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Everything posted by mutant1345

  1. hey say that you have a rechargible nicle cadnium battery and after a while of not using it and recharging them without draining them you find that the battery power is half of what it could be if you drain all power and recharge them from scratch will it make the battery full and functional again?? or is this unreversable
  2. excuse me but if you use high speed upload to ss and you think that its locked on the player this is not nessisarily true....you now have a version of the file that you can play wwithout the disc, just record the track back onto your player via analog for another chance (unless it was screwed up the first time) and upload it again as if it were a different file and now you have uploaded more than once (its still real time recording to the player after you upload it but well) although this is quite pointless in some ways i guess...
  3. yes and i believe they have minidisc lens cleaners (like cd lens cleaner cds but with a minidisc sized cleaner) you put the minidisc cleaner into the player and it brishes up the lens i would try that if nothing else
  4. i believe that mp3 would make the recording substantialy smaller seeing that its a form of major compression of music files but im not sure where to get a converter try searching google i would think something like that to be free eh?
  5. marcnet, i think that everyone in the himd world is in love with you i have to say i watched md grow up and you just made it an adult and the best thing is the software will get even better (cleaning up the little bugs anyways) i will thank you for this and i know quite a few people that will look forward to your software You are a star now *****hey kurisu i dont know how yer forums postings work other than the regular public availible postsso excuse me if this sounds dumb of me but i notice that announcment posted things last longerand get more attention perhapse than stickys wouldnt something of this much jump in the already extremely versitile recorder deserve something like that or am i making a very bad assumtion???
  6. not exacltey it doesnt take more than a small drop i believe (an accidental height)
  7. i didnt say that he didnt keep it on his computer too but i am sayin that its frustrating having to put em back onto the player and say yer in a situation where you dont have your computer around and this happens. like yer on vacation or something and you bring your ipod the charger and all its whatnots this happens sure youve got your nice ipod yer nice charger and youve just lost all yer musicbecause something accidental happend you arent gonna see yer computer for a week (maybe less) wouldnt that suck and im not saying that it would crash on all kinds of shock to the device but im saying that some people wouldnt wanna take that chance especialy if your puting alot of music on it
  8. man who ever keeps on bringing up these old posts really needs to stop it is getting really annoying this was dicussed last june come on its been braught up dozens of times please stop cluddering the new thread page with these old ones thnx
  9. well i think that right now sony is putting there advertising stuff to there network walkman that holds 20 gigs of music in that little credit card sized whatchamijiger which is the more competing with the non removeble storage thing 20 gigs on that small thing is pretty sweet and im pretty sure it would crash ipod completely except for one little thing...... EVEN THERE HDD BASED PLAYER Which is the most free type of music player out there plays only atrac3 (+) that is the crippling the thing that could possibly kill ipod its smaler i believe and hold 20 gigs (ipod probly around the same for the smallest) and i just cant believe sony took the mp3 playing mp3 player and took it of its best capibility, playing mp3s , sure it "supports" mp3 wav and all those, doesnt mean it lays em just converts them in the ss program TISK TISK TISK SONY...you are the best audio portable company you have the best stuff ever made....but you guys really need to have at least one thing out that doesnt play ONLY your special format
  10. hmm looks like we have another place to get our feed from hmm i wonder if they are in the actual stores though?????
  11. aeriyn i know yer all over these ipods and i know that they are pretty sweet lookin and hold alot and are good for some people but my reason for not getting one is this, i need something more durable, i had a freind that put almost 5 gigs of music on his and he tripped and fell on the thing (not too hard but enough) and the ipod was okay but that not to say the music was too....he lost it all!!!! i was considering one untill that happend to ma freind then i went to my himd (which i have fallen on a few times working and such and i have to say its held up wonderfuly and the music is definetly in tact all 400 tracks so i think it really depends on the persons activity and where that machine is going and whats happening to it and whether you wanna risk all that music eh?
  12. hello just picked up the remote that i ordered from audiocubes.com and i would like to thank aeriyn for recomending the remote to me i love it and i did use the link to allow some of the money to go to mdcf, but i was wondering about the battery dranage on the remote itself assuming i never use the lcd backlight....if my average battery life is about 23-24 houres can someone give me a ballpark answere as to how many houres this thing will deminish off my players battery? i apoligize if this has been asked already in the many old remote threads , but i did search them...
  13. yes true but thats there own fault so i dont think anone really should sympathize about them... when you go into the md format you should know what your getting into and expect everything that happens with it and right now sony is slowley but surely increasing the benifits that you get with md
  14. well its not fast but hen you consider storing a gig of space or 300 mb for 7 buks or just over a dollar then i feel that you cant be too picky the read speed is pretty standard meaning if you put a video on there it wont play back slow or anything its goes at normal seed, its a great backup meathod but requires patience im willing to deal with that but its up to the individual person
  15. i never said you had to buy the format but if you did and want to stick with it then you have to wait out untill things change a little bit so as we can get our freedome
  16. highspeed meaning transfer via usb from the analog recorded file on your hi md recorder/player to the computer into the sonic stage program, the speed is i believe greater than 1x or 2x (i think it depends on what format you recorded in, i.e. 48k hilp or hisp or pcm) all of which i believe transfer back to pc at higher than realtime speeds, but as i said the file wont be a wav file, but an omg file which you cant do anything with except transfer to other sony devices, untill the wav converter comes out im afraid you cant do much about that problem... hope that clarifies things further
  17. yeah thats what i ment cause this format is still quite new and epople havnt really caught to it in the marketing area but im sure that those new models are being thaught of and maybe even worked on right now....
  18. umm, i dont know about that i think that shipping of things from audio cubes comes from like japan or something , (where my remote came from) so it would be around the same deal for any place wouldnt it? i dont know but im sure kurisu would.....
  19. ive said it before and ill say it again, yes i think it is in sonys best interest to chnge theyre format but i also believe that it will likely never hapen ... what you read about when they are talking about combining with other companys and such are just tossible brainstorms, likely to never happen and people write about them and the public gets excited and then more frustrated at sony for not doing it as they promised when in reality they never promised anything they were just considering doing it, its just one of those things...but i do wish that other media players, and i will always feel that way but face it, sony has us by the balls in control of the format and we can only hope and ask for change
  20. seems kind of pointless to have a cable thats not common at all as to the other models, it kind of like sony to do that though, make an origonal of something that needs not to be changed i.e. mp3 to atrac3 isnt needed but they employ it does the cable do anything significant or is it just different?
  21. okay i am a fan of md and i hate mp3 players but i can give an honest opinion and not just glorify what i like so here it goes do i like it? of course i do thats ahy i got it, it holds the amount of music i have (i dont have more than 1 or two discs worht of music in hi lp so im good) nd i get to hold my data on the old discs as i need to back things up what is wrong with hi-md? well lets see here...i cant go to far into uploading but i have experianced the uploading whatnots and i have to say there is work to be done , i wont go into that seeing as how there are threads upon threads over this so... is it a sufficiant improvment? by far it is... weve gone from 5.5 houres of music to 45 houres (in 48 k which no one uses, yuck) or 34 in hi lp still a big improvment will it survive in the current market? well this is tuff now....i would have to say right now by what i see no....but when i look into the possibilities then yes i could see it being the most sufficiant recorder ever but untill some software issues are worked out and released then hell no none will want these things. what does it have over hdd players? alot and alot less, they are able to record perfectly most units dont require a pc for transfer of music (unless its a downloader i.e. 600d american) although some hdd players have line ins i hear bad stuff about them all the time , bad recording unreliable after 30 mins of recording etc... i baught one because i was a past owner and i like the new capacity, it suited me well so i purchased it. Would i recomend it? yes and i already got a net md for a freind in which he loves dearly but unless they wanted fast loading of music to a portable player that needed no extra features on it just to play bak mp3s then no i would recomend an mp3 player or hdd player. did sony treat me right. me yes but i can not say the same for others who were mislead in the uploading dept and ive heard sony is packaging reformated 80 min discs and calling them 13.5 houre hi mds and over pricing them , wtf is that i think that is misleading but i havnt seen this my self so... what could sony do to improve awareness....? well i remember when i saw an ad for netmd and they werent that great, (some little alien dude recording an md off a laptop and giving it to some chik or something) i guess if they, as someone else said made the discs more common and less expensive....people woud go Costumor: hey whats this 1 gig disc thing go to Store Clerk: that goes to a hi minidisc player it alows 1 gigabyte of media dtorage or music in the atrac3 or 3 plus format Costumer:so its an mp3 player then that doubles as a storage device? Store Clerk: no you can store mp3s as a storage file but the player does not read them it reads atrac3 encoded music (hopefully wont turn people off once there is less drm if that ever happens) Costumer: well maybe ill guve that a try... Costumer likes hi-md player/recorder tells freinds....freinds try they like tell other its popular !!! but that would require a bit of change around the md thing so maybe down the road some day thats my opinion what yours??
  22. well lets see here....i cant think why not the model works basicly like any other its just got diferent display charecters and a few other little tweeks to signify the difference... and ss should recognize it seeing as how its a himd model ...the only thing i can tell you for sure is to try it out for yerself (www.connect.com) and download it and see for yerself(good LUCK)
  23. ealier hi md models (i.e. 600) or like net md models??
  24. hello and welcome to the mdcf....this is a question that the answer to comes with a problem you can upload the recording once and only once at highspeed off of you himd player/recorder...after that if you lose the file on yer pc you have no more computer file, the problem is after its on the oc its not a wav file its an omg file that is so far unconvertable to wav... though we have some people in the forums working on it now if you take a look at the thread called "upload recordings faster than real time" then youl see what i mean, we may have some possible ways to convert to wav soon...or we wwill have to wait for sony to feel like releasing the wav converter for the many people who need it (supposedly this fall but yeah right) so you can upload at high speed , you can play the file on yer pc and put it on an atrac cd or other mds and soon you wioll be able to make audio and mo3 cds out of wav converted forms of that file hope that answeres what you were asking....
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