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About maxthrusters

  • Birthday 05/20/1966

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  • PlayStation Network ID
  • Sony Products I Own
    Too many

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  • Location
    Ottawa, Canada


  • ATRAC Devices
    all duds now
  • Headphones
  • Minidisc units
    MZ-DH10P, MZ-NH1, MDS-JE480

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  1. Hey guys! I've been away for years from here. I'm sure much has changed. Anyway, I'm going on a trip soon, and I was thinking of digging out and dusting off some of my old MD recording gear. Is there Mac software for MZ-NH1 or DH10P? The last time I played around with my old MD toys I had to do real-time transfers of recordings by analog. Cheers
  2. If people want to post in their own language it's fine with me, although if I don't understand what's written I would simply move on to next post. I have an A816, but I didn't apply the firmware update as (from what I recall) it's for American residents only who want to use the Rhapsody service offerred through BestBuy USA. The clock icon gets replaced with a Rhapsody icon with it's functions. SonicStage CP 4.3 works perfectly now (for me anyway), although if used with music you didn't rip yourself from CD there can be problems. EU users can turn off the volume limiter imposed by French legislation by using service mode, search forums for how. Do not pay for the information (it's offerred for sale on eBay etc, appalling!), just search and get for free. Good luck, bonne chance
  3. The demise of CONNECT taught me an important lesson: DO NOT BUY DIGITAL RESTRICTED MUSIC, ANYWHERE, EVER It makes me ill to think of the hundreds of dollars I wasted on CONNECT downloads. Never again! Archive to CD is their solution to save the files, but if I wanted the music on CD I would have bought CD in the first place, duh. The message at Canadian CONNECT store says that the authentication servers are only up until December 31 2008, so what happens after that when I want to/need to restore my library?! Most of my music files are .oma and with 'Copy Protection: Available' since certain VAIO programs won't work otherwise. At least their MP3 Conversion Tool will transcode those files, since they aren't bought from CONNECT (tested it). What I don't understand is why this is an 'either/or' situation for Sony. Why does atrac & SonicStage need to be dumped completely in North America in favour of Windows Media Player and protected .wma? Why not have both possible on the same device? Why do lawyers and marketing people have such influence over Sony product decisions?! I would have been really happy being able to use SonicStage AND Windows Media Player with the same device. I did buy one of the newer "open" players to try out, and I do like it for use with a service like Napster etc. It's very convenient, although of course songs with WMA DRM won't play on PS3 when connected duh. I think the next Walkman I get will be an import from Japan where they still use atrac and SonicStage. That's if I don't get further annoyed by more brilliant changes from Sony.
  4. maxthrusters

    I HAVE to say this!

    Maybe the explanation is simple: Ishinoshi and Kurisu got themselves girlfriends/boyfriends (whatever) and now have a life! hehe Seriously though I do miss seeing the blog updated.
  5. Users of multiple ATRAC-enabled walkmans and multiple computers might want to keep the Connect functionality in SonicStage for the "authorization" feature. I like being able to transfer songs from PC to walkman and then to another different PC
  6. Minidisc Canada is great. I bought my NH1, DH10P, and loads of blanks from them over the past few years. When i do get an RH1 it will be from them. They seem to have great deals on HiMD blanks in particular. My last order was for some of those, as well as a disc cleaner, and it arrived two days later. I've never used PayPal with them though.
  7. A friend of mine has an iPod. To get "quality" sound, he just turns the volume up louder! I think that says it all
  8. To install, you download (to desktop, for example), run it...it's a zip extractor. Navigate to the walkman's drive and click OK. Safely disconnect walkman and you are done. Make sure you have firmware 3.0 first or it won't work. cheers
  9. No one owns a NZ-A8X player and still has the sample pictures? Connect Player to PC, browse with explorer to the <PICTURES> folder, and copy to desktop. Open browser, navigate to here, and Private Message me the photos. There's only a few small ones. Thanks
  10. Other countries have their own Sony support, I only looked at mine hehe
  11. Moving the files with explorer is a bad idea for several reasons. I could list them all if you like, however your best solution is to open SonicStage, and under Tools - Options - Location to save imported files you will find where to change the setting. You might have to create the folder structure you want first on the other drive. Once you change it, SonicStage starts moving all your files over. You should probably delete optimized files first (Tools - Options - Advanced Settings). Before doing any of the above I would strongly recommend running the SonicStage backup utility, just in case. Oh and turn off screensaver and power management. A large library can take hours to move. Good luck
  12. You're welcome! Perhaps your country's Sony interweb has some news regarding this issue
  13. I suspect SonicStage is being overwhelmed. I've experienced similar with my A3000, same walkman only bigger. Try this: Restart computer if it's been on awhile. CTRL-ALT-DELETE and end any unnecessary processes that hog memory (PVR recorder on my PC is a hog, as an example) Start SonicStage (with the walkman NOT connected) SonicStage: Tools - Cancel Get CD Info Automatically (if it's already greyed-out then you are good) SonicStage: Tools - Options - General "Run SonicStage automatically when an Atrac Audio Device is connected" UNCHECKED SonicStage: Tools - Options - Transfer - select Atrac Audio Device, and click Transfer Settings Button, then Advanced. Auto Transfer: Transfer Automatically When the Atrac Audio Device is connected" should be UNCHECKED. Click OK buttons to get back to library. Exit SonicStage. Connect Walkman via USB as per normal. Wait for the autoplay to come up, if asked by Windows what to do, select do nothing. Start SonicStage, and the database on the walkman will be updated. If this doesn't begin, then in the top bar on the right select Transfer and choose your device from the drop-down. It can take awhile if the player has been used alot and never updated, as you say, for over a year. Basically it's writing up the entire play history and ranking all the songs by favourites and more...so it won't be quick for you! I'd leave it and go to bed while it does it's thing. You can change your SonicStage settings back if you wish after the player update. Initializing is a last resort, since it formats the device and you lose all the songs from player. Good luck, let us know how it all works out Max
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