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Found 5 results

  1. This video by "Spare Time Repair" popped up in my YouTube feed this morning. Thought it might be of interest to some people here 🙂
  2. Hi everyone, I'm back with a new problem with my JE510 minidisc deck, and I hope someone here will be able to help me. So here is what happened first : I bought a mds-je510 player that was sold as working, but I struggled to make it read minidiscs. It was just spinnng a bit and then ejected the disc. It turned out that it was because it's been plugged out for a long time and if I let it plugged in, it reads and records minidiscs flawlessly. But someday it started to turn on by itself, so I decided to plug it in only when I needed it. Everything was fine until last week. I read a minidisc, then it couldn't eject it. It tried to eject the disc, then reloaded it. I tried to grab it as it was going out a little bit, and it went a bit crazy : if it was empty it tried to read a disc (TOC READING) and if I tried to put a disc in the player, it ejected it and started to do the "machine gun" noise. So I disassembled the player, I "fixed" the microswitch with some electrical tape, then reassembled everything. Everything was great : I could put a disc, it can read it, no flashing TOC reading, everything seems to be smooth. But I saw the head jumping out of its location, above the metal plate. So I read somewhere that Sony fixed it, adding a plastic sheet above that part, so I did this too. But I can't eject my disc anymore. I can insert the minidisc, it reads it flawlessly. But if I try to eject, the head seems to be stuck in the mechanism that is supposed to close the shutter. Then it reloads the disc, and the head doesn't seem to find where to start reading so it displays an reading error, tries to eject, then reload, then spins faster. I recorded the problem. Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this ? Thanks a lot
  3. Hi, I've had my MD player (MDS-JE510) for quite some time, but it was sitting on the garage for some time, and about a month a go I bought a portable MD and with it decided to get it JE510 back my HiFi rack. When I purchased the portable MD it came with some used MD disks that I have been using for my recording, however I am having some issues with the new recordings. When played, the recorded MD, in some tracks (not all) seems to turn on and off the music. I am not shore if this is an issue with the MD player/recorder (MDS-JE510) or if this is Disk related, has anyone had a similar issue, that could give me some help? I am currently passing the sound to the MD from the AMP to the analog input on the MD player. The recording level is set about 3 out of 10 and the Timer is set to "Off" . Thanks in advance for your help Filipe
  4. I've got two min-disc decks for sale and a Net MD walkman. Here are the details: 1) Used Sony CD and Mini-disc deck. Model # MXD-D40. Great condition. Remote and cables not included. $200, plus shipping. 2) Used Sony mini-disc deck for sale. Model # MDS-JE510. Great condition. Remote and cables not included. $150, plus shipping. 3) NEW Sony High Speed Net MD Walkman model MZ-NE410. Brand new in the original packaging. Comes with mini-disc, cables and headphones. $175, plus shipping. You can find product descriptions (better than what I could write up) here - http://www.minidisc....nt_browser.html I'm located in Austin, Texas and would be happy to ship these items to you. Please let me know if you have any questions! Cheers, Eva
  5. Hey, I've bought MDS-JE510 deck on Ebay, hooked up the system to cd player and amplifier etc.., everything seems fine, except that, the minidisc doesn't play inserted discs. I've tried to copy CD from my cd playe to MD, and it looked like the disc was recorded, it showed all tracks no.., names etc.. when i pressed the play button, the was no sound whatsoever. I pressed STOP, ejected disc, put back in..and the message was 'blank disc', I've tried couple of discs already and the result is the same 'blank disc'. If i don't pull out the disc from player just after recording and only press simply play, the player starts playing without any sound and seems like........finalizing tracks? it takes forever....... I'm completely lost. I've tried already recorded MD (recorded by SonicStage on pc) the player shows all tracks but doesn't play any of it I know that many of You guys have more expierence with recording on MD decks, If someone could give me any hint how to fix that I would be really thankfull.
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