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Everything posted by MichaelBeardy

  1. Installed this a few days ago. Must be the sweetest and slickest install of SonicStage I've ever had. Thanks Kurisu and Daijoubu - I really appreciate the work you guys put into this. Now I can look forward to being able to burn digital recordings from my DAB radio onto CD. This is the kind of functionality that HiMD should've had from day one. Kind regards, Michael
  2. I've been reading this thread for a little while now, and what really impresses me is the PASSION that people feel for the MD format. People love MD (and HiMD). Sony, if you're reading this.... PEOPLE LOVE MD. They're attached to it - it's a great format - it lets them do things they can't do with any other format. Personally, I use HiMD quite a bit just to listen to my CDs on the move, at work, in the car, but I also use it to record live music, ambient sounds, birdsong, rivers, waterfalls, poetry. There is no other format that gives me the ease and quality that HiMD does. My own view is that Sony is in a bit of a muddle at the moment - I recently bought their XDR-S1 digital radio - it's quite a nice product : well put together, but it does have quite a few bugs in the user interface - things just not properly thought out. I wouldn't have paid full price (£150) for it, but my local supermarket was selling it for less than half that price - kind of sums it up really, doesn't it? It sounds good, but there are quite a few features which are just a pain to use. I expect better from Sony, and right now it seems they can't deliver. My NH900 is the same - glitches in the firmware.... But does this mean they should drop the HiMD format? Hell no! In some ways this isn't (or shouldn't be) about Sony capturing i-Pod territory, it's about Sony re-establishing themselves as a market leader, producing quality products that work first time - without glitches or software problems - products that do what what they say they do on the box. Trouble is, it seems that Sony don't have that at the moment. I'm not sure it's all doom and gloom for MD just at the moment - I'll wait and see what happens next... But I did by a few more blank HiMDs today. Well, you never know... Peace, Michael
  3. Hi Syrius, I've just had a quick look through the circuit diagrams for the NH700 and the Euro versions do have a hardware limitation - there are resistors in series with the output. It would be possible to defeat these with a bit of careful dismantling and very careful soldering - and if the 600s you've seen are cheap enough you may want to give it a try... but on the other hand, you may not. Peace, Michael
  4. Glad to learn that it helped you out. Always best to back up your library beforehand - can be time consuming but worth the while (apologies if you did this and still had it messed up!). Enjoy! Michael
  5. It is certainly very strange... My PC is reasonably standard: WinXP SP2, updated regularly, AMD Athlon XP2500+ processor etc... Can't think of anything which would be likely to cause SS to trip up, but it's as if the German version has some extra hidden ingredient which enables SS3.x to work properly. The German version installs with a different user interface - is it possible to see whether it installs extra components on the PC? I wouldn't know where to start, but it seems like you might know what you're doing... Clearly though, the standard SS3.2 install works well enough for most people . Peace, Michael
  6. This thread may help you here. No guarantees, but it's worth a try. Michael
  7. Sorry to hear it didn't work... If you haven't already done so, try the full clean-up prior to installing the German version as The Low Volta suggests - I always use this when installing any newer version of SS, and I kind of assumed that you would have done this already (which I had no right to assume, really). If that doesn't work, then I'm a bit stumped - but some of the others around here may be able to help you out yet. Don't despair - there is a serious amount of expertise here on this forum - we want you to really enjoy your HiMD. How many other places can say that and really mean it? BTW - even if it does work, no need to grow a beard in homage - I've been clean-shaven for over a year now (kind of brings out my boyish good looks ) Good luck, Michael P.S. You're not using any kind of USB hub are you? As from what is fairly widely reported, that can be a source of problems with hooking up to SS.
  8. Found it...! Here you go... http://www.sony.de/content/attachment/SONIC_Stage_3003.zip Be warned though, it's about 80MB. Hope it brings you SonicStage happiness. And remember, it's likely that if you install SS3.2 over the top of this, that the first install won't "show up" - just install it again after the reboot - at some stage during the second install you may get a prompt telling you an earlier version exists (of SimpleBurner, I think) and do you want to overwrite this - I just accepted this and the second install proceeded fine. Let us know if it works for you... Michael
  9. You mean in the same way that when I hop into my Deux Chevaux, immediately I am wearing a beret, have a Gauloises hanging from my lips, and a string of garlic slung over my shoulder. Zut alors..! Michael
  10. It seems from this forum that a number of users are experiencing the same problem that dogged a lot of users of the full installer for SS 3.1 - namely, that it wouldn't see the HiMD recorder when it was plugged into their PC. I had this problem too. On this forum a user (sorry can't remember too many details) posted a workaround for this issue. It consisted of downloading and installing the German version of SS 3.0 and then installing SS 3.1 on top of this (without any uninstall). In some cases (mine included) you had to install SS 3.1 twice (really!) as the first install wouldn't "appear". Somewhat strangely, this actually worked. So when I tried installing SS 3.2 on my PC using the full MDCF installer, I wasn't totally surprised to experience exactly the same issue - no recognition of my HiMD. So I did a full uninstall of SS 3.2 followed by reboot followed by installing the German SS 3.0 (which I have stored on my hard drive) followed by reboot followed by install of SS 3.2 (which didn't appear on the desktop or in Program Files) followed by reboot, followed by second install of SS 3.2, followed by reboot, and, Yay! it all works. Well, it seems to... so far... I'll see if I can find the link to the German version... Sorry, can't find it using "search"... anyone..? Just a thought for Kurisu and Daijoubu... this does kind of make me wonder if there is still something missing from the full install version of SS 3.2 (for some people's systems at least) which is present in the German version which enables those systems to recognise the HiMD device. Curious... Hope this is of some help. Peace, Michael
  11. For some while I've noticed that the top cover on my NH900 wasn't sitting exactly level - there was a tiny gap on one side. I reasoned that if I backed off one of the screws holding the top cover I could adjust it and I could just nip up the screw again to hold it tight. So this morning I got out my 00 size Philips screwdriver and got ready to back off the screw a quarter turn to adjust the cover. I know the threads of the screws are treated with something (a kind of green Loctite?) so I was expecting a little resistance - but no, the screw turned very easily, as if it hadn't been tightened properly in the first place. Anyways, I was able to fine-tune the fit of the top cover of my NH900, which is good , but I did just check all the other external screws for tightness before putting the screwdriver away - I didn't muscle them down, but I did just give a tiny tweak to be sure they were tight. It's worth a check - the screws were available from Sony service centres (had one similar fall out of a cassette walkman once - back in 1984 I think!) but they charge you an arm and a leg for them. Peace, Michael
  12. Well, I voted for the NH900, because... well... I voted for it a few weeks ago with my hard-earned £££, and apart from a few minor gripes, I've been very happy with it. Sure, I was tempted by the NH1 (specially at the price Amazon were selling it for at the time), but the lack of battery options, the charging stand issue (and lack of standard USB), and the one-line display on the unit all weighed sufficiently against it. Peace, Michael PS. Looking at the results of the poll so far, it seems like quite a lot of forum users have come to a similar conclusion...
  13. Hi, I picked up a NH-14WM from my local Sony Store for a tenner, which wasn't bad. I had a bad experience getting a cheap one from e-bay. The battery arrived fine, but when I charged it up it swelled up and nearly got stuck inside my new NH900. Scared the $**t out of me! I think it must have been old stock - on reflection, it had the "old-style" walkman logo. I paid £7.50 for that one. Got a refund from the vendor, but the battery could've killed my MD so the "saving" wasn't worth it. Take care, Michael
  14. Good news, Ishiyoshi. I'm waiting as patiently as possible... Michael
  15. To be honest, I don't think the country of manufacture needs make any difference to build quality these days. In my opinion the best built MD recorder I have is a Sharp made in Malaysia - solid as a rock and the engineering quality is exquisite (the laser sled runs on bronze bushes) - but then, it is a fairly old model. Just my twopenn'orth, Michael
  16. I can't speak about the RH910 as I have no experience of it, but I have the NH900 which I use to record myself playing mandolin with a Sony ECM-717 mic (plug in power) which I find gives good results, and accurately records all of the mistakes in my playing. I also record ambient sounds - rivers, streams, birdsong etc. which works well. Generally, I use linear PCM which gives me 90 mins or so, and I can drop the best of that on to a CD without any compression/transcoding. I had some limited experience with the NH700 and found that the headphone output had rather more backround noise than the NH900 (where quiet notes die away into velvety, inky black silence...) so the NH900 has it for me. The NH700 takes an AA as standard, but the additional AA holder on the NH900 is OK and gives good additional record or playback time if you need it. Generally though I find the gumstick battery is pretty good, especially if you upgrade to a 1400mAh one. Hope this is of help, Michael
  17. My experience is that some USB cables seem to be an easier fit than others into the socket on my NH900 - so I try to use the one which is the easiest fit (which just happens to be the one which came with the NH900) in order to avoid stressing the socket and PCB in the MD recorder. I have a Nokia one which is a pretty easy fit too, but the one which came with my Olympus camera is a scary tight fit so I don't use that... Peace, Michael
  18. Me four! I want something I can stick on a compact flash card at work and take home. Peace, Michael
  19. The cool thing with recording in PCM using HiMD, though, is that you can upload microphone recordings to a PC, save as a WAV file and then burn onto a CD which you can play on a top-end CD player, so you can take advantage of high spec error-correction, DA converters, power supplies. And you can produce as many CDs as you want. I've started doing this with recordings of me playing my mandolins - just wish my playing was as good as the recording quality... Peace, Michael
  20. Poo...! Thanks TK. Oh well... Maybe I'll just skip 3.2 and stay with 3.1 for the moment. Better the Devil you know... Peace, Michael
  21. Hey, my "pleasure"! Do post up what results you get if/when you try it under SS 3.2 Peace, Michael
  22. OK, so I must've been doing something a bit different on Sunday... Combining tracks with either auto- or manually-inserted marks results in a message "omgjbox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close." I think what I was doing at the weekend was manually inserting track marks and using them to delete out bits of commentary - I think I may not have actually combined any tracks, certainly not with a save to the TOC. That's one I'll have to beware of... It would be interesting to know if SS 3.2 has fixed this... but I won't get my hopes up. Peace, Michael
  23. I was looking at the case on my original style Hi-MDs the other day wondering what the reason for the broad orange/red stripe down the side was - then I compared it with a normal MD case, and the answer came clear - it's to remind you just how much space each of the Hi-MD cases wastes! Looking forward to the new crystal blue versions in their new smaller cases.... Peace, Michael
  24. OK Terrence, I'll give it a try this evening... Just dragging my body off to work right now - with a fistful of tunes in my NH900 - Peace, Michael
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