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Ok, now that I have got my MZ-RH1....

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... how do I remove the european volume limitations, like with the RH10?

Ok, it's true that I will be using the RH1 for making live recordings

and not as an everyday Walkman, but I would love to get rid of those

stupid restrictions anyway (it's a matter of principle ;)

thanks to everyone who can be of help in this


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Ok, it's true that I will be using the RH1 for making live recordings

and not as an everyday Walkman, but I would love to get rid of those

stupid restrictions anyway (it's a matter of principle ;)

There's even better reason to do this as a recordist, actually - having the full power of the headphone amp available makes live monitoring much, much easier [since what you're recording will often be of a far lower average level in dBfs than any recent pop recording].

Oh, and .. I don't know how to do it. Getting into service mode is likely the same as previous models, but I wouldn't change any settings without knowing for certain what they are beforehand.

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Very simply, if you have a european model, you CANNOT remove the limitations. Nothing to with the firmware from my knowledge. Its all down to a limitation placed on the PCB and output on the headphones jack. The only way is by purchasing a portable amplifier. If you search for removing european limitation, you'll find a nil result everywhere.


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Very simply, if you have a european model, you CANNOT remove the limitations. Nothing to with the firmware from my knowledge. Its all down to a limitation placed on the PCB and output on the headphones jack. The only way is by purchasing a portable amplifier. If you search for removing european limitation, you'll find a nil result everywhere.


Um. So, what about the threads about "removing the eurocap" from older models, the threads about the country codes for HiMD models, the threads about how to get into service mode and what option is the country code [and how changing that sets the volume cap of the headphone amp]?

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i'd guess you'll have to wait until someone gets the service manual or until someone's brave enough to get into service mode & works out the destination codes.

^mork^, you'll just have to hang around & wait, it'll come.

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Um. So, what about the threads about "removing the eurocap" from older models, the threads about the country codes for HiMD models, the threads about how to get into service mode and what option is the country code [and how changing that sets the volume cap of the headphone amp]?

Excuse me for my ignorance. No need to get like that. Yes, I completely missed those topics entirely admittedly. But it is only for certain models at the end of the day.

Maybe we may get a solution for the Euro Model for the RH1. But I don't see the point of purchasing it if I can get a Japanese import for the same price.

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Tunster...just don't state such things so strongly as 'truths' if you are not certain about them at all...

as I said in another thread: there are known ways of uncapping the euro models (not all MDs tout court, but definitely all HiMDs released in europe this far, except perhaps the DH10P) but:

- the code to enter the service mode is different for each generation so the currently known codes will probably not work for the RH1

- the 1st gen HiMD is known to have some hardware limiter as well as the software part, so it can only be partly negated (i.e. it will never have the same output as other regions) but this has not been found in the 2nd gen HiMD's (and yes, ppl have been studying service manuals I believe)

- the region codes are not the same for each model (not even within one generation) so even if you do get into the service menu, be very careful changing stuff without good knowledge

bottom line: the ppl trying to get rid of the Euro-capping will probably have to wait until someone gets hold of a service manual and better still, of service manuals depicting the internals of RH1s from different regions so we know whether there is hardware capping in these or not

but I for one would rather have a Euro RH1 with local warranty and use it with sosme higly efficient phones than import a Japanes/US one... it's not like the RH10 where there were additional extras (LCD-remote and nice colours) with the japanese model... it's just the euro-capping (which will be - at least partially - defeated within little times)

Edited by The Low Volta
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- the 1st gen HiMD is known to have some hardware limiter as well as the software part, so it can only be partly negated (i.e. it will never have the same output as other regions) but this has not been found in the 2nd gen HiMD's (and yes, ppl have been studying service manuals I believe)

Are you absolutely sure about this? Way back when I ran the level comparison tests for various country codes on my Canadian-model NH700, setting to the/any "euro" code would limit the output, and setting it to North America / Asia would uncap it. Period. Are you saying that there's a difference in how much a change can take place when comparing 1st and 2nd gen units?

All I recall is everyone thanking the ones responsible for posting the country codes et al because their [previously eurocapped] units weren't [eurocapped] after making the change. The same also applied to 2nd-gen units, from what I recall.

What I specifically don't recall is anyone discussing the kind of difference you're describing between 1st and 2nd gen units. Maybe I missed something [as I never attempted changing/testing with my RH10]?

Or - if there was some noted difference [that I missed] between g1 and g2, perhaps it was because all 2nd gen units use the same digital amp, whereas 1st gen was split between hd-digital [NH1], digital [NH900], and analogue [NH600, NH700, NH800F].. They do *not* put out the same amount of power at the same impedance.

Curiouser and curiouser.

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Or - if there was some noted difference [that I missed] between g1 and g2, perhaps it was because all 2nd gen units use the same digital amp, whereas 1st gen was split between hd-digital [NH1], digital [NH900], and analogue [NH600, NH700, NH800F].. They do *not* put out the same amount of power at the same impedance.

Curiouser and curiouser.

There was indeed some discussion on this as far as possible hardware mods to the euro models goes - I'll have to see if I can find the links.

The NH900 also has the HD Amp incidentally and the 2nd gen DH10P also (unlike the rest of the 2nd gen). Sorry to nitpick. :P

My NH900 Euro version is uncapped, but still sounds very muddy compared to any other HD Amp player I have - I don't know if this is due to hardware or the fact that all my other HD Amp units are Li-Ion battery powered vs. the Ni-Mh of the NH900.

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There was indeed some discussion on this as far as possible hardware mods to the euro models goes - I'll have to see if I can find the links.

Thanks. I'll act the clueless noob for once [rather than spending 8 hours writing a single post as I did last night].

The NH900 also has the HD Amp incidentally and the 2nd gen DH10P also (unlike the rest of the 2nd gen). Sorry to nitpick. :P

[looking through service manuals] .. yes, they do have the same h/p amp. My mistake, based on the product literature which for some reason [in every example of both that I've found .. again] states that the NH1 has hd and the NH90 is simply "digital." Bloody marketing people. ;)

My NH900 Euro version is uncapped, but still sounds very muddy compared to any other HD Amp player I have - I don't know if this is due to hardware or the fact that all my other HD Amp units are Li-Ion battery powered vs. the Ni-Mh of the NH900.

It would be interesting to test them side-by-side.

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Are you absolutely sure about this? Way back when I ran the level comparison tests for various country codes on my Canadian-model NH700, setting to the/any "euro" code would limit the output, and setting it to North America / Asia would uncap it. Period. Are you saying that there's a difference in how much a change can take place when comparing 1st and 2nd gen units?

hi dex, am i absolutely sure about this?... well uh, sorry, no. Why not, well simply because I am not really able to read electronis layouts etc and I dunno whether the downloads section offers different regional service manuals or the different regional NH900s are all represented in the service manual, so I can't check what was posted in this thread...

but it does sound like this guy did his research (well I'm a sucker for detailled explanations and he did mention the specific ohms of the resistors etc) so I'm inclined to believe him...

it would be interesting if you (or someone else) could check this! but still, as I said, the volume on my NH900 did raise with the uncapping so I guess it is a double capping hardware+software and that removing the software part does something but not the whole thing

so yes, that would mean there is a difference in uncapping the 1st and 2nd gen models (or at least between the NH900 and other models)

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hi dex, am i absolutely sure about this?... well uh, sorry, no. Why not, well simply because I am not really able to read electronis layouts etc and I dunno whether the downloads section offers different regional service manuals or the different regional NH900s are all represented in the service manual, so I can't check what was posted in this thread...

Aaaaahhhhh.. thanks, volta.

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