheets word documents etc.....
  2. hello, i have a 600D and recently the disc i use for portable listening with my cds on it has been a liitle picky as to when it wants to play for me i will usual have the player in my pocket the remote on my belt loop and when i go to start it up, it doesnt start for a longer than usualy time and then, it gives me an error message "auferror" on the remote and "Cannot Read O Write To Disc" on the player itself, the first time i saw this i was worried i would have to rio my cds again, however i take the disc out and put it back in, and it reads it fine!!???? this happens almost everytime i wish to play my music, im wondering if anyone else has this problem or have in the plast and were able to fix it somehow thank you for any help
  3. um on the contrary with the nobody shops there thing, i mean for god sakes i cant think of a day when wal marts arent over packed, some never shop there only because its too crowded and crowds get annoying
  4. alright i have installed manstrakelinux, and would be enjoying it on my hdd right now, however here is my hopefully final question..... i run my internet now using a woreless notebook pci card (linksys wpc11 ver. 4) this is the only way for me to connect to the internet on any OS, is there anyway to make this work on mandrakelinux i did fiddle around with the driver and the os for a while and am still stuck this is the main obsticle in my way to use the new hdd please reply if you have any answeres thank you...
  5. WOOT!!! another hit for the over protective parents in the world......people who just want something to complain about....i can relate i am sorounded by people just like them although i dont know if the ones i know of are that bad i'd hope walmart to win, i mean to take something like that so big is just mind blowing i sympothize for you chris....
  6. okay then i think im set for now.......just got to let it download over night........thank you jadeclaw for the information, if i have anyfirther questiions ill be sure to post
  7. ok now some questions about mandrakelinux.... in ordder to put it on my new HDD should i boot from the cd i burn the files to, if i want to instsall it , if the answere is yes then i, am done...... i knew i would get some good answeres from here
  8. HOLLY DAMN!!!! i could just buy a windows installer.....fer that price ok so i figured that untill i am able to install windows again.... i would try a version of linux, seeing as how its usualy easily obtained and configured, once again an area i am clueless in..... but ive heard people on here have expeiiance with the os... so maybe i can use this for the new hdd? if so some info on it would be appresiated also thank you for the replies so far
  9. Yes i know about windows "rotting" i reinstall it with the ibm restore program every few months or so..... i dont have anything really important on my computers hdd now that i couldnt do without, i have backups of all my music.... as for this ghost program, do i need to buy it at a retailer or is it available online? as for my second question chris....i have had it answered already so dont worry about it, thanks anyways
  10. ok well now my question is, if you know i i can install windows from a install cd, on just raw storage....nothing to work from on the disk except my computer BIOS detup, once again im not too expierianced with this area...thanks again
  11. realplayer soes not have a plug in tto burn in himd modes, no. and sonicstage is a pregram that is tlollerable on a low level but yes usualy because its quite annoying realplayer does not work with hi-md
  12. okay, i know that the people of these forums are very knowledgable in the feild of computers, and i would like to believe i am above average in that feild as well.....my question is I have a IBM Thinkpad R32 series laptop, and it came with a crumy 20 gig hdd (served my purposes for a little under ayear) and i just baught the 80 gig one that ibm offers....it came and i installed it but there is no OS for me to use with it preinstalled or anything, and the intel boot version 2.2 is always reporting a failure.... now im going to try and obtain a windows cd from a freind but if i cant do that, my question is....can i in anyways transfer windows from one HDD to another (i doubt it but i also dont know) ive tried threading through the windows files on my current HDD and i am at a loss... any educational replies for me, or things of that nature would be appreciated,, and yes i did look at ibm.com, but they have no user freindly customer support email sytem or things of that matter and so i come to these forums where i have seen some very smart people to ask my little tch question,...thank you for any help
  13. well actualy the leap they made is much grreater than the one from 3 to vice, and as for the charicter models, at least they have fingers....
  14. if i understand the question correctly then the answere is yes
  15. the only thing i can see that should be keeping you from an ipod in this situation is the price...everything you are looking for is in himd but perhaps it is in ipod to and better both units can..... transfer music and play them back with reletivley no problem. Ipod CAN store computer files but you are stuck with those files on the same hdd you keep your music, so theres a nogo on that if you really wanna use mds for making computer style personel videos and such GO FOR HIMD if you can pass that up and go for the faster one but have no changable storage GO FOR IPOD those are my thoughts....
  16. Hello, For the purposes you SEEM to have which im thinking are just a minidisc player that cn take my files from computer and take music files aswell, the 600 is imo the choice you want UNLESS your thinking about live recording.... the 600 from my expieriance can, transfer data at an okay speed a 100 meg file might take about 3 mins depending on if its one file or many, many can take either less or more time its all about how buisy the opticle head is at the time.... music is relativley fast transfer, conversion takes a few extra seconds but its never bothered me as a person who transfer a song for on the go listening at the very last second of time he has, again as long as you are sure you will not need the live recording then i do suggest the 600 i also agree heavily with watcher666 in the fact that its made of plastic (which is most definetly no magnesium or aluminum body) but feels verry sturdy and holds together very sturdy as well. hope this little revie helped somewhat, in aliance to the others comments
  17. dont have one but i have played one for a good while to get a personel review out of it, imo i think its a litle complicated, in the sense that i believe that nintendo was trying to hard to make something origonal, but so far with the games that i played on, they seemed to just be doing randome stuff with the second screen, easily could be done without the second screen which is why i think they were just shooting for an origonal type of gaming machine instead of a particularly Better one, still a very nice handheld but.....probly not going to last very long, or go verry far. perhaps im wrong i did play some fun games on it too, that were helping nintendo "drift away" from that kiddy game look they have posted themselves too, I.E. more shooting games instead of mario games...
  18. wow chriss i couldnt agree with you more on that , SAN ANDREAS ROCKS it truley shows the ps2 being pushed to its limits in graphis and game play, i know people that have baught ps2s just for the game, definetley a game worth a complement to its reatness,
  19. Hahahaha, i liked the padle one, ive always said the XB padles were way too enourmas,
  20. sorry to hear about it chris, hope tings work out c ya when u come back.......
  21. Indeed chris this is a very nice touch for the season GOOD JOB!! :grin:
  22. Hello and welcome to the forums...... well i would say that if you have no problem with uploading via analog then sharp would be better seeing as how the wuality by most iopinions is better and uploading through sonicstage is not the most fruity way of doing the upload so my choice would be the sharp only if you really dont need to upload or need higher storage capaccity, or uncompressed music. MAX rcording time on regular md = 5 houres MAX time on Hi-MD (that can be recorded live) = 34 houres capacity is also an issue here.........
  23. to my knowledge mp3s over 320 kbps and under 128 kbps can not be transfered to players because sonic stage can not handle the straining conversion.... as for advice on this, there are dozens of people that have this problem but you might want to uninstall sonic stage and reinstall it for a fresh start.... either that or search for a mp3 encoder to make yer mp3s changed to a diferent bitrate so sonic stage might be able to understand it these are my suggestion so use them or not........good luck!
  24. i dont know about the price thing.....i heard it was actualy going to be slightly more than the old one, P.S GTA:SA IS GONNA ROCK
  25. 1. (answered in the edit) 2. yes this problem is something that cant be fixed but problem solving by others in the forum might have a way to help 3. try importing the cd via sonicstage so it stays in order and cddb can name the tracks for you instantly.(just a suggestion) 4. download restriction via connect? and what spacificly do you mean by tracking of your behavior? and last but not least the only thing to use other than sonic stae is the units recording abilities on its own no other program has been granted the "honor" by sony to allow them to make such recordings..... >>>realplayer can do netmd recordings but not very well.......<<<<
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