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Need help on MD recorder with Microphone

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I am a classical singer, I want to buy a MD recorder with a very good microphone. I found that "Sony MZ-R55 Minidisc recorder with an Audio Technica AT822 self-powered stereo mike" is a good choice. I don't have a lot of money so I don't care whether it is a MD or Hi-MD because I am going to buy a very good quality microphone. But Sony MZ-R55 Minidisc recorder is unavailable anywhere on the internet. Could anybody give me some suggestions on that? Is there any other MDs that can sub for MZ-R55? I really care the quality since I need it to record my "real voice".

Thanks so much!

Email: Sumia700@hotmail.com


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the reason you could'nt find the r55 is because its too old.

basically any md with a mic input will be good for you. the recording quality is the same ( exept on the new hi-md where you can record pcm-totally uncompressed, high quality).

i am a classical musician my self and record my playing with an old mz-r700 and a sony mic.

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Hi Charlotte. What do you want to do with your recordings when you have finished recording? Do you want to keep them on the MD for self-analysis or do you aim to transfer them to computer to burn to CD? If it is the latter then HI-MD has the advantage of being able to transfer quickly the recording to the PC whereas a minidisc will only allow you to play it back in real time so a recording of half and hour would take half an hour. I mention it because you only have to read this forum to see that many people expect to be able to copy at high speeds to the computer with their MD and are disappointed to find that they cannot.

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Thanks so much for all your replY! It is very helpful for me. I am a music student and a classical singer at School, so I will use it for self-analysis(voice lessons, rehearsals) and also if it's in very good, clear sounding(that's why i will buy AT822 mike), I will use it for audition or competition CD. The reason I chose MD is because it's cheaper(old model) and many people say R-55 is good. Since I couldn't find it, I might take your suggestions on HI-MD and try "something700-900", I don't know the difference between Mz-R and Mz-NH.

Would you please give me some informationa on that?

Thanks so much for all your help!


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The NH family is the first generation of HiMD, the RH is the 2nd gen. (Plus there are also 2 semi-pro units for Mac users). The 2nd gen. support native mp3, but that doesn't matter much for recording purpose.

The NH700 is likely to be the cheapest (with mic-in) you can find if you can get a deal.

NH800 is almost like the NH700 with radio.

NH900 has more options and partial metal cover.

In the RH family, you have the RH910 and RH10, the latest having a nice OLED screen (and is more expensive).

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It is getting difficult to find any models but the RH models. The NH models aren't being made any more, though if you search eBay you might find one.

The RH910 is around $170 new, as here:


The only difference between it and the RH10, as was pointed out, is the display.

I have the NHF800 and NH700, both excellent if you can find them. As a musician, you may be interested in the NH900, which allows you to change the pitch when you play back. Unless you care about that, though, you're just as well off with any of the other Hi-MD recorders.

NH600, NH600D, RH710 and DH10P don't have mic jacks, so skip them.

No matter what you read in some older forums, at this point you should only consider MZ-NH and MZ-RH models. Older models--and there are lots of them with lots of confusing numbers (MZ-R**, MZ-N**)--are obsolete because 1) they don't record in CD-quality PCM and 2) they don't upload to the computer so you can edit and burn the best-quality files.

For your purposes, you might also be able to find a more inexpensive microphone, though the AT822 has an excellent reputation. Some people on this site record classical music and perhaps they can recommend others as well.

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Thanks very much for all taking the time answer my questions. I found out that NH800, 900 model are more expensive than RH 910 on the internet, could you tell me why?

Would anybody provide me some good, honest websites that sell Sony MDs? I don't know if I can trust Ebay, especially MD recorder, of course I need a NEW one, but even if it says "new", I am unsure if I should trust.

Thanks very much


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This might depend where you live. There's some bargain currently with 1st gen unit in Canada and Australia. Have a look at the market place in the forum for some places to buy. I wouldn't recommend the NH800 unless you actually want the radio.

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It looks like Minidisco has more of the 1st-generations at good prices--they were out of stock for a while.

The recording capability is the same on all models. The differences are in other features.

With no radio, I recommend the NH700. The NH900 has a few more features but none of them are necessary.


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I'd second the recommendation of the NH700 if you can find them... very good machine, runs on a standard AA battery (which you can buy anywhere...so that's easy), no (for recording) useless extras, ...

before you get uploading (your own recordings from MD->PC) be sure to read the pinned/stickied threads in the live recording section as they can prevent the most common mistakes (cause we all made them already :lol: )

;) so, now that we've advised you on good gear and uploading techniques ... how about uploading some fragments of your singing to the gallery once you get the hang of it (of recording that is :P )

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I live in USA,I don't care the radio, I just care if it can record good quality sound, because I am a classical singer. NH800 IS NOT GOOD AS NH 700 OR NH 900?


No, as also pointed by others, it's as good as the 700, but you will pay extra just for the radio. I mean save your cash for the 700, or get extra features like partial metal cover, or pitch control with the 900.

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I strongly recommend that you don't wait. Sony stopped selling its first-generation (MZ-NH) units in Australia and dealers got a bunch of them in bulk. Minidisc Canada had some and sold out. Minidisco got some, sold out, and seems to have a few more. But when they're gone, they won't be back.


The NH700 will record beautifully at the quality of whatever mic you use.

I got my NHF800 for about $230 when it came out in 2004, and have been using it steadily ever since. The only thing that has worn out is the little rubber gasket that covers the USB port because I've uploaded too much music. java script:emoticon(':rolleyes:', 'smid_13')

:rolleyes: Otherwise, the unit is a little workhorse. The NH700 is the same unit minus the radio, and $149 for a new one is a ridiculously low price.

I've never had the RH910, which is in the same price range and more widely available, but I prefer this unit because it takes a regular AA battery in the unit itself that is easily replaced. The RH910 has a rechargeable gumstick battery in the unit and an outboard battery pod (for AA) that makes it bulkier.

Seriously, if you're thinking about MD, the NH700 is the one to grab. I got one of the Australian ones myself for the sad day when the NHF800 eventually wears out.

I've never dealt with Minidisco, but they've been around and have a good reputation, and you can contact them here


if you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, guys, I bought MZ-NH700 at minidisco.com, I ordered on Feb.9th and it arrived on the 20th, which is yesterday. A little bit too long.

I want to thank you all for your help and information.

Now I am going to buy a good mike. I need to go to the MIKE forum since this is a MD forum. When I have the MIke and familiar with all other functions, then I can tell the product I bought at minidisco is a good one.



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