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Everything posted by bobzilli

  1. Well you gotta give these formats time to develop before you jump in
  2. Once again, I thank you for the consise and quick answers
  3. So either they have to be files on the disc or recorded Hi Md direct to the unit to transfer is that correct?
  4. I have a bunch of MP3s on HiMD (RH1) and I tried to import to my MAC but no go. What am I doing wrong?
  5. There are two of them up for auction now
  6. So are you running it into a MAC through ITunes?
  7. Grab an RH 1 while you still can. If you have any investment in the format at all, the higher cost will be well worth it down the road
  8. I go back and forth and won't be of much help except to say that I agree that Hi-SP is fine as is MD mode. I never use the other modes after months of A-B "tests"
  9. I love the ease of transfer with the RH1 to MAC, though I still think real time transfers sound better and I'm inclined to think that MD sounds better than HiMD. It seems everyone who has responded has the same issue and thoughts I have expressed. Misery love company I guess
  10. Thanks for your imput. I don't want to balance between the two formats a it is frustrating to grab a disc I want t hear and realize I cant play it on my home MD deck. I feel compelled to make a choice, but still I wonder...
  11. Hi MD units make sense if we can keep finding discs (and units). I figure there are a lot more MD units out here (especially in JApan) where the format had a more established base.
  12. I wouldn't mind that myself. It will be interesting to see how much he gets for it
  13. I'm finally starting to think ofwhat I'm gona do MD wise in the years to come. As the supply of new HiMD recorders drys up I have taken a good look at my discs and players. a I have a couple hundred MD discs recorded as MD and may be half that in HiMD. I have two Hi MD portables and two MD players (one a portable). I guess maybe I need to decide on one format or the other. If I opt for HiMD I would like another deck for "insurance" down the road, if I stay with MD I could maybe unload a Hi MD player and keep one and some discs for storage back up only...I dont know... My question is, what are others doing?
  14. I have a black one now, so I''m inclined to go for the silver
  15. [Yeah, it's a great price. If I had thedough right now I'd buy a backup too, though I'd prefer a silver one
  16. I've never bought anything from them but I know people who have and do and say they are reputable
  17. Can't help with your problem but I'd love to know how it sounds and where you found it
  18. I load the podcasts to ITunes, but you can storer them on your computer too! Then drag to the RH1 when you connect and the software opens. This, all on a MAC G5. Hope that helps!
  19. Ths is where the 1 GB discs shine. I put all podcasts by a source on one disc, another on another. You can put a ton of podcasts on one disc, very nice
  20. Every business has changed, the difference being the arrogance of the music industry has blinded itself. The article goes through the issue with morris who at the end wants to STILL have DRM on a subscription. Let me see, people don't want to buy the music with DRM so our answer us to lease it to them with DRM. These guys are nuts
  21. It is easy to read, I didn't fact check it but it nice to see another MD site
  22. Alas, that is the issue, I forgot the RH710 would not play 48 khz Hi MD mp3s. Thanks
  23. Hi, I am coming for help again.My 710 will not play most of my Hi MD discs that i made on the Rh1 (they are MP3-transferrred by Mac) though it shows the track info then when I press play it reads CANNOT PLAY. BUT.. Some discs do play. Any thoughts? Thanks
  24. Well, if there is an upside, I dont have to start saving for any of these-though the candy ones are kinda cool
  25. Not even a good fake, the top row of selectors and the HI in Hi MD are very shady. A friend in the industry...
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