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Don't know how to tell this to you and be nice about it so I guess the best way is to just yell it out: "YOUR NEW HALLOWEEN COLORS SUCK!".

When you are a little long in the teeth and looking at the wrong side of 60 your eyes start to go down hill. Well I find it tough to read this color and it to be quite honest a "BIG PAIN IN THE BUTT".

I will survive and continue to check in daily but am looking forward to Nov 1.

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I've switched back too btw. Don't care much for Halloween, as does most of the rest of this country.

BTW, when will the old skins (or new skins) be back? I'm dieing for that old grayscale minimalistic skin.

And maybe put the extra languages back in while the administrator is at it?

Edited by Breepee2
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I can't cope with the halloween scheme either - you might want to think about not making it the default automatically as most people won't realise it can be changed back (I wouldn't have known if I hadn't decided to moan about it and found this thread!)

What's with the whole 'happy halloween' anyway - there's nothing happy about it, it's stupid and encourages kids to go out on the streets late at night and beg for sweets from strangers :unsure:


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What's with the whole 'happy halloween' anyway - there's nothing happy about it, it's stupid and encourages kids to go out on the streets late at night and beg for sweets from strangers :unsure:

Ahah yeh. I hate halloween as well here in Sydney :P

All the little children come all dressed up to your house expecting lollies and everything! It gets very annoying!

One year soon, I will be on the roof with eggs! :P

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