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Works beautifully on my hd3 :)

Only slight problem i had was when trying the built in music player it gave an "unhandled exception".

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Lister.Classes.PlayQueue.Play()
   at Lister.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

This was only using the Play button at the top. Play all worked fine.

Edited by pete_w
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Any chance your (I must say brilliant :)) program will work with Hi-MD devices?

Hey, I also own a nh700 (great machine) and the program doesn't work with Hi-MD. The structure is completely different. But anyway I suppose that the cypher might be similar, because let's face it: the cypher can't be too complicated, otherwise the devices would run out of power just for decoding. :ol_biggrin:

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Works beautifully on my hd3 :)

Only slight problem i had was when trying the built in music player it gave an "unhandled exception".

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at Lister.Classes.PlayQueue.Play()
  at Lister.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
  at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
  at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
  at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)[/code]


oopss.... :ol_rolleyes: try to double click a track, or click on the play all button before clicking in the round play button. That way it should work.

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No problem with that, as long as the 10000 tracks get in the player :)

If i havn't 10000 oma, i must restart the process ?

My OMGAUDIO backup will be preserve ?

Thanks xispe

No that's ok the first folder was 4 and after creating the 40 it create the 1 2 and 3.

Edited by Vovo
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You are only getting 10000 tracks in the player because you want to.

You are able to choose for how many tracks you will like to generate keys. With 10000 certainly you will generate all the keys that are necessary.

Let's face it, I own a 20 gb hd5, and with the harddrive almost full i have less than 3000 tracks. So I generated keys using 5000 tracks. More than enough.

Your OMGAUDIO backup will be always preserved. And you shouldn't cancel the wizard in the middle.

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Interesting, a program like this surely will help the sony croud. Awesome work xispe. One small question, it can be used to transfer onto the player and back off?

next, any chance you will be buying a new HDD player from sony? and perhaps making a program for that? unless this will work with the new players....

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You are only getting 10000 tracks in the player because you want to.

You are able to choose for how many tracks you will like to generate keys. With 10000 certainly you will generate all the keys that are necessary.

Let's face it, I own a 20 gb hd5, and with the harddrive almost full i have less than 3000 tracks. So I generated keys using 5000 tracks. More than enough.

Your OMGAUDIO backup will be always preserved. And you shouldn't cancel the wizard in the middle.

Thanks xispe,

Now i try i can read everything cool

and save mega cool !

But what do you have to do if you delete, and reimport an album

yhe keys are alway ok ?

Just this with the back button

************** Texte de l'exception **************

System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.

at Lister.Classes.PlayQueue.Previous()

at Lister.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

If you need more, send me a pm

Edited by Vovo
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No problems if you delete albums, import albums, or add more albums. GYM will work with no troubles.

Once you got the keys generated, there is no need to generate them again.

If you generated 10000 tracks, the wizard figured it out 10000 keys, which means that the first 10000 files saved in the player will be readable, got it?

Now you can use your device freely.

Thanks for the bug ;)

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Interesting, a program like this surely will help the sony croud. Awesome work xispe. One small question, it can be used to transfer onto the player and back off?

next, any chance you will be buying a new HDD player from sony? and perhaps making a program for that? unless this will work with the new players....

For now this is still just for donwloading from the player. No uploads allowed. For that you can use Mp3 file manager.

It's not in my plans buying on of the new hdd players from sony, but i think this program will work with those also. Unless that "Connect" software thing changes the directory structure of the files... :ol_cry:

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Fantastic, works terrific.

3 hours on the soft and perfect.

Sometimes strange reactions during mp3 playback, no sound and time pass

very quickly... The shuffle is strange too (with next)

But insignifiant details regarding the work

For now this is still just for donwloading from the player. No uploads allowed. For that you can use Mp3 file manager.

I understand but it will be so cool :ol_rolleyes:

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Yes, the mp3 playback sometimes have problems. The shuffle is a mess :P

And better! Sometimes multiple tracks appear playing with the playing icon on the list.

Regarding new developments:

someone told that it would be nice to decode atrac files also. Well... atrac files have a totally different encoding scheme. Probably they use different keys. Need to check it out.

Uploads... let me examine how mp3 file manager works, the files that it changes and we'll talk about it. :)

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Out of curiosity, how long does the process usually take? I have about 5000 songs, but nothing has changed on the keygen...

nevermind, just started workin as soon as I posted...

Man this is gonna take a long while.

Hm...great program, but it freezes up a lot...

Edited by Minger
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Out of curiosity, how long does the process usually take? I have about 5000 songs, but nothing has changed on the keygen...

nevermind, just started workin as soon as I posted...

Man this is gonna take a long while.

Hm...great program, but it freezes up a lot...

What takes most of the time is mp3 file manager copying the files... For me it took almost 1 hour for copying 5000 files in the player.

Explain me the freezing stuff :ol_rolleyes:

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Since i try, i havn't any hang up !

Just problems during mp3 playback, the extracting phase before playing

is sometimes a little bit too long for the player, (it's my feeling)

the connection seems to be lost, go to next track or say please generate keys...

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Hey I just got the software and tested it out, I would firstly like to say a big THANK YOU for your time and effort so far to give us this freedom. I am hoping that eventuall you can turn it into a software that can fully replace SS, much like the many software for the ipod like ephPod and stuff like that. To help you get there I'll give you suggestions and my thoughts and experiences.

I went through the wizard, fairly easy to go through it, except when you have to drop the tmp files on the mp3FM it crashed, then i tried to do it again even though the pc was crashed and it didnt respond for a few minutes but then started, and it took so long I was able to watch The Lord Of The Rings return of the king and it was still going when I came back, I only have 1400 songs on there, but i do have usb1.1, maybe a warning that says it will take as long as it normally would to transfer all the songs on to the player on that particular screen.

Second problem I had was that when the comp crashed i closed the wizard. So i had to start it again and it created the tmp files again, but it was still the same so i was able to complete the wizard, and my songs are still in tact so all good.

In the actual browser there was a little problem viewing a particular album. The window on the right had the (all albums) or whatever but above it it had the Destiny's child album called #1's, and when you clicked #1's it did what (all albums) should have done and displayed everything, then when you clicked (all albums) it showed nothing. So no idea what's happening, but i suppose look at the program when you have an album named #1's and see what it does.

There is a little restriction with the 'save tracks' thing. You cant save only a single track, if you open an album and press save tracks it saves the whole album, it would be so much better if you could put a right click menu so when you right click on a particular song you can save it individually. Especially when you only want 1 song off a large album and it would take ages for nothing.

Also is there any way you can distinguish mp3s from Atracs in the browser? It would be good to add another column just so people know which of their songs are mp3 and can be saved, plus its just good to have, as well as bitrate if its not too hard.

Oh one last thing, when you double click the .exe to start the browser it seems like its not doing anything for a while then it opens with everything there. I know in SS and mp3FM it takes a while to load the tracks, but they actually tell you what its doing, so it would be good if the program opened first and then read the player. Its just good to know its not crashed or something. I'm not sure how quickly it loads the library with a usb2.0 connection but its pretty slow with 1.1.

Thats all i can think of at the moment. I'll share any further experiences when they come.

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I've tried your soft and i just say you bravo (and go on making this work better and better!)

Just two questions :

1) when I save back my mp3 files, their IdTags have been lost : is it because they already have been lost during transfert from PC to HD5 via SStage or Mp3File Manager?

2) The file's size is different between original file and back-up file on PC (original mp3 in my PC or size of the OMA file in HD5). What's the stuff? (IdTag can not be the difference because the lost is about 20% - depends on files)

Thanks and good job.

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It usually hangs when ever i try to play mp3s.Does it works with NW-E505 or NW-hd3.When ever i have tested to play the omg files (when e505 is connected) no sound comes from the speaker & when i click anywhere on the screen a message appears

Note:I don`t have Nw-hd5 right now to test.As my dad has taken it away

Edited by Stuge
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Now i can play track on different computer without carring extra cds.

xispe i would like to tell something that when ever i try to jump from one song to another(during play) during that time player sometimes hang & it hangs for about 2-3 minutes.Pl tell me is it b`coz i tested the browser using NW-E505 ,as i think it is b`coz of usb transfer rate is slower in nw-e505.

But thanx again for the wonderful software & hoping that it will replace sonic stage in near future

Edited by Stuge
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Since i try, i havn't any hang up !

Just problems during mp3 playback, the extracting phase before playing

is sometimes a little bit too long for the player, (it's my feeling)

the connection seems to be lost, go to next  track or say please generate keys...

Before playing the file, the file must be fully extracted. That why it takes sometime before the file starts playing.

For futher versions i'm considering doing this as the mp3 plays.

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One thing that i would like to add that whenever u save tracks.It save in mp3 128kpbs(default) irrespective in which format & in which bit rate u have transffered ur files in ur network walkman.I see no setting to change the bitrate of saving the tracks.I think there should be more flexibilty for this thing

please note this xispe

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Hey I just got the software and tested it out, I would firstly like to say a big THANK YOU for your time and effort so far to give us this freedom. I am hoping that eventuall you can turn it into a software that can fully replace SS, much like the many software for the ipod like ephPod and stuff like that. To help you get there I'll give you suggestions and my thoughts and experiences.

I went through the wizard, fairly easy to go through it, except when you have to drop the tmp files on the mp3FM it crashed, then i tried to do it again even though the pc was crashed and it didnt respond for a few minutes but then started, and it took so long I was able to watch The Lord Of The Rings return of the king and it was still going when I came back, I only have 1400 songs on there, but i do have usb1.1, maybe a warning that says it will take as long as it normally would to transfer all the songs on to the player on that particular screen.

Second problem I had was that when the comp crashed i closed the wizard. So i had to start it again and it created the tmp files again, but it was still the same so i was able to complete the wizard, and my songs are still in tact so all good.

Before it actually starts transfering the files, mp3 file manager encodes all the dragged files, thats why it almost seems crashed, but in fact it isn't.

In the actual browser there was a little problem viewing a particular album. The window on the right had the (all albums) or whatever but above it it had the Destiny's child album called #1's, and when you clicked #1's it did what (all albums) should have done and displayed everything, then when you clicked (all albums) it showed nothing. So no idea what's happening, but i suppose look at the program when you have an album named #1's and see what it does.
I'm going to test the #1's album bug :ol_biggrin: it's a very unusual type of title ;)

There is a little restriction with the 'save tracks' thing. You cant save only a single track, if you open an album and press save tracks it saves the whole album, it would be so much better if you could put a right click menu so when you right click on a particular song you can save it individually. Especially when you only want 1 song off a large album and it would take ages for nothing.

Thanks for the saving tracks tip, It makes sense to save a single track.

Also is there any way you can distinguish mp3s from Atracs in the browser? It would be good to add another column just so people know which of their songs are mp3 and can be saved, plus its just good to have, as well as bitrate if its not too hard.
Have to thing a easy way of doing that ;)

Oh one last thing, when you double click the .exe to start the browser it seems like its not doing anything for a while then it opens with everything there. I know in SS and mp3FM it takes a while to load the tracks, but they actually tell you what its doing, so it would be good if the program opened first and then read the player. Its just good to know its not crashed or something. I'm not sure how quickly it loads the library with a usb2.0 connection but its pretty slow with 1.1.

Thats all i can think of at the moment. I'll share any further experiences when they come.

In future versions for high demanding data transfer situations, messages will be displayed for people with USB 1.1

With USB 2.0 I bearly notice the application starting up

Thanks for your comments!

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I've tried your soft and i just say you bravo (and go on making this work better and better!)

Just two questions :

1) when I save back my mp3 files, their IdTags have been lost : is it because they already have been lost during transfert from PC to HD5 via SStage or Mp3File Manager?

The encoded files in the player don't have IdTags, SS and MP3FM cuts them out. :(

I'm considering the possibility of recreating some of the Id3Tags by using the Title, artist, Album, Genre information that are associated with the track.

2) The file's size is different between original file and back-up file on PC (original mp3 in my PC or size of the OMA file in HD5). What's the stuff? (IdTag can not be the difference because the lost is about 20% - depends on files)

Wow... that's odd! I'll try to check that ... but the files are with the same bitrate / length...

Thanks and good job.

Thanks for using GYM! :ol_cool:

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I don`t know how it starts working .I tried again & again & then success  .I`m able to save tracks & even now i`m able to play as well.

Note :I have tested the browser on "NW-E505"

Nice! I like when things work. Looks like we found another compatible device. :ol_biggrin:

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Now i can play track on different computer without carring extra cds.

xispe i would like to tell something that when ever i try to jump from one song  to another(during play)  during that time player sometimes hang & it hangs for about 2-3 minutes.Pl tell me  is it b`coz i tested the browser using NW-E505 ,as i think it is b`coz of usb transfer rate is slower in nw-e505.

But thanx again for the wonderful software & hoping that it will replace sonic stage in near future

Your computer has USB 2.0 ? or 1.1 ?

It seems that it is taking too long to get the tracks off the player...

How long are the tracks ?

What are your computer specifications ?

While reading the source track GYM decodes the track using the correct cypher keys. This process can be intensive, depending mostly on your computer specifications.

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One thing that i would like to add that whenever u save tracks.It save in mp3 128kpbs(default) irrespective in which format & in which bit rate u have transffered ur files in ur network walkman.I see no setting to change the bitrate of saving the tracks.I think there should be more flexibilty for this thing

please note this xispe

GYM doesn't do any kind of bit rate conversion. After saving if you get 128 kbps files means that you have 128 kbps files in the player.

There shall be no setting to transcode to a different bitrate, the tracks shall be copied as is.

Thanks :ol_smile:

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The encoded files in the player don't have IdTags, SS and MP3FM cuts them out. :(

I'm considering the possibility of recreating some of the Id3Tags by using the Title, artist, Album, Genre information that are associated with the track.

Wow... that's odd! I'll try to check that ... but the files are with the same bitrate / length...

Thanks for using GYM! :ol_cool:

I'm very sorry but I've mistaken a bit. :ol_angry: .. 20% looks like enormous. And it is! I surely compared two different files. I verified and the difference is about some ko max only! (Surely tags cut..).

So no problem with that and forget it!

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GYM doesn't do any kind of bit rate conversion. After saving if you get 128 kbps files means that you have 128 kbps files in the player.

There shall be no setting to transcode to a different bitrate, the tracks shall be copied as is.

Thanks  :ol_smile:

Thanks god :ol_dead:

If it wasn't you create the fastest encoder on the world :ol_lol:

I tried GYM on usb 1 on my work, init is longer 3mn with my HD5 30Go.

10 s on USB2.

I cant imagine creating the keys on usb1

Edited by Vovo
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Your computer has USB 2.0 ? or 1.1 ?

It seems that it is taking too long to get the tracks off the player...

How long are the tracks ?

What are your computer specifications ?

While reading the source track GYM decodes the track using the correct cypher keys. This process can be intensive, depending mostly on your computer specifications.

My computer has USB 2.0

2.I have tested track of around 3-4minutes

3.(i).CPU.Pentium 4(2.0ghz)


(iii). Western Digital Hard Disk(5200rpm)


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