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Contest!11!11! Sonicstage Names

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There seems to be a *lot* of alternate names for SonicStage floating around on this forum, mainly due to user disgust or appearance but every once in a while you come across a really good and downright hilarious one!

Contest Rules:

-post only one alternative name (pick your best)

-post your reasons for using this name (i.e. personal experience, etc)

-if you did not create the name, please give credit to whomeever u think created it (or UNKNOWN if u dont)

-you may comment on others names


-A pat on the back and a hardy job well done! (wut u think im made of money? pfft)

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Ahahaha, Kardon! tongue.gif

I think it works pretty well for most people, except for that fact that there are so many features that Sony have left out that they could have put into this piece of software to make it easier to use for everyone.

When it doesn't work, then you get extremely angry, especially if it freezes in the middle of an upload, or trashes recordings that you can't take again and all that kinda stuff that really makes it a pretty shitty, annoying piece of software.

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ive actually never had it crash on me or kill anything of mine and i find it a very easy to use enjoyable experience


I am annoyed by the lack of certain obvious features. The most annoying one i have is the fact that you cant store multiple Atrac versions of the same song and then choose which one you would like to use at transfer time

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It has never crashed for me either ROMBUSTERS, but I was just saying what others had said. SS works fine for me, but yes, there are features that should have been included:

In Windows Media Player, you can search for new files, so that files ALREADY IN THE LIBRARY aren’t added again, in SS you can't do this to my knowledge, so if I have 2 - 3 new albums, I will have to find them in my large music collection, which is a great hassle!

The other hassle for me and for many others I believe is that my music library collection is all in .mp3 format, so having to convert all my music I want for my MD to ATRA3plus is an extreme hassle.

I can spend up to 3-4 hrs encoding my mp3's to ATRAC for just ONE disc :@:@, and then I have 1GB of ATRAC files on my hard drive which I would never use, and it seems that if I delete them, DD won’t be able to find the file when next uploading it to my MD, so I have to delete the file, and then re-import it :@

Sorry for the long post, just had to get all my anger out!

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