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using non-Hi-MD discs

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Yesterday I believe I read something on this forum that said that I could reformat old style, non Hi-MD discs so they can hold 1GB --essentially becoming Hi-MD discs.

Or was I dreaming?

I have been trying really hard searching by every term I could think of to find that post, but I can't track it down.

So what's the story? If I use non-Hi-MD discs on a Hi-MD machine, how much can they hold?


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Understood. What I want to know is, when I format it as a Hi-MD blank then can it hold as much data as a Hi-MD blank?

No it will not. You get roughly 305mb when a standard MD is formatted into a Hi-MD Disc.

All of this info is on the minidisc.org page, you just need to read up on it. (AKA.. don't be lazy XD )


Edited by blazer78
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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys,

I don't mean to hijack this thread, and I do apologize for breaking in, but I am having a problem with re-formatting and was hoping you could help me. I think it's along the same lines as what you are all discussing.

Once I've recorded something on my Net MD player, I use my MZ-RH1 to check it in, using SS 3.4. What I can't seem to do is re-format the disc so I can once again use it on my Net Md recorder. Each time I erase it, or format it, I can't even get the Net Md to recognize it. I get a TR Protect message and it tells me that there are two track listings with a total of 80:02 on the disc. I know I am doing something wrong, and I've read the earlier site mentioned on this thread, but could someone steer me in the right direction?

Thanks for any help you guys can offer.

The technically inept,

Kat :(

EDIT: Never mind, I did some button pressing and the matter solved itself. Thank anyway!!

Edited by RHAPSODY1
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  • 4 weeks later...

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