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GYM doesn't do any kind of bit rate conversion. After saving if you get 128 kbps files means that you have 128 kbps files in the player.

There shall be no setting to transcode to a different bitrate, the tracks shall be copied as is.

I saved those tracks which were transferred from Sonic stage to e505 at atrac 64kpbs & about mp3 they were all tranferred at 192kpbs thats why i was telling u that it converts files in 128kpbs & i was amazed to see that

Note: For testing i chose 5 tracks at 64kpbs(atrac) & 5tracks at 192kpbs(mp3).Total of 10 tracks were tested...

Edited by Stuge
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Hello Xispe

After 3 days of intensives tests, i really love GYM !!!

Now when i'm at work i listen my music with GYM, the browser is great

(no more little lcd display) and the shuffle is easy, without stupid playlists.

And now some suggestions (only suggestions)

- Shuffle mode : it will be nice to sort the track list with the shuffle order

and play all sequentially.

- Player : a pause, volume control or simply to launch winamp,

but i like the idea of the internal player (autonomous use)

- Browser : The track# (need to be calculate, i think), ATRAC/MP3, bitrate, size...

- Put the focus on the playing track in the browser.

- Perhaps it's possible to preload the next track to avoid silences.

- Saving atrac files on the pc, just a simple copy but with the good file name,

after they could be convert with HIMDrender.

- Recreating tags for mp3 with the filename (actually i do it with tag&rename)

- An icon for GYM.exe

It's only feedback, there's no orders in my suggestions,

you can do what you want with these ideas.

Thanks a lot (again) for your work. :ol_lol:

Edited by Vovo
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Can I just say excellent work on this app - I've been waiting for something like this since I bought my NW-HD5.

My sincere thanks for helping me escape from SS.

I was going to try writing something, but you have saved me time and effort here - cheers!

As far as I can see, this app needs to be pushed in the following direction:

1. Integrate the mp3manager functionality into the program. I know some progress was made understanding how this working for the HD3. I think there are differences for the HD5 though. This link may help


2. Playlists? Wouldn't that be GREAT?!!! I have none on my player, since I refuse to use SS!

If you need a bit of cash, I will definitely contribute via Paypal!

Good luck my friend


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Doesn't play my files either at home on XP or at work on 2000. Please find debug code from my work machine. Any ideas?

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Lister.Classes.PlayQueue.Play()
   at Lister.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version: 1.0.5000.0
    Win32 Version: 1.1.4322.573
    CodeBase: file:///c:/winnt/microsoft.net/framework/v1.1.4322/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version: 1.0.2143.22909
    Win32 Version: 1.0.2143.22909
    CodeBase: file:///E:/GYM1.0/GYM.exe
    Assembly Version: 1.0.5000.0
    Win32 Version: 1.1.4322.573
    CodeBase: file:///c:/winnt/assembly/gac/system.windows.forms/1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089/system.windows.forms.dll
    Assembly Version: 1.0.5000.0
    Win32 Version: 1.1.4322.573
    CodeBase: file:///c:/winnt/assembly/gac/system/1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089/system.dll
    Assembly Version: 1.0.5000.0
    Win32 Version: 1.1.4322.573
    CodeBase: file:///c:/winnt/assembly/gac/system.drawing/1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/system.drawing.dll
    Assembly Version: 1.0.5000.0
    Win32 Version: 1.1.4322.573
    CodeBase: file:///c:/winnt/assembly/gac/system.xml/1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089/system.xml.dll
    Assembly Version: 1.0.2143.22689
    Win32 Version: 1.0.2143.22689
    CodeBase: file:///E:/GYM1.0/CSSound.DLL

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In this weekend i'll try to produce a webpage for the software, with a looooong wishlist section, where I will put all your comments / wishes.

I also plan to release a new version to fix some bugs I detected and others you detected.

And of course add a Paypal Donate link for those interested! :D

THanks! ;)

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In this weekend i'll try to produce a webpage for the software, with a looooong wishlist section, where I will put all your comments / wishes.

I also plan to release a new version to fix some bugs I detected and others you detected.

And of course add a Paypal Donate link for those interested! :D

THanks! ;)


GYM deserve its own website,

and you, encouragements...

If you need help for translate GYM in French, testing, etc...

Bye Xispe

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Is there a good chance that your program will be able to aslo upload mp3s and possibly without conversion?

i'm trying to find a website, forum, or even a straight download link to the Mp3file Manager program everyone here is talking about.  could anyone post it

Try this



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I forgot to mention that i have hd3 walkman. Sony filemanager doesn't seem to support it. If you think or know otherwise let me know if i should still install it and use with hd3

Who told u that mp3 filemanager is not suppoted by nw-hd3..????????????

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Who told u that mp3 filemanager is not suppoted by nw-hd3..????????????

The list of the supported players is posted on the download page and there is no mention of hd3.

Driver & MP3 File Manager Ver.2.0 Installer for the Network Walkman NW-E103/E105/E107/E403/E405/E407/E503/E505/E507

but i will install and see what happens.

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The list of the supported players is posted on the download page and there is no mention of hd3.

Driver & MP3 File Manager Ver.2.0 Installer for the Network Walkman NW-E103/E105/E107/E403/E405/E407/E503/E505/E507

but i will install and see what happens.

I just tried instaling mp3 file manager and it can't find a player. Any ideas to make it recognize it. I turned off ss and left the player connected.

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New Version! :ol_biggrin::ol_cool::ol_biggrin::ol_smile:

go get it at:


Old decodeKeys.dat and encodeKeys.dat are compatible with this version, so just copy them to the GYM directory. No need to run the KeyWizard again.

New stuff:

- Improved playback (less bugs i hope)

- Improved playback speed (decodes next track while playing current)

- Improved navigation, click on the genre, album, artist and track labels in the now playing area and see what happens.

- Improved shuffle! :)

- Follow me shuffle! :D (figure out how)

- UI looks nicer :)

- Icon!

- Automatic MP3 tag creation upon saving.

- Possibility of saving a single track.

Have fun.

Homepage will be available soon.

Moderators, would you please update the original GYM post with the link for the new version and the new stuff ? Thanks! :ol_cool:

Edited by xispe
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Looking forward to using this next version!

Following your progress with much interest!



Bugs with playback are now fixed on my XP machine. Congrats!

Like the additions to the UI, and the clickable "now playing" area is cool.

Cannot wait until you can transfer tracks onto the unit via this app ;)

Thanks for putting the time in this weekend.


Edited by nickzeff
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YES a new version is Coming (after the Beaujolais).

First impression : it looks nicer !

A volume control, a pause, an icon, a single file save button,

focus on the playing track...

Nice the click on icons in the player window

happiness :ol_biggrin: happiness :ol_biggrin:

A bug, it seems that there's a problem when decoding the MP3 infos,

1 car shift, i've got :

Apples OrangeT - mashing Pumkins (The)T - 998 AdoreT - ockT

But only on 6 tracks (on 5000), strange, perhaps a code page problem.

I'm looking at my tags. (But it was ok with the 1.0)

And of course impossible to play these tracks.

YES find it, it's when there's a character '+' in the tags !

Apples + Oranges

Question: when are the mp3 in the tmp directory deleted ?

When gym is closed ? What happens if you play a lot of tracks ? disk overflow ?

Thanks again Xispe


Edited by Vovo
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Hi! The mp3s are deleted when gym is closed, and as you advance in the tracks.

There should be only 2 mp3s in this directory, which is the current playing track and the next track (for switching faster to the next one).

Regarding that bug i'll investigate. The loading from the source file is slightly different now.


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Great improvements!


Just one bug i've noticed (regression) with version 1.1 :

Some strings in track's tag description (Genre or Artist) are oddly cropped or changed and a "T" appears at the end or the beginning : for example, on some tracks the Genre was Electro : became "Tlectro", artist Aphex Twin became "phex TwinT"... It is not for all tracks of a same Genre or same Artist :ol_exclaim:

A screenshot is attached. .

When you intend to play the track, it sucks, of course. ;)

When GYM1.0 is used with the same database, all is right.

Thanks again

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Hi! The mp3s are deleted when gym is closed, and as you advance in the tracks.

There should be only 2 mp3s in this directory, which is the current playing track and the next track (for switching faster to the next one).

Works fine, but i try and tracks are not deleted during a session,

(shuffle tracks on all tracks).

The volume control, is strange, the first time you click on the level slide,

the Wave volume in the general volume control is set to the middle,

with headsets it's :ol_shocked:

If you work with the wave volume control can't you read the inital volume level ?


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Some strings in track's tag description (Genre or Artist) are oddly cropped or changed and a "T" appears at the end or the beginning : for example, on some tracks the Genre was Electro : became "Tlectro", artist Aphex Twin became "phex TwinT"... It is not for all tracks of a same Genre or same Artist  :ol_exclaim:

'+' In tags !

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Works fine, but i try and tracks are not deleted during a session,

(shuffle tracks on all tracks).

The volume control, is strange, the first time you click on the level slide,

the Wave volume in the general volume control is set to the middle,

with headsets it's  :ol_shocked:

If you work with the wave volume control can't you read the inital volume level ?


I am having the same problem as you with the tracks that don't get deleted :ol_dead::ol_cry:

Regarding the volume control, I don't read the initial volume level :ol_sick::ol_smile:

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Today i saw the new GYM ver 1.1.

Thanx xispe.First i will test then i will give review.....


hurray! Now we can save selected tracks we like.

Sometimes I doget "unhandled Exception" when I try to switch from one song to another.I don`t know why .But lot of improvements have been made.

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Thanks for your huge work.

I also find a small bug.

I have an album witch begins with '!' char, in full name "!k7 dj kicks"

As ! comes earlier in alphabetical order, it's displayed before "All xxx Artists" entry

But in fact when i click on it, it works like the "All xxx Artists" entry

Also a small impovement that would be quite usefull and witch is easy to make :

Could you please add context menu to the track list.

For example :

~My Track~

-> Play <- (or Stop depends playing status)

-> Extract <-

-> Select All <-

And please add shift / control keys usual kind of behaviour for multi selection

It would ease the use of your app so much...

Thank you

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Ok guys!

Version 1.1a is released.

Let's see if all the title problems are over now.

Now I'm reading the titles as UNICODE. So as long as the operting system supports the characters they will be displayed.

I fixed the problem with the !k7djs that appeared over the "(All Artists)". Now the browsing is supported by a better (i hope) identifier and hashtable based system that solves all these problems and provides a better performance!

Have a test at:


Overwrite the previous version and maintain decodeKeys.dat and encodeKeys.dat (you already know that).

The solution to all the other bugs will come in the next release, ONLY if GYM can handle japanese, arabic, russian, whatever... :ol_groucho::ol_bah::ol_biggrin:

So test it for me :ol_smile:

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Is it me or the !K7 bug is still alive ?

1. When i choose "!K7 Dj kicks" entry in Artists list,

in the Albums column, the matching albums are :

(All xx albums)

and all the complete album list as entries

2. When i choose "(All xxx Artists)", the only entry is "(All 0 Albums)"


And also thanks for your quick fixes !!


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Catastrophy! after a crash when intalling your very cool program and checking codes, my HD5 became unreadable. Then, I reinitialized the hard drive, apparently back to normal. BUT, when connecting to Sonictsage to transfer my tracks again, a message appear, and says it looks for tracks that had been erased and wants to bring back rights... every time I have an error message with a long list of "no title", and keeps on giving me the same message of searching tracks to bring back play rights... there is no end to that!

So I wondered how to return to the real initial configuration! like when I bought it, to use my HD5 again with sonicstage!!! I'm scared to have lost my HD5, sniff sniff!!! thanx in advance for your help, and bravo for your program I checked a little... too bad I had no time to really use it!!!

UPDATE: SOLVED: I don't know what I did, but filling the HD5 with MP3 through MP3 manager, then using new version of your program, and then using SS 3.3 again, everything was alright! MP3 were displayed in SS 3.3 and I can transfer again. Life is beautiful.

Edited by willykyu
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